Contents Page

Oct 12, 2009 14:19


Lord Of The Rings Slash

A Question of Leadership (2004) - Aragorn/Boromir (Aragorn/Boromir/Legolas)
Chapter One: A Question of Leadership
Chapter Two: Elvish Whispers
Chapter Three: Revenge (part a) (part b)
Chapter Four: Agony Elf (part a) (part b)

Count the Candles (2004) - Boromir/Faramir

The Weakest Link (2004) - Boromir/Celeborn, implied Aragorn/Boromir

The Joy of Giving (2004) - Elrohir/Elladan/Aragorn

Tactical Manoeuvres (2004) - Eomer/Faramir/Theodred

Private Tuition (2004) - Aragorn/Legolas/Faramir

Cold Shoulder (2005) - Boromir/Aragorn

Bird Watching (2005) - Faramir/Haldir

WIP: And All Because (2004 plus - currently on hold) - Aragorn/Boromir, Faramir/Haldir, Arwen
Chapter One: And All Because
Chapter Two: The Lady Loves
Chapter Three:Power
Chapter Four: Influence
Chapter Five: Control
Chapter Six: Security
Chapter Seven: Secrecy
Chapter Eight: Wealth

Lord of the Rings RPS

Smack the Dog (2004-2005)- Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom, Karl Urban/Dave Wenham
Chapter One*****Chapter Twelve*****Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Two*****Chapter Thirteen*****Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Three*****Chapter Fourteen*****Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Four*****Chapter Fifteen*****Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Five*****Chapter Sixteen*****Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Six*****Chapter Seventeen*****Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Seven*****Chapter Eighteen*****Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Eight*****Chapter Nineteen*****Chapter Thirty
Chapter Nine*****Chapter Twenty*****Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Ten*****Chapter Twenty One*****Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Eleven*****Chapter Twenty Two*****Chapter Thirty Three

Much Ado About Dom - DM/EW, OB/BB, implied VM/SB (2004)

Teaching the Masses - DM/EW; VM/SB; OB/BB, sequel to Much Ado About Dom (2004)

The Breadcrumb Challenges (2005-2006)- individual challenge stories (SB/KU/DW)
Saving Private Breadcrumb
Breadcrumbs and Broomsticks
I, Crumbius (part a) (part b)
Empire of the Crumb
The Breadcrumb Redemption (part a) (part b)
Raining Cats and Breadcrumbs

Service Charge (2006) - Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen

The Fountains of Life - Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

The Alternative Golden Shower (2007) - Sean Bean/Viggo Mortensen

Fairy Liquid (2007) - SB/VM

WIP: The Cult of the Laundry Products (2007 onwards) - SB/VM/OB/KU/DW/HJ/EB/JI
Table of Contents here

Point Zero (2007 onwards)
Chapter One

Troy RPS

What You Do (2005) - Eric Bana/Sean Bean/Karl Urban (Orlando Bloom in passing)

Fiction Inspired by Eagle's Nest

Comfortable Mistakes (2005) - Sean Bean (Eagle)/Karl Urban (Raven)

Anger Management (2006) Part A Part B- Sean Bean (Eagle)/Karl Urban (Raven)/Russell Crowe (Puma)/Hugh Jackman (Jaguar)

Complicated Procedures (2007) - Hugh Jackman (Jaguar)/Mary (warning - Het)
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