Forward: Being that I want to conserve energy for future tangible / demonstrable events, I will not got into much detail in this post.
So.....what happened Sunday was huge.......(*gasped as suddenly perceived a mysterious presence caress my backside (?!?) IRL*).
Well...after the last post, things seemingly kicked into a higher gear.........?
A fluid world starship event took place. Actually, a series of starship events was kicked into motion.... .
Let's get into it.
Ok. So Sunday afternoon.......I guess I scrouged up some dinner *somehow*, and collapsed to bed before nightfall...... .
I ***KNEW*** what all of these IRL manifestation / item materialization events meant.
As I tried to rest, a black expanse event took place, and my point of view...momentarily shifted.
Next.........I think I may have seen a view of my yard, and my transformed house.
If I did, my point of view was to the area of the tree stump.
A very large, and somewhat golden-tinted.....starship suddenly swooped down from the heavens overhead...... .
(*Squints to the tv screen..........amidst noting an unexpected visual, as well as unexpected music*).
Click to view
I.........I seemed witness / be witnessing......what seemed like a (???) "refit" "Galaxy Class"......though......(*winces*).
I *did* sense energy though, and I am not sure if I can say that I even noted a 'subanime' 'starship' by that point.... .
*Shakes my head*.
Hmmmmmmm......... .
Was this entire mountain sanctuary house beamed aboard / lifted aboard / tractor-beamed aboard....the / a golden launched forth into the heavens?
*Shakes my head*.
Well....., if so, there were subsequent issues.
Yea..... . As my point of view shifted again, I.....*may* have witnessed intruders, and I specifically viewed what seemed like a high-tech environment / inner sanctum of a starship.
Uh...(*cringe*)........for example, I noticed 'W*rf'......laid out on the deck of a room, and blue-headed entities...flipping out..., and perhaps sabotaging at the vessel's energy core.......(*cringes*)....... .
Yea..... .
Not sure what happened, but the fact that I observed at 'subanime' 'conditions' that point....told me all I needed to know about the situation?
*Obviously* an event reset needed to happen.......... .
That said, eventually I found myself waking up to the nighttime / dusk mountain sanctuary setting...... .
After coming to terms with what had just happened, and doing an audio log, I noted L*lu.......'making' 'posts'?
I do not know if I noticed him 'muck-raking' '/' 'breaking' 'kayfabe'....and 's*lling' 'F*nr*sS**r'...., but I didn't have time for 'it'.
*Checks the tablet's plummeting device battery status indicator, and sighs....*.
I guess I tried to sleep some time before or after midnight......... .
Before that though, I asked......"what if a smaller vessel, a vessel hardly the size of a bed were perceived *initially*.........., and that for tighter security / a smaller space to guard?".
*Burned red with with upset...emotions for a moment, and the *next* journal post will clarify / explain.....what I mean*.
I thought about a vessel I used to call "The MiniCat", a very small personal vehicle / starship hybrid which I used to illustrate as I witnessed the bleak and cold '1990's'.
Welll.....soon ***another*** starship event happened, and I confusion & perceive......daylight lands (????) . Zipping by & manuevering to speeds...that should not be possible for lo-fi......combustion engine.......vehicles.
***Quiet*** speed.... .
I was reclining back in the seat of a vehicle, a MiniCat starship, that was either having issues manifesting, or / and had dense beyond anime data.....which my senses struggled to perceive..... .
Uh oh.
Guess what?
Looking to my left....., I witnessed some unknown Caucasian man / stowaway..... .
A subanime one............ .
Naw........ .
Not sure if I willed open the vessel's convertible top, or if I partially disassembled the vessel, but alas and either way.....I leaned to my left......and the vessel suddenly tipped over..and landed.....with an intense the ground below... .
Me? I had my defense fields up, so I was unharmed....... .
The vessel seemed intact too......?
But it seemed liie I noted that unwelcome 'stowaway' broken into a 'pulp'?
Another event reset took place, and I found myself back to the mountain sanctuary again.
Last event.
By the predawn or morning......., my being / my inner self......went for it again?
A full-scale manifestation event?
And this time....., with no 'subanime' witnessed.......?
*Sighs*............... .
Ok. Here goes the last report portion.
I woke to perceive my (???) seeming mountain television before me, but it's shelf seemed really high, and yet I also appeared to witness 1990's (*gags*)......'W*lmington' 'residence' 'features' 'imposed' 'at' my / the mountain house?
For some time I kept hearing and viewing at what seemed like a bugging out and 'repeating' anime commercial, or so I thought....... .
That as I also noticed agitated and '*disgusting*' apparitions of 1990's fake family entities 'buzzing' 'around'.
I tried to shut down the "television", but I guess there may not have even been a "television on".
Alright. This part is pretty major.
Adapting to prior events, I guess my abilities went to another level entirely.
Soon.......I found myself disoriented, awake, and standing at the bridge deck of an anime.......Macross starship (*groans*).
One that was *packed* with inane.....and unwelcome....anime XX chromosome types and men.
My point of view momentarily detached, ......floated for a I assessed the situation.
Ok. Realtalk time......., and that before I continue on? I noted those anime 'f*****s' already creating a 'plotline' to 'debunk' '/' 'demonsplain' '/' 'mansplain' my last III decades?
Ok. Sso.....from what I gathered and heard, I, as I stood in confusion at that bridge, noted ulgh....a 'verbatim'......and ugly as sin.....'M*sa' 'H*yes'.......(in a bluish commander attire).......claiming that it was 'fine' for 'Rick' to go ahead and take 'M*nmei' for a flight......aboard a Veritech fighter....=O_O=... .
Perhaps even into ***BATTLE***..., and that after 'Rick' had just supposedly recovered from 'death' '/' 'near-death' '/' 'a' 'horrific' 'injury' '&' 'infirmity' 'period'.
Yea, and guess what?
I noted 'Rick' grafted at ***MY*** existence / body.
(A battle...hunh? Perhaps even 'battle' 'orders'......'ready' '&' 'waiting' 'at' my arrival? What 'a' 'convenient' 'excuse' to 'try' 'to' 'k*ll' 'off' 'at' me......'quick'..........).
Yea. I stood in I perceived a black-haired man in a white suit...grafted at my being / person.
From there.....I tried to *move*, and find some privacy....... .
Soon though I found myself facing at some anime environment lounge, and one full of unknown anime.......entities..... .
But yikes..... .
Yea. One of the anime humanoids.....*sounded* like 'M*hoshi'......., specifically the verbatim 'English' 'speaking' 'Mihoshi' '/' 'M*nmei'.
Just like I perceived at a weird 'P*kemon' 'D*wn' and 'Tio' 'mashup' a couple weeks ago, and a 'M*mo', 'M*sato', and 'Tio' 'mashup' the other day, I *apparently* found myself viewing at a 'Mih*shi' 'and' 'M*nmei' 'mashup'.
A 'blonde'.....that had that 'lesser' 'anime' 'look' was seated in like a 1990's style....purple one-piece dress...., and seated to like a lounge couch / chair.....whilst speaking in an animated manner?
As I walked forward, trying to get to another area entirely..., the anime 'blonde' jumped up.......with outstretched arms, and 'lovingly' 'called' 'Rick's' 'name'?
Recoiling, my starlike form / pov popped for a the one hugged 'Rick'?
I overheard at the one speaking about having written letters to / for 'R*ck' every day that he was gone / 'in' 'the' 'hospital'........, and that as I noticed the ones longrr blonde eyelashes doing that "eyes smile" the lesser anime variant...... .
Unh unnh.
I was ready to return to the mountain sanctuary........ .
Gazing forward, I noted the Mihoshmay's hair..finally....go anime black.............until the one devolved into M*nmay.
............... .
I need to see if I can write my next post....before this battery konks..... .