originally uploaded by
ms. roboto. i put some pictures up on flickr, but there are still quite a few more.
my energy has not returned fully so i have only been doing a little
at a time. this first week back has been slow moving, snails pace.
i notice subtle changes in my behavior and outlook, but i don't
think it is because of the european travel. i think it's because i had
a week to relax, with lots of sleep and no work or connectivity to
the internetz. which was something i think i knew that i needed.
things i enjoyed about germany/austria/bavaria
1. there are pretzels everywhere. really.
2. it is clean. so clean! i would picnic on the subway floors.
3. efficient? you bet. the subway & cable car/bus schedule was scientific. when it said it was going to arrive, it would. chicago can learn a few things.
4. the people. friendly, courteous, and we were not just in the touristy pockets. we often spent nights in the university district and were chatted up by locals. re-freshing.
5. the food. sausages, pig, veal, rabbit, spatezel, dumplings, bread. sugar. there were no packets of splenda on my trip. i didn't gain any weight on this journey. i thought i did, but then got on the scale the day after and was down three pounds. i think i'm done with artificial foodems. i ate exactly how i wanted and did plenty of exercise and came out on top. fuck trying to cut sugary and buttery corners for no reason. i want to taste things. full flavored things. in moderation.
6. the coffee. should probably be linked into number 5 or 1, I mean, I could make a list of the food alone. BUT. the coffee is amazing. and my theory. is that it is liken to the way bagels/pizza are better in nyc. because of the water. i think that the coffee is better there, because of the milk. ultra pasteurized 3.5% milk. i will boil butter into my milk to get that flavor, if i have to. i have not had a good cup since i've bee home.
i am ruined. hopefully i will forget. how the milk tasted.
7. i should have made this list sooner. it was building in my head whilst on the trip, and now it's just fading into a sort of 'i wish i was still there' kind of faint & distant buzz. when before there were words & thoughts, and witty phrases ready to be typed up.
8. everything about these places were old & beautiful, mixed with modern bits. i took so many pictures, but bought nothing. and not just because our dollar is so piddly. just seeing everything made me happy. we'd take after dinner walks that were probably 2 miles long.
it was just good to be there.
so, there are about 36 pictures from my trip that are on flickr
about 300 or so images left to sort through at my leisure.
and now i am back at work, 2 passport stamps richer.
i'd say 'whee' but it would lack feeling. and how.