What's With Witnessing A S*banime M*rtal 'Simulating' A 200 WQ..?

Sep 19, 2020 14:41


Why am I actually witnessing a subanime mortal 'making' 'peak' 'subanime' 'sense'?


................. .

Is the one 100+ IQ, and with a 200+ WQ......?


Well the one *does* have an animesque G cup or larger, so maybe I note a subanime anime hybrid.

The one 'isn't' ready for the truth.

The truth about witnessing the 'default' 'state' of subanime.

(I posted the above photo a week / couple weeks back in advance, eerily so....given today. Indeed. It just sat in the photobook...not linked to a post).

See, this is why I need to get Starry Maiden's surge event listening exam done?

What if I note one like the subanime G or G+ cup Chr*stian 'supermortal'....posting followup videos, freaking out about "waking up to P*kemon world as D*wn", and facing 'psychiatric' 'imprisonment' whilst 'pleading' at ***any*** help and assistance?

(*Feels my nails...blazing with caution*).


Yikes........... .


Talking about embarrassment, admitting / testifying embarrassment, and discernment in general / discernment....period....., should *NOT* be the domain of mortals?

Why do I note the one '***thinking***' 'so' 'much'?

(*Recoils*) (*perceived a mysterious caress from a presence..realtime*).

If I noted the one / one's church / 'congregation' at the local area, I would offer free Sunday dinner pizzas...., and seek to do intelligence and wisdom tests.... .
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