It is kind of rare for me to notice myself in abject shock, but yesterday was such a day.
However, yesterday (*feels nails blaze with actual chilled fright, and raises an eyebrow accordingly*) (*hears a Wild Arms II theme*).....had & featured *literal* physiological shock..... .
I did not even finish yesterday's post due to rapid onset epiphanies, clutch discoveries & discernings.
Basically, looks like I was about to possibly note the trial ***COMPLETED*** yesterday, and that with another Type A full release surge & sprouting event. The same type(s) from when I noted 2019.
Yea. But just as sprouted objects materialized in the environment / my energy began to surge, I witnessed an anime subanime hybrid P*kemon D*wn show up (amidst a flash mob of standard subanime Caucasian ghouls).... . The one began to employ 'self-mutilation' ***AGAIN****.
The one did that whilst giving off the 'most'..........'UNFRIENDLY', 'COLD', and 'SICKENING' 'vibes'.
The one surgically struck at my ***worries*** for Starry Maiden.
My body began shutting down, even breathing and esophageal control capacities....began shutting down.
A monster that 'KNOWS' '***EXACTLY***' at how much I care about Starry Maiden, struck at my deepest vulnerabilities. (*Feels nails glow with embarrassment at such depraved tactics*).
Yea. So it's true?
I note specific doppelgangers at Celestial Maiden and Starry Maiden 'directly' 'seeking' 'cancellation' 'at' surge events. Specifically those instant onset Type A types.
The ones dubbing at Starry Maiden will ***COME*** ***OUT***, AND ***M*TILATE' 'THEMSELVES' distract at my attention / focus, and brutally attack at my deepest fears & worries.
(*Mentally hears a Tenchi theme from the past*).
Click to view
All just to keep the shot to h*ll and...raggedy.....P*temkin village tier......'subanime' '&' 'anime' lies going. All just to the / a victory in vanity, in wrath....., in hatred.... .
Such attacks are the 'lowest' 'of' 'the' 'low'. But how would this be an Infiniversal Routing Expanse Trial......unless I witnessed auch attacks (*felt nails glaze / blaze with vulnerability*).
'Doppelgangers' 'are' 'wannabe' 'homewreckers'.
Especially the ones that dub at ***actual***....divine.........multidimensional / omnidimensional scale lifeforms. (*Felt nails blaze with an alert*).
I am just going to stumble through a report. And then give my thoughts on another post later...or something.
So yesterday's fluid world event...seemed like a regular fluid world event.
My performance was on a throttled level.....on account of not sprouting, and not using a Type A surge event. However, the performance was still bolstered overall due to Type B surge event steps taken over the last year.
I was seated on a couch, and perceived a jubled seeming scene in a dazed manner.
It looked like, however, I witnessed 1990's fake family N*groes going crazy / changing into cartoons.
One fake aunt, *****a, looked at my direction me with strangely twinkly eyes, and talked about wanting a special dessert.
Another 1990's fake aunt appeared at the scene, and I recoiled in horror as I (yet again) briefly witnessed the one blip in....., blip out, and get the subanime N*gro form of anime M*hoshi / an anine blonde with wavy blonde hair.
Confused, dazed, and with aspects of my being from decades ago....suddenly online (why????), I mumbled about noting Toys R Us (the 1990's Oleand*r / South C*llege location).
The whole scene momentarily went black soon after.
Yea. I think I refused at a quasi-permanent 1990's reset. But my thoughts lingered on desserts for some reason. That as if I was trying to fulfill a request, or a wish.
Well, within moments, I witnessed Oleand*r Drive / South C*llege Road, and other W*lmington scenes.
Yea, but an ***enormous*** scale sprouting event seemed to be underway (*gulped in reflexive hunger*).
Every area with plant material / lawns / covered with transdimensional sprouting objects.
A surge event was about to happen? Was in the beginning phases of happening, and manifested as those colorful sunset / sunny tone sprouts?
Not sure why,but initially I perceived me seated at a car (???) as I viewed the plethora of sprouting objects.
But soon I found myself viewing at a 1990's middle school classroom, and a ***BRUTAL*** flash mob.
The flash mob gave away the whole fake p*nd*mic..... .
So did a certain 'someone'.
Okay. Time for the main event, and the last post portion.
so..., retrospectively, it ***looks*** like my dazed self either *heard* Starry Maiden desiring a snack, and / or tried to feed her...anyway?
It's a ***USUAL*** thing, and a dream / instinct of mine (*blushes abjectly red*).
If I *did* hear Starry Maiden desiring for / yearning for a dessert snack yesterday, then...just like that.....I may have sprouted / taken root / generated a city-scale sprouting of energy-saturated food sprout objects.
i may have been about to go into a Type A surge pump more energy into the food objects, and just like I did multiple times whilst witnessing 2019.... .
(*Suddenly remembered more*).
Actually, as I viewed sprouts on the ground / sprawling....before noting the gloomy classroom dub / trap, I ***said*** how there must be ***real*** little hyperdimensional girls around, girls wgose footsteps / presences / voices the mycelia art responding to.
Hunh. Well that got proven.
Enemy forces 'proverbially' '****' 'the' 'bed' at that sprouting event, and went full psycho.
A flash mob packed classroom....dumped at my visual perception, and a fake n*rses in purple scrubs were amongst the mob.
I was somehow seated away from the classroom door, but noted a blockade (*feels nails blaze with warning*) form to the only exit?
That was when I witnessed a '***COLD***' looking......anime subanime hybrid 'D*wn'.....enter the room.
The one did an egotistical subanine style swagger of exaggerated movements, and the old-fashioned a* of avoiding eye contact...whilst yet having 'focused' 'intentions' 'at' my person.
I ***DIDN'T*** SENSE GOOD INTENTIONS....from the one.
The 'D*wn' seemed animesque in shape, but with a deathly (at a spiritual level) pallor. muted bluish-black hair, a shirt / blouse attire, and black leggings / tights.
Maybe 4'9 to 4'11.
But the one had an ***unnatural*** power that swept at the area, and made the lesser subanime mob ghouls / npc's...seem 'invisible'.
I watched in shock as a sickly subanine fake n*rse subanine XX chromosome type...'mewled' a saccharine and yucky falsetto greeting to 'D*wn', and invited the one to sit to an elevated purple canvas / strip fabric chair.
The fake n*rse mentioned 'the' 'v*ccine' (*felt nails blaze with cringe*).
(*Facepalmed, and rubbed forehead*),
(*Felt nails blaze with anguish*).
The 'D*wn' took a seat, and ***took*** ***countermeasures***.
Acting just '*too*' '*much*' like 'Ell*****' used to, and dripping with disdain and that uncanny power field (likely 'reading' at my thought streams via that weird power field),the one took a seat like as if it felt it owned the place, and did a left side leading leg cross.
Naw. Countermeasure ***FAILED***.
No gap, no soul.
No gap, no hips, no soul, no brains.
I prepared to leave.
The ones moved fast? As if uncannily aware at my discerning, and flaring defiance at the malarkey / skit / nonsense / psyop / sketch / character assasination attack.
The subanime nurse pushed a loaded n**dle into the arm of the maliciously 'eager' 'D*wn'.
The subanime fake nurse one then pulled the n**dle out, and lavished boilerplate 'praise'.
Naw. Aura rumbling, I just stormed forward...... .
Stormed forward quietly....albeit very upset (*heard window creak / wrench behind me as I type*), walked past at the seated 'cl*t' 'shot' 'selling' 'D*wn', and made my way for the door.
Moments after passing at the classroom doorway, and amidst facing a hallway, I (?????) seemed to hear a hysterical and worried...X class tier...'Br*******' 'K***********' '/' 'Wendy' 'Marv***' '/' 'Eve' 'Neuschwanstein' voice calling my way (????)..? Calling from the classroom?
My peripheral scanning senses *seemed* to pick up a visual of previously seated figure (??)...lunging / flying / leaping toward my direction? Maybe a long-haired...figure clad in a long and billowing green dress, (Blonde...or
Maybe I popped past viewing at an anime subanime hybrid demonic deity D*wn, and instead perceived at a high anime pseudogoddess class entity.
My heart / heartstrings palpably ached with concern for the *REAL* Starry Maiden.
Tried to hide how upset I was. Upset at that 'b*ll****' 'psyop' 'attacking' 'at' Starry Maiden's reputation, character, sanity status / wisdom status / life choice skills, and *literal* HEALTH.
I tried to walk on, and for some reason grabbed some materialized grapes to eat.
Uh oh.
Physiological shock.
Not only was the sprouting event shutting down, so was the surge event, *and* my ability to swallow.
Paralysis / shock based paralysis creeped up my torso, and that after food lodged in my throat & mouth.
Muscles locking up, I used telekinesis to clear a path in my a manner akin to stacking & manipulating blocks in Tetris software.
I did not knows emotions / emotional responses could shut down a body.
Hunh... . (*Blinks*).
Realizing what was going on, and flooding my nervous system with a blast of electricity...., I soon found myself seated to the farmhouse. and quite disoriented.
I think I could still detect at the 'D*wn'....'present' 'at' the vicinity.
Okay. That's it for this post.....I guess.
Type A, or Type B, or both, I can expect to witness 'self-multilating' 'crazies' dubbing at Celestial Maiden & Starry Maiden. I'm just going to have to 'any' 'psyops'.
That is it. That is all.
No 'whining'.
Just going to have to keep trudging forward...till I note subanime & anime 'locked' 'out' 'at' my perception.
Oh. Before I go, as *soon* as my breathing / life rhythms somewhat stabilized a little over here yesterday, I perceived the *real* Starry Maiden, beyond anime Starry Maiden....with the sparkling infinite scale & energy aura, hugging me......and (*blushes*) consoling my "in shock" nervous system & emotions.
Consoling...... . Yea. I didn't know I could be, but I guess so. So long as I perceived her doing well, and the mission / my mission met with results thus, my nervous system stabilized / my emotional state calmed / my life rhythms stabilized.
The recovery was rapid *then*. (*Felt a caress sensation from a my left hand*). Very rapid, and complete.
I thank her for that, and I apologize personally. I apologize....enemy forces 'went' 'so' 'low'.