Time & Space Control "Scenario Drop System" Preview & Experience

Oct 09, 2021 00:13

Yesterday.....I held reporting it..... .

Whenever serious matters happen, whenever my performance capacities take a dive & have me (???) in a vulnerable state, I ***never*** report it on here.....realtime.

Well, yesterday / Thursday.....had me possibly noting some sort of nervous system reset event.

All I know, too, is that I likely noted....a 'b*dy' 'death'. A 'death' 'event' whereby the N*gro avatar's breathing had stopped, and possibly...the heartbeat as well.

That as the entire.....perceived environment disassembled to a rolling, even roiling....., expanse of red and black static...... .

Keeping calm, but moving with urgency, I, whether by applied psionics or whatever, made ***repeated*** palm thrust motions....at the N*gro b*dy's skull...and neck / brainstem.

With each electrified thrust / echoing impact, I noted more and more heartbeat / breathing / brainstem.....functions returning.

I barely managed to note an eyes open point of view again, sand then saw the roiling black and red setting....***directly*** & abruptly shift into the nighttime farmhouse setting ***HERE***.

Gasping, struggling to breathe, and noting a sensation of "nervous system sluggishness", I rolled over, and made myself stand up. Stand up, and ***MOVE***.

That was Thursday.

Well, some enormous jump for my abilities has gone down, apparently.

Maybe it was on account of surviving yesterday?

In any case, an ENORMOUS.....event just went down. An event so enormous, I do not even know how to explain it.

It is an initial time that I have experienced it? Experienced such?

And it came / came on....with a guided contact event.....that began....***HERE***.

An event involving total time and space (*recoils in shock, and simultaneously heard the walls creak*)......control.

An event that shows me / showed me.....how the cosmic blast & tsunami demo....took place XVII years ago.

An event that showed me how I noted North America, this world, as I witnessed 1986.

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Total.....time and space control.

***SCENARIO*** control.

Ok. I will try to report what I can.


So...., Friday evening, I was resting after some made from scratch pizza.

(*Posts pics of previous pizzas from the same dough batch*).

Hours before that, I witnessed 'Gerald', a 2016-2020 'character', show up at the farm? Yea. He strangely seemed to suggest / offer......buying a house above riverfront house of yore.

A house for the Negro avatar to move into?

A house with river / river g*mstone mining access, and a store within an immediately walkable distance?

He was offering a 'concession'? (*Cringes*). Even if just in word / empty words?

A concession after the horrific 2020 debacle? The 2020 disastrous debacle cluster****.....

(Maybe that there is a definitive clue....that ***SOMETHING*** was about to happen).

After what happened Thursday evening (after dinner), I was a bit nervous about any prospect of sleeping / lying back in bed / resting in bed...on Friday after dinner.

I did not know if I would be able to survive...?

I tried to think happy thoughts...., and manuever around sleep.

I looked at the internet?

Things took a turn though, event-wise, when I looked at some 'post-wall' 'Jo*******' 'photos'?

I began speaking aloud about Celestial Maiden (*blushes*), and vocalizing my gladness for her presence in my life. (*Perceived glowing lights irl, and then heard motion beside the bed*).

(*Blushingly covers my face*).

Admitting the perception of an unmistakable spiritual connection sensation....,, I longed to hug her? Hug her in thanks for being in my life.

Well (*blinks*) within moments, I felt her presence whilst her, and her hugging me close (*gawks and blushes*).

Relaxation washed over me, and I cautioned myself about the matter of sleep / rest......after Thursday.

But sensing the infinite neon-like brightness of the love, the compassion, the care...of the gentle-hearted and sweet being cuddling me, I (*blinks amidst feeding a kiss-like sensation amidst typing*).....instinctively trusted in her. Her first aid capacities already seen during past events. (*Blinks in a realization*). I trusted her....... . I literally trusted her..... . (*Felt a mysterious...kiss-like sensation again*).


After startlingly deep rest, and after a brief fluid world event, I woke to the farmhouse / here.... .

There was a resonance pattern of some sort reverberating in my nervous system?

An eerie field that may, or may not have to do with Type B surge events.

Within seconds, I perceived Celestial Maiden's hugging presence. (*Suddenly remembers the earlier hug event, and possibly hearing the words "I'm right here~...." spoken / said assuringly*).


I just get ***so*** relaxed to her hugs, her presence.

Very deep rest, I think even sleep, came again.....(*suddenly has a flashback visual (??) of a beyond anime blonde being...in a poofy celestial pink color........dress*).

Okay. The time and space control event.


For multiple times, multiple woozy waking events, it was like I just could not make it back to noting this particular farmhouse.

I was STUCK waking to "environmental save points".....from ***DECADES*** ago.

Whatever I did, I kept waking up to noting 'sh***y' subanime 1990's cars......that were loading with 'fake' 'school' 'friends' '&' 'their' 'parents'.

The initial of such had me witnessing 1998+ 'Gr******'... .

The other had me noting 'early' '1990s' 'Dre*' and his 'payrent'?

'Dre*' at my left kept changing? Bugging? His race changed, and then his 'g*nder'. He changed into (*cringe*) 'Z______'.... .

The car.....driven by 'Dre*'s' parent...came to a stop in front of some rundown garage / gas station.

A massive fluidity wave then overtook the C***lina Beach setting?

Let's go ahead and jump to the time & space conttol event.


I do note know how to explain this next part. There is no precedent...in any movie / medua / software......that I have ever seen.

The only link / precedent I can imagine, is / art my cosmic blast and tsunami demo of the past?

(*Shakes my head*).

Ok. Here we go.

So, moving past the last reported segment, I found myself wandering some place that was "beyond".

I do not know how else to describe it.

It was like a black expanse of the deepest cosmic darkness....intermingled with "staging areas".

Circular or cubed staging areas which may or may not have had / featured loads...of optical recording equipment, and data recording consoles?

Ok..... .

How to say this.

How to say this.......... .

Okay. I need a whole post section just to voice the concept(s)....behind what happened.

(*Suddenly tastes strawberry sundae / strawberry shortcake sundae for some reason*).


So.....see this gif?

Let's imagine a scenario of a world, a world with an entire history of events....., being like a gif file.

Well let's imagine the flow of events completely frozen. Frozen like a paused gif.

But a gif that you can enter, walk into, modify / rearrange the contents of, or even disassemble entirely.

Okay. Let's imagine having a pair...(*suddenly has an ***instant*** revelation about XVII years ago, and my disoriented "A-Zone" references...or whatever I called it.....*)........a pair of gif-like "realms". Side by side Completely locked. Completely frozen. Frozen within a very dark place that is "beyond".

Yes, and with ***INFINITE*** space contained within each manipulable "gif world", and infinite space beyond each.

Ok. With some context established, let's continue the post.


So, exploring the very dark and expansive location, and followed by supportive beings / presences who felt familiar aura-wise, I happened upon a startling scene.

I did not know what was going on, but it was like I viewed a pair of frozen ***REALMS***.

Some type of data tracking an analysis system, the scope and scale of which subanime or even anime mankind could 'never' even imagine was in play.

I can't even call it "portals". Or even 'Back To The Future' 'movie' 'time' 'travel'.

(*Shakes my head*).

Initially, I wondered if I was just witnessing some 'cutting' 'edge' 2020s' 'hologram' scene?

Yea. Looking upon a staging area, staging area left, I noted what seemed like a Bionic S*x scene that involved buff subanime anime hybrid dudes?

Dudes with guns, and to the "jump platform / drop bay" of some military style aircraft? The blue skies present, somehow present to the holographic seeming scene, did not reach into the staging area?

The warriors were not moving?

Walking directly at the scene, walking forward, I recoiled when & as I could no longer view the staging area like before?

***INSTEAD***, I was noting an ***ENTIRE*** ***WORLD***. Complete with blue skies....,?

Oooooooo..... .

Within moments the lock that kept the scene frozen was lifted?

Intense winds buffeted my face, and I stood upon the bay of an aircraft?

The warriors freaked out at my presence, and pointed long-barreled weapons...at my face?

Leaping back reflexively, and doing something with my resonance pattern, I found myself back to the staging area? Yes, and viewing a frozen world scene yet again.

The motionless dudes were pointing their weapons at where I had been?

I walked away for a bit, and then came back........ . I could not find my way back to here / the farmhouse...otherwise?

To the staging area, a "realm cube" array was visible.

The cube the bionic six guys dubbed at had been reset?

The scene had been entirely rewound to the prior point & initial frozen point?

I even noted the guy's weapons no longer drawn at my prior presence?

The dudes' 'prior' 'time' had been 'deleted'?

To the right.....some ways seemed to be a / the realmcube that was very dark? It may have lead ***here*** to the farmhouse night savepoint setting?

I don't know....why I did it, but I entered the sky setting "realm cube" again.

Maybe instead of noting a N*gro subanime male dubbing at me though, I noted an auburn hair subanime anime hybrid XX chromosome type avatar dubbing at me.

It was sort of like before?

I walked around, and examined at each motionless warrior?

As soon as the "freeze" was lifted again, I noted the Bionic Six guys / squad freak out, and raise those weapons at me again? But then I noted the weapons lowered, or deleted?

(I was not ready for fights, or drama).

Whatever the case, I hopped back again, and soon found myself back to the staging area. But this time, I, looking back, noticed the world scene to that "cube world" still moving.

The Bionic Six guys could not see the infinite beyond? The stsging area?


What came next was me perceiving the darkness, and witnessing an onslaught of demonic subanimesque sounding entities freaking out. Weird voices lying, rambling about 'green' 'screens', and all manner of foolishness.

I had, after all, just seen how scenarios in ***this*** world....art generated.

I saw something a man was not meant to see?

I saw how I found myself here XXXVIII years ago.

And the literal mechanism behind my solar flare superstorm, and cosmic blast / tsunami demo events.

Scenario control.

Time and space control.

I saw how it works.

And that as long as my current Type B surge event status acted as the required "admission ticket".

Celestial Maiden and Starry Maiden, already capable of surge events, were present in that beyond place / "staging area". (And I thank them).

So, upon a Type A and Type B s*rge event hybrid burst, if such were to happen again, I could note the 2020 subanime mortal 'timeline' 'deleted'?

(*Heard a rustling on the roof*).

And, by the very minimum, witness a / the Bionic Six world for a while?

Until I accrue the Type B surge event status / level....requirements to note The Breath of Fire anime world anyway.

(*Blushingly covers my face, nails palpably abalze, as thinks of being hugged by gentle-hearted and puffy-haired Celestial Maiden again*).

(*Understands that I, before noting 1986 and that car full of fake family monsters / dubs, could very well have seen the same "staging area" reported above....*).

(*Perceives a sparkling...sensation...tear of revelation....going down the left side of my face*).

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new experiences, space manipulation, time manipulation, discoveries, understanding my past, time and space phenomena, lifestyle

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