(no subject)

Dec 19, 2010 01:47

I don't even know where to find reasonably-priced rings. I guess we'll have to go shopping.

But I didn't let a minor drawback like that stop me - although we've been registered domestic partners since last October, neither of us had specifically asked the other to marry him. Tonight, I did, and he said yes. (It may seem sort of silly to ask a question like that when we are already legally connected, but the RDP was done, on one level, out of convenience, so that I could have insurance benefits through him while I was unemployed. So this was more an affirmation, I guess.)

This may solve the naming issue we have: I don't much like "partner" (too vague, also brings to mind a business), "boyfriend" is too impermanent, and I feel like I don't have a proper claim to "husband" yet. ("Lover" is too '70s, but that one I've mostly only seen in the Tales of the City series.) But then, "fiancé" sounds almost pretentious, so I don't know. I may just stick with the awkward "This is Ryan, my ... boyfriend?" for now.

Of course, I've been closely following Perry v. Schwarzenegger's progress through the judicial system, not just because of its civil rights implications but also because I really do want to be married in California. But if it's going to be too many years before everything is settled (or if there's DOMA repeal in the near future, that would also be a factor, although unlikely in the 112th Congress), I don't know, we may just end up going to the Northeast to move on with our lives. But Perry is looking to turn out in our favor with reasonable speed, so we'll have to see. Plus, we're really going to have to save up money for the wedding, so that's a reasonable time buffer anyway.
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