Snowflake Day 6: wishlist

Jan 11, 2019 16:39

I'm late and catching up!

Day 6

In your own space, create a list of at least three fannish things you'd love to receive, something you've wanted but were afraid to ask for - a fannish wish-list of sorts. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your wish-list if you feel comfortable doing so. Maybe someone will grant a wish. Check out other people's posts. Maybe you will grant a wish. If any wishes are granted, we'd love it if you link them to this post.

1) Basic but always immensely appreciated: comments (not even 100% positive as long as they are constructive! As long as it's kindly meant I'm alright with all kind of feedback. My feather aren't easily ruffled and I know nothing is perfect and there’s always room for improvement ! ;) ).

On my fanfics :
In english : Hannibal, Naruto, Lastman, American Gods, Star Wars crossovers with les Mis or Hannibal.
En français : j’ai beaucoup écrit entre autre pour Batman, Naruto, Star Trek AOS, Sandman, Hannibal, Sherlock, le MCU, mais aussi (moins) sur Le trône de Fer, Les dossiers Dresden, Person of Interest, Hunter X Hunter, White Collar et bien d’autres.
Et voici un petit top 10 totalement subjectif de mes fics en français pour celles et ceux qui ne sauraient pas par où commencer.

On my art (the link goes to my old tumblr as it’s where most of the stuf still is).
I’m actually in the process of moving houses regarding my art-posting and so follows for my new accounts would also be greatly appreciated: on instagram, facebook or tumblr.

2) I’m suffering an embarassement of riches and my reading list is already pretty full, but anyway fics (or recs) for the following fandoms/themes would be welcome anyway:

- Hunter X Hunter: anything well written really, I love fics that manage to make clever use of the Nen, worldbuilding and Gon’s orange and blue morality. Pairing-wise I especially like Gon/Kirua, Kurapika/Leorio and Hisoka/anyone... and as the fandom is pretty dead I haven't seen many fics based on the current arcs, or the most recent worldbuiding... Trans!Kurapika is always welcome.

- I love pairings built around loyalty and/or with bdsm themes, service… as well as gets together and relationship negociations. Any good fic in the fandoms cited above that deals with those themes will probably be of interest to me! :)
  3) I want kink-memes to come back!
And more specifically I was taking about it with a friend, and what I think would actually be great would be an interspecies kink-meme: cutural differences, xeno, monsterfucking… It’s all tropes I love, and 2019 had great examples in many fandoms (Venom, The shape of Water, Star Trek Discovery…)
I have no idea how well a multifandom kink-meme would actualy work, But it could be such fun…
But truly I would be on board for a kinkmeme in any of my fandoms. :D

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in english, liste, snowflake challenge

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