Day 17

Sep 17, 2008 20:09

Newsflash: I SUCK at behavior management. Yesterday was totally my bad - too many notes and too much me talking. Today was totally not my bad - I had multiple activities with (almost) no need for talking on my part. Yet, problems. And with the good kids, too. One kid was off his meds today, so that was an issue.

I redid my behavior reflection sheet, and I think I'll put my Time-Out pass on the other side! Oooh, that's a good idea.

Part of the problem is that I have OK individual management strategies that the school has given me (i.e. they work when most of the class is being good and one student is being disruptive), but I'm still working on "when the whole class is..." strategies. I also need to work smarter, not harder. I feel like I do too much in the classroom, and that's a problem.

Job chart, I think, will help. Have to re-do that.

Notes to self: haircut at 4:30 tomorrow. Leave at 3:45. Called parents of BP, TM, JJA, VT, and SM. Could not reach BP's parent/guardian.


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