Wakeful State Sensory Events & Hug Contact Events.....

Oct 09, 2021 22:38

If today...was any sign of things to come, I can appreciate the direction things are heading.

In a "flip" of the usual, all fluid world & dimension dive events were....slogs through dimly lit shadowscapes.

Whereas all sensory events / Celestial Maiden related visions / perceived hug events...happened whilst wakeful ***HERE***.

Here to the farmhouse.

Not sure, but I may have been able to directionally sense where Celestial Maiden was present....about the farm.

(*Listened to a recorded sound file*).

It happened after a st**l guitar playing session, and after said session established a "special particle field" about the property.

I recorded the steel guitar session.... . I just am not up to splicing an audio clip to a camera pic, and posting a playable "video" here.

Guess....I will describe a little bit of the event though.


So I was resting on the bed...here...immediately after playing the st**l guitar in the den.

My body temperature had spiked, and energy concentrations about the farmhouse property had spiked.

Resting on the bed, and listening to my playing, I recoiled as an intense vision was upon me. It was like what happened May of last year (whilst also to the farmhouse and wakeful).

I had a vision, but a vision of a scene that seemed a lot like this farm. The vision had me viewing at s 'teenish' subanime anime hybrid XX chromosome type,.one dubbing....at Celestial Maiden?

Staying conscious afyer the vision, I began sensing a presence, an energetically ***enormous*** presence to the area.

After sensing waves, surge event waves ....emitted by the presence, some new kind of sense like "surge event vision" may have come online?

Like a remote sight sense, and also a directional sight sense?

***IF*** there indeed was such a new sense / new sensory capacity flaring online, and if what it showed me waz indeed so, I could directionally tell / sense / identify that Celestial Maiden was standing in front of the farmhouse.

Toward the dirt road, and near a tall tree?

If that sense was giving me information that could be actively relied upon, I could even see that while my current Type B surge event level was tiny but steady, hers was a large...torrent? A blazing torrent.

Not looking to deal with mortals freaking out,nor creating another stupid flash mob / false background story, I stayed inside.

Stayed inside, and reveled to the wakeful state perception of a ***fresh***, beautiful, lovely, youthful, and invigorating energy signature.

No roaches, crackpipes, 'doo' 'doo', and 'f*sh' '/' 'snake-like'....'ghoul' 'aura' '****'.....like so many nasties have.

Yea. It was better than 'Dragon' 'Ball'.

But whatever the ability / sense was, and appeared to be, it had a ***TREMENDOUS*** metabolic cost.

I could only maintain it for long...in my current state?

After using the last of the dough on hand for II dinner pizzas, I rested in bed...thinking of Celestial Maide.

As soon as I spoke of her aloud, I perceived her happy and loving hug IRL. Even hearing words spoken my way?

My neural waves / brain waves immediately shifted to her hug.

A fluid world event came on immediately.... .


Starting next week, I am going to be seeing to making my own Mozzarella cheese from scratch. From scratch...just like with my pizza dough.

I need to eat more, eat more fresh food made from scratch. That for the sake of my training.

These new abilities require an appropriate amount of metabolic fuel......

I already have the cheese-making ingredients: microbial rennet, and citric acid.

I'll do what I can to see more of Celestial Maiden, and Starry Maiden.

Whatever skill it takes, I'll try to learn it and do it.

(*Thinks about how the diet, and culinary practices are a major part of training*).

I again thank Celestial Maiden, and Starry Maiden for their presence in my life. I will keep training.
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