Yea.... .
Realtalk time.
Trigger Warning.
I am going to go ahead and be forward here?
When and if the time comes, the time where a temporary....or even permanent starship environment is manifested...... isn't going to go like it did as I witnessed '1986'.
I *know* what is up now.
I know...that I note 'mankind' '***HATES***'........'at' me, and everything about me.
(*Thinks about how I have always noted mankind '*hate*' 'at' my intrinsically shy nature, my nature which has no frame of reference to 'dominance' '/' 'being' 'dominant '/' 'being' 'dominated'......*).
And know what? I'm okay with noting that.
That's fine.
But I'm going to say this right here and now, and as clearly as I can.
On a starship......I am ***NOT*** going to put up with mankind's 'bull****'.
On / with a starship....I am ***NOT*** going to be 'putting' 'up' with mankind's automatic 'projecting'.....'of' 'some' 'third' 'class' '&' 'impoverished' 'citizen' 'role' 'at' me ('the' 'n*gga' 'treatment').
That 'r*tarded' 's**t' is a 'mental' 'illness' 'manifestation'......'/' 'modus' 'operandi'.....which 'subanime' 'and' 'anime' 'mortals' alike.......'*CAN'T*' *HELP*..... .
Me? I am saying......***NO***.
On a starship, ***MY*** starship, I am ***NOT*** going to be poutting up with mankind's 'inherent' 'mental' 'illness' '/' 'mental' 'disorders', 'personality' 'disorders', 'mood' 'disorders', 'and' 'behavioral' 'disorders'.
Unh unh ......... .
Whether I note subanime ones, anime ones, old ones, 'young' 'ones', XY chromosome types, XX chromosome types..., or even the 1990's fake family.........
....I am either going to note the ones....go the airlock, or...., blasted at with stellar fire / cosmic intense......that not even 'ashes' will 'remain'.
I am not going to hear any 'cryin', and I am not going to listen to any 'blubbering'....... .
I don't '*hate*' 'mankind', no, but I know what I know from experience...... .
I am not going to be 'declared' 'a' 'slave' or 'stowaway' aboard my own property........, and I ***KNOW*** that I note the first thing any mortal at my ship would either attack at me outright, and / or claim '***THEY***'....are the owner / maker / captain of said vessel.
You can not negotiate with the 'insane'........ .
Me? If the starship day / point comes, and I witness 'mortals', I am going to note em 'flying' 'out' 'at' airlocks......
And if the ship has defensive systems, I'll have it open fire / release omnidirectional stellar fire blasts.......afterwards...just to make sure.
This isnt't said in 'hate'.
It is said after years of calm observation, analysis, and various studies...... .
It's realtalk.