The Tunnel Will End

Jan 18, 2011 12:12

I can see the light and it is not an oncoming train. On December 13, 2010, I started an on-line, off-site backup of my new hard drive and my EHD. That backup was partly finished and we took off on a cruise. Then, it was interrupted while we trekked off to Orlando. Finally, after many re-starts and interruptions, there are only 107 files left to back up for the initial backup to be complete. It is ironic that those remaining files did not exist when I started the backup, as they are pictures that I took while in Disney. I expect my first, full backup to complete today.

Gaahh. And I also know that my backup is not actually complete. Backblaze pulls a selection of files from a huge directory, it does not pull each and every file. My backup is Swiss cheese-like, with random holes in it. As more and more backups run, the holes will get filled in. In the meantime, I am trusting that the second EHD that I use for a local backup will be sufficient.

I recently read a complaint about the policy of an on-line backup service to charge a fee for sending an EHD with your files on it. The complainer was paying $50/year to store an unlimited amount of data and thought that fee should cover the cost of copying the data and shipping an EHD when she needed to recover her files.

And on a completely unrelated note- is it correct to skip the comma between the final adjective and the noun? Is 'first, full backup' correct, or should it be 'first,full, backup?' Or is it one of those things that can be done either way depending on where the writer wants to place emphasis?


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