After today, today ***too***, after today's event......., I can say with absolute conviction...that facing / blasting at 'J*hovah'...(whilst noting 2004) was a ***BREEZE*** to witnessing 'doppelgangers'. (*Felt nails blaze in chilled horror*).
Whether the amount of struggle involved, whether the amount of training needed to overcome...involved, whether the amount of spiritual / mental / physical / emotional training involved, whether the amount applied knowledge involved, if the last III decades' struggles were condensed into a book.., 'Jeh*vah' would be the earliest chapter's footnotes, and enduring & witnessing the 'evil' '/' 'the' 'evil' 'machinations' 'of' 'doppelgangers' would be the bulk of the book.
I ***NOW*** think I know,, know & discern at '*why*' mankind no-sold 'J*hovah's' 'defeat'.
'He' never really mattered.
'D*ppelgangers' 'were' 'worse'.
Worse than some bearded 'luminous' 'entity' with 'glowing' 'red' 'eyes'.
Worse than some strange old man entity 'which' I *DON'T* share an emotional attachment with.
(*Thinks very carefully about last year, and remembers my writeups / reports at that 'bl**ding' 'forehead' 'Mis*to'......'that' 'flung' 'it's' 'detestable' 'carcass' at an imminent....boosted series Type A surge event*).
'Doppelgangers' 'were' '*FAR*' 'deadlier', 'pound-for-pound'.
'Specific' 'doppelgangers'...'programmed' 'at' the waves of specific ***MULTIVERSAL*** scale.......& infinite energy..beyond anime hyperdimensional individuals.
This post portion is just an introduction to an introduction. (*Feels nails blaze in chilled warning*).
After the next post portion, I will report today's event.
(*Notices at all of the falsified data entries that fail at explaining the truth / 'employ' 'misdirection' to 'guard' 'the' 'narrative'...*).
Okay. I am going to have to give a definition since I witness deceitful liars, 'low' 'IQ' 'definitions', 'or' 'both'.
(*Has flashback to the earlier section*).
In this journal, I have talked about multiversal scale quasar-like (but *MUCH* ***MUCH*** larger scale) objects for over a decade.
Objects that bend and compress space & unique ways.
Objects that can be used for a "existential tier trial" by certain beings who can withstand the scales of energy involved.
The process, by default, lets beings witness 'the' 'TRUE' 'dead'.
'Monsters' that '***NEVER***' ***even*** ***lived*** in any way, shape, or form.
Formless entities that 'recede', 'inversely' 'program', 'at' the presence of living sound waves / light waves / vibration waves / information waves.
For every multidimensional....and infinite-upon-infinite energy..beyond anime divine being in existence, a "trial" participant can witness 'a' 'non-connected' '&' 'dubbing' 'undead' 'DEITY' 'antireflectively' 'spawning' '/' 'spawned' at that specific being's existence. An undead deity of 'unsurpassed' 'malice', 'deceit', 'wrath', 'm*rderousness', 'and' 'treachery'.
'Evil' 'incarnate'.
Evil '***far***' 'surpassing' 'fake' 'throwaway' 'memelords' 'like' 'S*tan' '&' 'Jeh*vah'.
Had I known XXIV years years ago...what I know now, I could have defiantly laughed at 'Ell***'s' 'face'.
I could have laughed at the face of an 'in-plain-sight' 'DEITY'.... .
(*Suddenly realizes, discerns, 'J*hovah' was just a 'decoy'...*).
(*Inhaled with shivering breath, and mentally heard a BOF II theme, and also simultaneously perceived a glowing & supportive caress to my backside from a familiar feminine presence*).
Click to view
Click to view
(*Discerns at the first rule of evil, which is to '***NEVER***' directly speak of, refer to, or ***ACKNOWLEDGE*** an ***ACTUAL*** DIVINE BEING..., ---- a TRULY ULTIMATE being / class of being who is worthy of worship & reverence, and yet a being / class of being...that would ***NEVER*** even slightly suggest worshipping & revering it......let alone 'demand'....worshipping & revering it...*).
(*Recalls today's event *VERY* carefully*).
(*Suddenly realizes, for an initial time this trial, that both today.....and XXIV years ago......, I witnessed 'antimultiversal' 'subanime' 'anime' 'hybrid' 'DEITIES'; and that whilst witnessing those 'd***ed' ' " 'schools' " '......*).
(*Now...possibly discerns at mankind's 2020 freakout*).
(*Thinks about how I, II years ago and whilst wakeful, saw & heard Celestial Maiden.....whilst witnessing a subanime anime hybrid 'DEITY' that looked like 'Ell***' '3.0'....*).
(*Felt nails flash with insight and certainty*).
(*Had to take some time to rest & think after unexpectedly stumbling upon startling making this post*).
(*Checked the laat II month's writings after deja vu, deja vu...regarding today's 'deity-mode' 'D*wn' witnessing event*).