Snowflake challenge day 8: self rec

Jan 13, 2019 11:37

I am late, and have no ideas for day 7 for now, so I'm skipping ahead to day 8. :)

Day 8
In your own space, post self-recs for at least three fanworks that you created. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

I draw and write both in french (a lot over the years, in many fandom) and in English (much more recent...) So today I'm reccing 3 of each! (Differents from the ones I recced last year, of course.) :D


I choose recent pieces as different as possible from each other. ;)

- Jaws of the Railsea (Railsea, by China Mieville, in french Merfer )
An illustration I did this year: the mole-rats on a hunt, inspired by the iconic "Jaws" poster.
Railsea is a steampunk-SF universe revisiting Moby-Dick, where the railsea is navigated by trains hunting giants moles and other diging animals... among those the mole-rats are smaller but especialy nasty and scary. The universe caught my mind and it's the second fanart I have done for this book.

- Dans les bras de Morphée (The Ancient Magus Bride)
Elias and Chise: a platonic consentacle fanart for a small fandom french exchange. :)

- My familly, by Pubert Adams (Adams Familly)
In which Pubert Adams draws his familly, and the teacher has questions. It goes with a (french) fic, but stands well on it's own.

FICS (in english)

- Surrender (Hannibal)
A short post-S3 fic in which Hannibal goads Will into accepting his own power and reflects on the unexpected ways himself has changed.

- Diary of a Ninken (Naruto)
A fic from Pakkun's point of view written for a Kakashi/Gai fanzine. :D

- Do you walk in (the Valley of Kings) (Lastman)
My Yuletide fic full of canon spoilers for a tiny tiny fandom... I'm not holding my breath for feedback on this one. :D

FICS (in french)

- Munus (Thor Ragnarock)
Un univers alternatif au film, qui démarre au combat dans l'arène... et se trouve être du sex-pollen Thor/Hulk. :D Je me suis éclaté à l'écrire.

- Les aventures de Tribble #5765 (Star Trek)
Une fic humoristique plus ancienne, racontée du point de vue du tribble qui a (à son insu) sauvé Kirk dans Into Darkness, et qui reste une de mes préférées parmi ce que j'ai écrit. (Ou comment Tribble #5765 devint le tribble le plus célèbre de la galaxie.)

- La Vague (La Forme de l'eau)
Alisa/l'être de l'eau : une scène manquante au film, mais aussi la première fois que j'ai écris du het explicite (même s'il se trouve que c'est du porn interspèce). Une petite fic sans ambition, mais dont j'aime beaucoup le résultat final et l'intimité émotionnelle.
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naruto, la famille addams, in english, snowflake challenge, mes fics, mes dessins, #5765, hannibal, lastman, marvel, recs, la forme de l'eau

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