(no subject)

Nov 26, 2003 09:24

Last time you...
-Smiled? just now
-Laughed? a minute ago
-Cried? last night
-Bought something? yesterday
-Danced? Sunday? I think, i was really drunk
-Were sarcastic? This morning
-Hugged someone? Last night
-Talked to an ex? A few weeks ago
-Watched your favorite movie? A month ago?
-Had a nightmare? I really dont recall too many dreams
-Last book you read: Enstines theory on relitivity
-Last movie you saw: Final Destinatin 2
-Last phone number you called: Annette's number
-Last show you watched on TV: Golden Girls
-Last thing you had to drink: Pepsi
-Last time you showered: Last night
-Last thing you ate: Slice of pizza
Do You....
1. Smoke? Yes
2. Do drugs? Umm...Not really
3. Sleep ? Depends on the day
4. Have Sex with stuffed animals? Yeah baby!
5. Have a crush? No
6. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes
7. Have a dream that keeps coming back? Not lately
8. Play an instrument? No
9. Believe there is life on other planets? It's an impossibility that there is not life on other planets in further galaxies.
10. Remember your first love? Yeah
11. Still love him/her? No
12. Read the newspaper? When I'm doin my business on the potty
13. Have any gay or lesbian friends? Hmm, I think i do.
14. Is it possible to remain faithful forever? I hope so
15. Do you Consider yourself tolerant of others? Not really, people piss me off.
17. Consider police a friend or foe? Their job is to serve and protect, I've yet to see them protect me, foe!
18. Like the taste of alcohol? Depends on the alcohol
19. Believe in magic? No
20. Believe in God? No
21. Have any secrets? A few from everyone
22. Have any pets? Cat, ducks, bird
23. Do well in school? no
24. Go to or plan to go to college? I'm in college.
25. Have a degree? no
26. Talk to strangers who instant message you? I use to just to fuck with them, but not anymore.
27. Wear hats? When I find one I like
28. Have any piercings? Just my ears
29. Have any tattoos? No
30. Hate yourself? When I do stupid shit.
31. Have a horny spot? Huh?
32. Get horny easily? What?
33. Have a best friend? Once upon a time...I don't trust people anymore
34. Wish on stars? nope
35. Like your handwriting? sometimes
36. Care about looks? I care about my looks, but I dont give a shit when it comes to other people.
37. Believe in Satan? No
38. Believe in ghosts? I just always afraid
39. Believe in Santa? When i was 4

41. Trust others easily? Not anymore
42. Like sarcasm? Sometimes
43. Take walks in the rain? When it's warm out and I'm drunk
44. Kiss with your eyes closed? Unless I wanna look at the person
45. Sing in the shower? I sing wherever I can whenever I can.
46. Own handcuffs? A broken pair, but they were for non sexual deeds
47. Have any scars? A lot
50. Are you finished? I suppose.
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