These Wii poll results amused us.

Dec 02, 2010 22:35

So! If you're not familiar with the Wii, one of its channels is a straw poll function. It breaks the statistics down by gender and by geographic state (neither of which usually have much of an impact). However, on the most recent question...

"You found $20 while standing in line-- do you ask if it belongs to someone?"

"Finders, keepers." in pink, "Yes, but softly." in green.

If you can't tell from the image quality (it's a photo of the TV because we do not have proper screen capture whatevers), that's Utah in green, Idaho a lighter (more neutral) pink, and New York the strongest shade of pink. Which ... has some interesting implications.

In other news! Still not dead. Work keeping me busy, and a combination of video games and social life is eating the rest of my time. But, I'm still reading my friends page regularly (and being quite active on Twitter and Google Reader).
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