My life in WoW

Oct 13, 2006 04:48

As some of you know, this past winter I started to play World of Warcraft (WoW) because one of my friends introduced me to it. It is an amazing game that is played very cooperatively. I played mostly at night after teaching and after several months got my toon (character I play in WoW) to level 60 (the top level in the game as of right now). I play a Warlock (a caster who calls forth demons) and her name is Rionach - Gaelic for queen or royalty. I joined Devotion, a guild (players who organize together to play in areas of the game where you need 20-40 people playing at the same time in the same place), and had a blast leveling Rionach to 60 and then runnig in some 40-man raids (basically think of it as a game within WoW that takes 40 people to play).

Everything was going great, until our Guild Master (the guy in charge of the guild) decided to cheat on his wife. From there - the guild fell aprt - or I should say broke apart. A new guild was formed by one of the officers of Devotion, K, and only people who agreed with him were taken. He's an ass, and I think contributed to the negative feelings that where rampant after he became an officer. Devotion was disbanded last Friday - my first day in Ireland.

Those of us who had been watching K manipulate people and the situation to his advantage were not surprised by this development. Matter-of-fact my parting words before leaving for Ireland to my friend who introduced me to WoW were, "I hope nothing major happens while I'm gone." Sigh... famous last words. In preparation for this moment, we (along with her husband) had chartered a guild that we had waiting in the wings - Ouroboros (you get a star if you know what it means). Last Friday, Ouroboros went from a guild of 3 to a guild of about 15. Sunday we are getting together to hammer out guild policies, recruitment procedures, and other game play rules. I never thought I would be in this position - but now, I'm helping to build a guild of mostly older, responsible plaers. In a weeks time, our members have made almost 400 posts on our website. It's been crazy.

In other WoW news, I hope to see my gentleman friend from the game again soon. Yes, I met someone in WoW - and yes, we went out. He lives in KY, so its a bit of a distance, but I like him and we'll see where it goes. I've actually made several great friends in WoW - it is truly a wonder of an universe.

More to come - and I need to get an icon that is for WoW stuff... hmmm...


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