I have witnessed 'weirdness' all month....when it comes to any potential "moving location".
But if I *DO* note a farm house on relatively flat...and open...mountain basin ground, then I need to get a "light bucket" type reflector telescope..... .
In the past in my time here......I mainly used refractors.
While refractors can be great for resolving planetary features (*remembers the focal length specifics*)...., there can be issues gathering light....for viewing faint objects....(when it comes to smaller refractors).
If this year has a huge surge event gap like last year (about VI months)....., then I want to view and study at quasars / blazars....and "Seyfert" galaxies in the meanwhile.
It's a ***huge*** matter that the Infiniversal Routing Trial can be linked to demonstrable and observable cosmic objects.... .
I need to learn as much as I can...about compressing quasars / Infiniversal Routing Expanses...since no 'video' 'game' or 'anime'.....ever even mentions even the slighest hint of compressing such objects. (I note 'those' 'fake' 'Sa*lor' 'Scout' 'things' '/" 'entities' 'are' '*SUCH*' 'an' 'embarrassment).
If there is no permanent surge event in the next couple months, and if I note a farm house cottage "flop", I need to see about getting a Dobsonian / light bucket reflector telescope...., and a camera eyepiece.
I would see about posting quasar and S*yfert galaxy photographs on here...?
Yea. I am going to have to study on my own. Any visions I have at those 'fl*t-***ed' 'anime' 'level' 'S**lor' 'Scouts'....will likely have me witnessing 'em' 'prattle' 'on' 'about' 'nothing' '/' 'b*yfr**nds' '/' 'their' 'hair' '/' 'stupid' 'bimbo' '****'.
If I had a starship (equipped to harbor my sprouted Yggdrasil tree form, and equipped with a miniature and or contained sun...for Yggdrasil tree form feeding purposes).......I would travel to directly observe a quasar / blazar object up close.
(*Remembers The Blue Place event...., and decides to look up "blue quasars"...*).