Oct 28, 2005 16:14
Hmm.. so where did I leave off.. oh Saturday night..
Sunday-- was aLOT of fun!! Me, Jigga, his mom Joyce, bf Jeff, and bro jerold w/ friend Gonzo ALL went to GREAT AMERICA.. and did we ever have a good time!! His parents have Wild Card passes... so instead of the guests having to pay normal cover of $40/person we only paid $10 to get in!! So that already made my day.. LOL..
Inside.. there are soo many things to do, even with the absence of the water rides.. well the water towns I should say. We rode on like 7 or 8 different MAJOR roller coasters!! It was sooo awesome, and the best part was.. the lines moved extremely fast!! TOP GUN and VERTIGO were my favorite hands down! We went on this raft ride.. where we didnt get wet from the ride.. but from the sharp shooting of JEFF and his water pipes.. geez.. these things shot BUCKETS of water at you! Jeff and I went on this rider similar to the I-5 dive at Wild Waves.. that was alot fun.. I cant believe how high in the air you get.. I bought the DVD as a keep-sake.. so thats cool.. something to hold too.. I wanted to ride with Jigga.. but he wz with his lil bro.. NO biggie.. cz Jeff is cool as fuck! GREAT AMERICA was awesome!! I cant wait til I return.. hopefully next time with more FRIENDS!! (hint hint) =p All in All it wz good times!!
After GA.. they dropped me and Jigga off at my Grandparents place.. we lounged around the house and then headed to bed.. It was nice.. my Gram set up cookies/chips/soda for us before we got there.. *thanks*
Monday- Me, Jigga, and my Grandparents went to Santa Cruz.. that was a nice adventure.. we toured around the area.. walked the docks at Fisherman Wharf.. and then ate lunch at this place right on the dock. They made a MEAN bowl of Clam Chowder.. and had excellent FISH!! I think the reason the fish was so tasty is cz it was sooo FRESH! After Lunch, we headed back to San Jose.. where we chilled around the house until Jeff came and picked us up.. took us back to his moms place..
Tuesday- Me and Jigga spent the whole day OUT and ABOUT! We went to Berkely.. walked around the campus.. mingled with people.. walked around the city for bit.. and then ate a nice bowl of PHO!! After Berkely.. took the BART to San Fransisco!! We walked ALL over the city there.. and ended up at Pier 39.. which was alot of fun!! There was soo much going on.. We saw this ?HERD? of Sea Lions.. it was nice.. there were DOZENS of them on the docks that are actually reserved for them. We walked the different shops.. ate BEN & JERRYs.. **YummY** and watched this really cool painter.. I wanted to buy some of his stuff.. there were some COOL ass pictures that he had.. but since we didnt drive, I didnt want to pack too much stuff with me! )= After that.. we headed back to BART and went back to the WesFair Mall.. thankfully avoided being Raped and Mugged (in that order) and caught a Taxi back to his moms place! wha wha wha
BART- Bay Area Rapid Transportation! We need one of these in Washington! This train like mode of transportation is cheap..easy.. and fun to ride (just like some people I know)!! If we had one from Seattle to Tacoma to Portland with a few stops here and there on the way.. LIFE would be soooo much easier!! Its soo worth the tax payers money to have one of those built!
Wednesday/Thursday/Friday- I spent with my Grandparents.. it was really nice. I LOVE coming here.. just to kick back and relax! Every morning waking up and have cinnoman toast with Rasp or Black berry jam.. and cup of tea or coffee.. a bowl of cereal, reading the paper.. and just enjoying the morning with my Grandparents has been PRICELESS!! When Im here, I dont have worry in the world! We did some projects around the house today (friday) re-installing the mini blinds and some wood-work in the garage. They had ALL the windows in the house replaced yesterday.. it looks beautiful!! Just like when my mom got her windows remodeled. I wanted to start some wood projects like the good 'ol days.. but it will wait until next trip.. plus that will give me some time to think of what I want to do.
Im heading home tomorrow.. all though I had a great time.. and it has been one of my best vacations that I have taken in awhile.. Im ready to go home.. and sleep in my own bed.. well.. i will finish this up at home tomorrow night.. or maybe sunday!
- jAi -