Will I Survive This Latest Discovery / The Weight Of A "Big Bang"......

Oct 20, 2018 06:47

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My prior event, such as defending and blocking at 'J*hovah', was just a straightforward and basic preschool.....exercise...next to this latest era's event.... .

I mean, ***NOW*** I have to address and handle ***REAL*** cosmic energy, and I am currently struggling........ . It is like...sheer..will....is keeping my existence / body / mind / soul together...... .

Rather than making a post after the last post, I just made dinner (handmade pan pizza), boiled some R*ishi Mushroom tea, and then collapsed (!!!!).

It is like the weight, an infinite scale weight...is upon me, and I have to_______________________(*holds revealing my secrets*)____________.

Oh, I'm not going to 'quit'....=^_^=. Thanks to being free from 'emotive' 'reasoning', I can maintain my goals, my focus, my dedication........, and ***gladly*** suffer through any amount of pain, strain, and hardship....so that my mission is accomplished. I just want to say......I don't know if my body....will hold up through this latest chapter...... .

I...I discovered......(amidst noting '3am')....my previous day's writings were not yet complete....., . (*Pants in a feverish and strained srtate*). ***NOW*** though, it seems like the stage is set for the next surge event..., and that after a bit more writing and illustrating. (Maybe I need, or will need...to rest before it tbough?).

Who knows? After the next event, I might have full scale "hyperdimensional blue place".....level energy on hand.

*Strains with feverish and woozy fatigue for a moment*.

Oh. My point in typing this post (too). Yea, my past went.....as smoothly as could have been expected? Had I noted a subanime XX chromosome type, or an anime XX chromosome type, or a anime XY chromosome type, my only option.....anyway and in any case.....was to strive to be free from 'ego' '/' 'egotism' '/' 'emotive' 'thinking' '/' 'hubris', refuse 'mortal' 's*x' 'and' 'breeding' 'nonsense', and strive for levels of objectivity, knowledge, wisdom, discipline, awareness, and love.....which 'mortals' 'would't' 'dare' to strive for.......'in' 'a' 'billion' or even 'trillion' 'billion' 'mortal' 'years'. No....., not with all this pain......and strain.......that the process requires.

But even though I suffer now, as it seems every "strand" of my body and soul's existence.....art straining utterly with the limitless pressure....of my current task, I can smile.... . Smile with conviction. *Nods*. I feel alive.....?

Yea. I wasn't meant to be subanime, anime, XY chromosome type, XX chromosome type.

(*Thinks about effects on this realm's environment...after the latest events*).

Next month (if it can even be or will....even be reached) will be enormous, as would any potential December. I do not know if this realm will stay intact.... . And if I have to route my energy and concentration to other endeavors besides maintaining this planet's air aupply, planetary temperatures, sunlight levels, ocean currents, and etc.....then so be it.......... . I'll sacrifice my house contents....if I have to.....(and all the work....I put in to attain them). I'l make any necessary sacrifice to achieve my mission.

Yea. This might be my ultimate chance? My chance to attain my dream...... . My chance to have the capacity to truly protect any actual being in need....(*feels my heart glowing with determinatiom and optimism*).

(*Senses golden currents of hyperdimensional energy gathering around me, as also senses the currents of time and space...gathering upon my black expanse ensurrounded form*). (*Experienced a rief weighlessness and tingling sensation for my feet*).

physiology, space manipulation, time manipulation, anatomy, time and space phenomena

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