Jul 26, 2007 06:07
Wow. So, I got kicked out, and I'm moving to Long Beach, California, to live with Anthony/his friend and stuff. Crazy shyznyt.
And we're getting married to get me a green card and citizenship. This has to be the most hair-brained idea ever, but I love it! It's so crazy, it's genius.
Means I don't get to see Jonathon in October for my birthday though... no ihops for me. I'm rather heartbroken over it; but hey-- you gotta do, what you gotta do.
I don't know if Atticus is going to get sold before I go, or if I smuggle him on the Greyhound with me... So worried.
I gotta find a credit-card holder that will front me 35$ so I can get my birth certificate, so that I -can- marry and do that stuff. /le sigh/ Ashley's credit card is maxed, so she can't do it. So is Ryan's, if I remember what he says correctly. My mom won't do it obviously. I highly doubt my dad will.
Things are so fucked up and confusing. I never thought it'd be damned difficult to get into America! Also, this education bit is confusing... I hope they'll accept me :S
And.... I'll need a job PRONTO so I can pay Anthony back, pay the 35$ to whoever fronts me that, so I can buy myself food, pay the rent stuff, pay for the school, get appropriate clothes, and so forth! Oh my... O_O
This will be scary and quite the experience. I'm so very thankful to Anthony for being the rock; being the sturdy tree I can lean upon. Just... hopefully he is able to retain that position. Then again, when I get properly on my feet, I'll be able to be a rock for him when he needs it, too.
It'll all work out, I'm certain. I just have to have faith and trust that the Gods won't let me down.
<3 I'll miss Trixie, though, and if I sell Atticus Nick, I'll miss him dearly as well.