Old post meme

Jul 14, 2018 23:28

, en 
Vu chez
goss &
mekare :

Chances are people you don't even know are being introduced to your journal every day, either randomly or through someone else. In addition to recent entries, people can get to know you better by what you posted in the past. With that in mind post a link to your entries on this day six months ago, nine months ago, a year ago, and two years ago. If there was no entry on that day, link the closest date.

6 months ago - (14th feb, 2018)
I only posted once last february, an update on writing Diary of a Ninken for the Eternal Rival fanzine! It was my first fanzine participation and a load of fun ( fell back into Naruto fandom... Thank you for nothing chonaku! ^^)
The published story is available here!

9 months ago - (14th October, 2017)
Day 14 of Inktober, my first time participating every day of the month. I posted my weekly Inktober recap on the 15th. Day 14 was a Borges quote, with a self(ish)-portrait.
So plant your own garden, and decorate your own Soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
12 months ago - (14th july, 2017)
Two fanvid recs on the 12th, one for Hannibal and one for Dr Who

24 months ago - (14th july 2016)
A private post where I talked about the job I was about to start, a difficult friendship ans wether I should register to run a 10k (I did). Since then I'm still with the same company and I ran a 10K, a half-marathon, a hellish 13k and a 8k before getting injured almost one year ago... I'm mostly better now, and I should really start running again.
This entry was originally posted at https://jainas.dreamwidth.org/207004.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

livejournal, in english, meme

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