Jan 07, 2003 19:33
ok...so ive been fine with the notion that my knee surgery is tomorrow for the past month or two. now that its actually tomorrow morning...i want to run away as quickly as possible. a bus ticket to new orleans is 14.25 i have a big jar of change that totals a little over ten bux and if i dig around i will probably find a dollar or two. other than that i am dead fucking broke form the reason im supposed to have surgery in the first place. i think im just going to be a transient with a shit job until i can find a place nd a better job. fuck getting that surgery. im flipping out now and i dont want to have my leg all fucked up for the next year or so. i simply will NOT allow that to happen without the biggest fight of the century. that should be easy, since the century is relatively new. if anybody has suggestions on running away from the hospital, now would be the time to chime in with them. maybe ill get real lucky and youll see my crazy hopped up little face this weekend without pins sticking out of my leg or new sutures. yea!!! i still have one small twinkling ray of hope. whoo-fuckin-hoo