LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 40f

Oct 12, 2007 12:31

There was another amused noise behind him. The item shifted, twisted, and Sean groaned aloud at the sensation. He could see alarm in Orlando’s eyes, the young man obviously anxious that Sean wasn’t okay with this. Didn’t really have time to explain how this wasn’t anything to do with fear or problems, simply a growing desire to slap certain people round the back of the head for not giving him any notice of intention before forcing Sean’s muscles to consider house guests.

Apparently there was a time limit as to how long he had to be able to cope as well. Bless him.

“ Get on with it,” came the dry voice behind him, still faintly bored. Sean growled softly in the back of his throat and refocused on Orlando’s body. However, as soon as his tongue touched the hard flesh the plug - or whatever the hell it was - suddenly got twisted again. Sean gagged and paused again, working out logistics in his head.

“ I told you to get on with it,”

Okay, and focusing was really difficult when you had a plastic whatsit up your backside occasionally being twisted whenever Viggo felt the urge. The urge apparently was on happy hour at the moment by the amount that the vibrations flooded him. Orlando moaned as Sean managed to continue, the younger man squirming slightly as Sean’s tongue applied itself to sensitive areas. Hands gripping Orli’s hips stopped this little problem, although bruises would probably make themselves known far too easily. Sean’s hand brushed against the rise of the scar tissue, causing his mind to consider further possibilities.

What happened if Viggo had a knife at this very moment?

No. Viggo wouldn’t do something quite so dangerous. All it took was Sean to move in a direction that Viggo wasn’t expecting and suddenly they were looking at telephone calls to the emergency services.

And hell, he didn’t even know whether Viggo was planning to mark him anyway. Why would he? Marking would be so permanent. A shower gel could be thrown out, but a scar was for life.

Obviously Viggo had some deep way of knowing when Sean was thinking too much as suddenly the plastic whatsit was pushed in a little deeper, brushing against the little bundle of nerves and taking thoughts of anything else away from his mind. God!

Well, if he was going to turn into a little puddle of twitching nerves, then the least he could do was to return the favour, Orli’s moans getting noticeably louder as suddenly Sean stepped up the attack. Leaning across a bed was a bastard. There was absolutely nothing to rub yourself up against. You wanted relief you’d better hope your partners were feeling generous.


At the point where Orlando was threatening to come messily down Sean’s throat, Viggo decided to get involved again. A hand rested on Sean’s shoulder.

“ Stop,”

Stop. Go. Hold. Any more of this and they were looking at driving lessons. Watch out for that bus was probably the next on the list.

On the other hand, this was an easy enough instruction to obey, even if it was a little sadistic. Orlando was not best pleased, although Sean was impressed by the level of willpower the young man had. No whining or whimpering. Just a solid look of frustration in those chocolate brown eyes, a look that was almost dangerous.

Sean really had to stop thinking of Orlando as some weak innocent. He wasn’t. He knew he wasn’t. But it was impressive what the mind made up in the face of such an innocent looking youngster. Currently innocent looking youngster looked as though his dying wish would be to skin Sean alive for daring to stop at such a point.

The plastic thingamabob caused further problems as Sean tried to straighten. The blonde hissed a curse and resisted the urge to simply get the damn thing out. Whatever it was it really hadn’t been designed for movement and that was a pain in the arse, both literally and figuratively.

Orlando’s eyes shifted from the accusation on Sean to movement behind Sean’s shoulder. A hand rested itself on the small of Sean’s back, Viggo’s breath in his ear. The blonde kept perfectly still, or as still as he was ever likely to achieve given the circumstances, the slightest tremble of anticipation working its way through his body.

Please, yes. Keep going. *Keep going, you bastard*

The hand drifted lower, Sean repressing the whimper as the new toy was gripped again. The whole toy business was obviously what came of not keeping an eye on people’s shopping lists, although no doubt this particular item probably came from Viggo’s specialist catalogue. However, it was apparently not due to be twisted again; Viggo merely drummed his fingers on it, causing more than a little vibration, and then moved away again completely.

You had to be kidding him. Was he trying to kill him with frustration?

Sean met and matched Orlando’s desperate gaze, and resisted the urge to glance back over his shoulder. Anything could happen back there, anything at all and that really wasn’t assisting his current state of well being.

Sure enough;

“ Sean, two steps backwards and on your knees,” came the instruction. Almost some form of country dancing. Probably had to doe-si-doe any moment.

As soon as Sean was in the required position, Viggo approached the bed again, smiling slightly at Orli. The younger man didn’t have time to smile back; suddenly his hips were hooked by Viggo and pulled forward, Orlando almost dangling off the edge of the bed. By the yelp, obviously they weren’t talking gently either which was probably going to remain unremarked upon.

“ Hope you did a good job,” Viggo’s voice was pleasant, even as he suddenly spread and pushed Orlando’s legs apart and thrust inside him with the speed of a striking snake. Sean winced. Honestly winced. Regardless of how good a job Orli did that was undeniably going to be more than a slight twinge, and Viggo wasn’t even allowing him the time to adjust. The older man’s thrusts were solid and fast, Sean having to close his eyes briefly to concentrate.

He knew in his heart it was fine, and hell, that was obviously the whole damn point of this. House rules. Viggo rules. No objections. Not even when it was plonked in front of your nose so you could judge said activity in glorious technicolour.

The blonde was sure the damn image wasn’t supposed to have a direct link to his groin either. Gits. The pair of them.

Sean took a deeper breath to steady his nerves and opened his eyes again. Relax. And, hell, he was relaxing, he could feel his muscles slowly begin to loosen. There had been a time in his life when his shoulders would have been harder than Everest from the tension but apparently his body had had a general meeting in the meantime and decided that this particular policy was likely to get him into a whole world of hurt one way or another. This could only be a good thing.

Orli was moaning, the discomfort of the first few cries having moved swiftly into sensual pleasure. Not particularly surprising considering how close the boy had been to the edge before Viggo’s great Exploration, but comforting nevertheless. Sean watched as Viggo thrust into him harder, the younger man’s body moving in time on the bed, Orli’s hands gripping the bed hard as though that was the only thing that was anchoring him to the mattress.

But, like a good little slave, not a word passed his lips, not of encouragement, not of discouragement, not even to comment on the fact that Viggo’s shiny suit obviously had interesting places to open.

Sean’s tongue wet his lips, focusing on the sight in front of him. Probably should have been looking at the floor, normally had to. But hell, it was directly in front of him and Orli was squeaking and Viggo was either grunting or growling or at least making a noise that sounded as though it was being produced by a large predator who had a rival tiptoeing on his borders. The blonde’s erection was taking on the entirety of the tension in this matter, so hard that it felt heavy enough that he could have smeared it with concrete and still not have noticed.

Lip was bitten. Whimper was suppressed. Viggo was cursed mentally.

And still Viggo hadn’t finished. In fact the damn thrusts were slowing, smoother, as though deliberately making it as difficult as possible to ignore before Viggo just as deliberately slammed back into Orlando with a little slapping sound as Viggo buried himself in the younger man.

And just at the moment where Sean didn’t think he was able to keep still and quiet for a moment longer, Viggo pulled out. No gasps. No murmurs. Just slid out of Orlando and stepped back, as though he had forgotten some minor household chore before leaving the home, Orli’s harsh pants the only thing sounding in the room.

“ Orlando, floor,” Obviously the frustration was either less in Viggo or perfectly controlled. Orlando, obedient to the very end, swiftly moved from the bed to his knees, the sweat on the man’s body glinting in the lighting of the room. Heavy breaths racked the younger man’s chest, the hands that touched the floor trembling with effort.

And finally Viggo’s gaze fell back on Sean. Considering, the faintest level of surprise as though the older man had forgotten that Sean was there.

“ You want a go, pet?” Viggo almost purred it. “ Take him hard and fast? You look uncomfortable there,”

No shit, Sherlock. Sean resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably and simply waited for him to continue. He knew this little trick of temptation. That wasn’t an order. That wasn’t even an offer. That was a query as to Sean’s state of mind, and hell, he wasn’t falling for that one again. Okay, so the temptation of taking Orlando hard, fast and NOW was almost ridiculous in desire. But that wasn’t the game.

Hey, he was working this whole thing out. Finally, the booklet of life was speaking to him.

About sodding time.

Viggo almost looked disappointed when Sean didn’t take him up on his temptation, but the neutral expression was back in force.

“ I see,” he murmured. “ Like that is it? Well, if you’re not going to give me any source of amusement I guess I’m going to have to organise something else. Hands and knees,”

Plastic whatsit moved inside him as Sean moved into the required position, keeping his eyes to the floor as Viggo strolled towards him, his hand resting on Sean’s hand as though petting a large animal. His fingers slid to Sean’s collar, running a finger between the hard leather and Sean’s overheated skin as though testing how tight it was.

“ Good doggie,” murmured Viggo. Sean didn’t even growl at this comment, having expected it since the order. Obviously this managed to baffle Viggo slightly as the hand paused, then patted Sean on the head again. “ There was a time when you would have taken my head off for that,”

Another house rule. No talking unless specifically asked. Sean was feeling smug.

There was a snort of amusement from Viggo at the silence. Finally the hand slipped off Sean’s head, Viggo moving away again. The blonde resisted the urge to track the other man’s moments like a hawk and simply focused on the floor in front of him. The floor, needless to say, was bloody boring as a subject especially when Viggo was approaching Orlando again.

Nope. Apologises for the floor for being abandoned in its hour of need but this was too interesting not to sneak a peek and pray you didn’t get caught. Or possibly get caught; Sean wasn’t entirely sure. Sure, getting caught would result in a Viggo Special of Punishment, but then again the blonde was shocked to discover he was trembling with anticipation just at the thought of it. He tried to put it down to a burning need to do *something*, but there was a niggling thought in the back of his head…

A sudden slap sounding in the background jerked him out of his private world to stare back at the bed. What had he missed?

“ Floor, Orli,”

There was a slid and a soft thud as Orlando hit the floor in a rather ungraceful heap and stared up at Viggo with wide eyes and a grin that really shouldn’t have been Viggo approved.

It wasn’t.

There was another slap and the grin was wiped quicker than writing on a blackboard meeting a wet sponge. An apologetic look replaced the grin. Sean was faintly impressed Orlando hadn’t attempted the cute whimpers as well. Orli had an impressive routine when he wanted to.

Suddenly he found himself grinning as well, and forced himself to keep it under wraps. Grinning just wasn’t supposed to be on the menu, not even at Happy Hour. Okay, so it was addictive and hell, it was just *there* as though it had always been a part of him, but it wasn’t part of regulations. It would just have to go back in the box from whence it came.

Box… box… here box, get here you bastard before Viggo actually noticed-

“ Sean? You have a joke you want to share?”

Sean stared back at Viggo, his heart racing. Hard and cold grey eyes stared back at him; even Orlando’s expression had grown watchful.

“ I .. er…,”

“ Well?” Viggo’s voice was menacing. Sean struggled to find something to say but excuses were apparently out of season at the moment and the only thing he could think of were poor jokes suddenly swimming through his mind. Oh, sod it. The blonde glanced up finally and grinned slightly.

“ I take it you heard the one about the Irishman, the Scotsman and the Englishman?”

There was a stunned silence as obviously the other two had to readjust their thoughts to cope with the answer. Finally there was a glimmer of honest amusement on Viggo’s face, the older man having to look away briefly to regain his stern composure.

*Got you* Sean grinned inwardly and tried to put on the most submissive expression he could before Viggo came back. Orlando was looking between the pair of them as though he had spotted a strange and unusual specimen of rabbit that was currently playing silly buggers in amongst them. Finally Orli shook his head and adjusted his position in the manner of one who wasn’t entirely sure he got the joke but was feeling patient enough to put up with the weirdness of an older mind. Sean coughed back another laugh and gathered his entire acting ability in order to keep a straight face, looking back down at the floor.

Yeah, floor hadn’t got much more entertaining than last he had seen it but at least it equally wasn’t trying to ruin his composure. Obviously the carpet had already heard that particular joke.

“ Sorry,” Sean offered as a peace offering.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see Viggo wave this off casually and turn back to Orlando, the Big Bad Wolf expression obviously trying to make a reappearance. Well, huffing and puffing was almost certainly supposed to be scheduled, although knowing Orlando’s temperament it certainly wasn’t the house that was likely to get blown down. Composure managed to get a little more of a boost as the blonde took in the sudden introduction of wariness into Orlando’s expression that suggested that Viggo had certainly managed to get some of his previous menace back into his eyes.

With a thud of realisation Sean suddenly realised he was watching the proceedings as though watching a good soap opera; his interest was solid and a relative blender of emotions but there was a certain detachment. Regardless of how it ended, it was fiction. The performance wasn’t real. Wasn’t even on the same page as reality and the bookmark of sanity had abandoned him a long time before.

He just wasn’t sure how to take that.

Thankfully, Viggo didn’t really give him a choice; a hand ran along Orlando’s arm as though testing the quality before the older man pressed himself closer to Orli, his tongue demanding entry to Orlando’s mouth on what was definitely a VIP basis. It was a brutal kiss, the type that werewolves probably perfected when they had nothing better to do whilst lurking round the back of graveyards trying to find the elusive late night churchgoer. Orlando was even helping this particular image by some little whimpers whenever Viggo allowed him to make a noise which, to be fair, wasn’t that often. Oxygen was definitely in short supply.

Sean shifted on his knees trying to find the willpower not to get into a better position to watch. His CV was not supposed to have Raging Pervert underlined twice in red, despite his amateur attempts of doing it.

“ Sean, you were supposed to be on hands and knees,” Viggo broke off the kiss in order to toss the order over his shoulder, grey-blue eyes never leaving Orlando’s wide desperate ones. Sean shifted position once again, collar jangling against his chest as though he was a dog wanting to be walked before he peed on the carpet, watching as Viggo kissed the younger man once more before nodding and getting up again.

“ Take him,” he commented.

Sean had to rerun that particular sentence in his head just in case his optimism had decided to change Viggo’s words. The older man glanced at him when it was obvious that Sean hadn’t moved, a look of surprise showing clearly.

“ You object to that?” he queried idly. Sean’s head snapped up a little more. Object? Was he kidding? Viggo shrugged slightly and gestured. “ Then get on with it,”

The blonde moved slightly and was once again reminded that certain plastic plugs were snug in their new homes. Sean hissed through his teeth and prayed that Viggo might loosen up and move the damn thing. By the amused expression on Viggo’s face apparently that was one prayer that was going to go on the rubbish heap of life. Sod it. He had been waiting for this opportunity for so long now that his groin felt as though someone had tipped molten lava over it, and quite frankly even if Viggo had shoved the entire contents of the Ann Summers catalogue up his backside he wouldn’t have cared when it came down to it.

Orlando moved eagerly to meet him, the younger man positioned on his back and lifting his hips to allow Sean a smooth entry, a grin welcoming him. The blonde’s eyes slid shut at the feel, the tight heat welcoming Sean’s body which had not even paused to wipe his metaphorical feet on the doormat. It took no time at all to be in and buried inside the younger man, Sean pausing briefly to take some well chosen gulps of air before his whole body closed down in shock. Finally. After all that time waiting and watching and hoping and praying and *aching* he was finally in a position where the word orgasm might apply to himself as well as other people.

Couldn’t hang around though. Viggo was probably timing this.

Orlando groaned aloud as Sean moved within him, his hands gripping hold of Sean’s shoulders in non-verbal encouragement. The blonde would have liked to say that he took time and caution over his lover’s pleasure, his safety, but he knew damn well those concerns went straight out the window as soon as Sean’s cock had worked out what he had been missing. On the plus side, Orli didn’t seem to mind. The younger man groaned again and thrust harder onto Sean’s length, matching his speed and determination. Sean’s hand had crept to Orli’s erection and apparently this was Viggo approved as no protests came from that end. Orlando’s moans suddenly tripled in volume, as though the vocal chords disbelieved that they would get another opportunity in this and therefore had to give as much as they possibly could before everything closed down on them again.

Sean bit down on his lip as he felt himself rapidly approach his climax, almost too quickly but hell that never killed anyone. Okay, unless your partner got so frustrated and turned to guns that was, but that was more than a little unlikely; Orli really hadn’t got anywhere to put the damn thing for a start. His fingers clenched tighter on the younger man’s skin, his teeth were beginning to make his lip complain about harsh treatment and yet he found he didn’t give a toss.

Orlando groaned underneath him, a strange mixture of whimper and demand, the younger man’s body stiffening with every moment until Sean wasn’t certain the boy hadn’t been carved from stone. One last movement of his hand and that was it for Orlando, his breathing stopping completely in a silent cry as he spilled onto his stomach and Sean’s hand, the younger man’s body clenching around the man within him just as Viggo grasped the plug once again and pulled it out smoothly, one hand braced on Sean’s left buttock to assist.

There wasn’t any question of whether Sean could survive the onslaught, only how much he could control the resulting scream as he came hard within Orlando. The answer was not much, although that was another thing that Sean realised he didn’t really give a toss about.

No, the thing he was most concerned about was the sudden hard line of the whip resting pointedly across his backside. Panting, his muscles still trembling from the shock, Sean forced himself to still, trying to ignore the fact that Orlando’s eyes had moved to look over Sean’s shoulder in order to study Viggo’s expression.

The whip traced a line from arse up his spine and then down again. Sean shivered but remained still, being the usual sensible thing to do under these situations. Could feel the leather against his heated skin, the contrast between them. He ran his tongue over his bottom lip, trying to wet a mouth which had suddenly dried up to Sahara proportions in anticipation.

Viggo was silent as the grave behind him. If it wasn’t for the fact that the whip was still tracing an outline on his back Sean would have been prepared to say that the man might have fallen asleep back there. He trembled a little more as the leather continued its lazy tour of his back, every so often dipping down to trace over the rise of his buttocks presumably just in case they felt left out.

Sean waited. And waited. And when it got to the point where he could wait no further, the whip suddenly vanished from his back.

There was another period of waiting, just in case he hadn’t got utterly frustrated already. Finally something finally broke the silence, prompting something else to happen and happen *quickly*.

“ Viggo,”

Of course it had to be his *own* voice that ruined the silence. Sean wasn’t entirely sure where the word came from but it was there and hell he might as well use the fact he had completely failed in keeping to the house rules. Sean ran his tongue over his bottom lip again and tried again, only for his voice to be cut off mid syllable.

“ I didn’t ask you to talk,” A steady voice, low and slightly annoyed.

” I know,”

There was the briefest of pauses, then a snort. “ And yet you’re *still* talking,”

Sean shrugged inwardly. Yeah, a bit of a bastard that. “ I know,”

“ Do you *want* to feel this whip on you?”

Finally silence decided to enter the conversation, thick and solid as though it was trying to make up for its tardiness in timekeeping. Sean found he had no words to say. Orli was watching him thoughtfully from his position on the floor, his climax allowing the young man a few moments to sit without fidgeting.

Viggo’s voice had obtained a hint more incredulousness when it finally returned.

“ Do you?”

Silence reigned once again and had obviously called for a public holiday in support of its rule. Orli’s eyes were getting more than enough exercise flickering from Sean to Viggo and then back again, as though watching the world’s smallest tennis match. Sean struggled with an answer that was truthful and yet not about to drop him in it.

“ It doesn’t matter what I want,” he said finally. “ It’s what you want. So whatever you decide I will be happy with it,”

The silence decided to turn stunned. There was nothing more Sean wanted than to glance over his shoulder at the expression on Viggo’s face, which judging by Orlando’s startled expression had to be quite classic, but he wasn’t supposed to do that. Typical. Sitting in a room with mirrors over most surfaces and Viggo had to stand in one of the few spots Sean couldn’t keep an eye on him with.

The whip traced a new line over Sean’s shoulders idly.

“ And if I wanted to use it on you?” Viggo’s voice was thoughtful, as though running through some possibilities he hadn’t expected to land in his lap. Sean was silent, trying not to think of the immediate positive response that had entered his mind almost automatically. On the other hand, it obviously showed on his face as Orlando raised another eyebrow.

“ I see,” Viggo’s voice had gone back to neutrality, the whip sliding over Sean’s muscles, each little flick of Viggo’s wrist causing him to shiver again. “ And you appear to have made a mess of my little pet.”

Sean’s eyes moved down to assess Orli’s stomach where there was, indeed, a mess. Orli’s mouth twitched in a smile before he managed to get it back under control again, a twinkle in chocolate brown eyes. Rolling his eyes for the younger man’s benefit, Sean crouched over the other man and slowly began to lick the other man’s stomach with long, lazy licks of the tongue. Orlando shifted underneath him and moaned his approval.

“ Good,” Viggo sounded pleased, which was a novel experience. “ Hold still now,”

“ Wha-?”

The curse that immediately came to mind remained in a tightly locked place in Sean’s head as he felt Viggo line himself up and push into him in a matter of moments. Licking pausing for the foreseeable future, Sean allowed his weight to be supported a little more by his arms as the hard length buried itself deep within him, seeking out places that the plug hadn’t quite managed to reach like a perverted version of Star Trek.

“ I’m very impressed,” Viggo leant over Sean’s back and breathed the words in his ear. “ Shall we see how long your legs will last for?”

Sean hadn’t entirely heard the statement, his mind too busy coping with the sudden invasion. Viggo lazily rotated his hips as though he had all the time in the world, then pulled out again lazily. New game, old rules. The blonde adjusted his position to allow his hands and arms to take more of the strain, and waited for the next thrust. This of course didn’t take too long; now that Sean had been breached once, Viggo apparently was more than happy to let loose a barrage of thrusts that the younger man had to fight against in order not to end up flattened over Orlando.

He always forgot the sheer power that Viggo held within him until it was happily pounding him, and even then he was certain he wasn’t appreciating it enough. Even now, he sensed the older man was holding back on him, despite his growls and his roughness that wasn’t quite rough *enough*.

Yep, he really needed a shrink right about now. Well, possibly a little later, there wasn’t enough room.

“ Come on then,” he growled over his shoulder, and even he could hear the amusement in his voice. Orli raised an eyebrow. Even Viggo’s thrusts stopped briefly as the other man had to work out this new addition to his mental set up, although these were back in force in a very short time indeed. Sean groaned and lowered his head, rocking his hips back onto each thrust that sank into him trying to encourage him deeper and all but giving him the mining rights to do so.

He was going to do this, without fuss, without drama, without anything that anyone could possibly find insulting or problematic and-


Okay, so the whole Orlando situation should have been calculated into this mental picture a little earlier on. The younger man had slid a little further down and had grasped hold of Sean’s erection very firmly in one hand, stroking him in a way that was almost indecent - well, it *was* indecent, but this seemed even worse than their bog standard ones - and ruining any hopes Sean had for lasting a suitable time period without ruining Orlando’s stomach again.

Viggo thrust deeper, his cock still hard and firm within him, occasionally brushing over the bundle of nerves that only served to make Sean twitch even more and suddenly he was accompanied by his little sidekick, the Boy Wonder, whose hands slid up and down the blonde’s length before sliding it further between Sean’s legs to fondle him there.

The house rules were going to be found and a new rule inserted: no tag teams by order of the man whose mind was pretty much likely to explode, if nothing more than for cleaning practicalities.

Speaking of insertions, Sean couldn’t ignore the fact that Viggo’s speed had increased, the other man’s breathing hard and fast in his ear. The blonde was certain he could feel Viggo trembling against him, hands gripping his hip hard in a particularly familiar way. Orli had obviously noticed the change, his hand getting more and more insistent.

Fuck… fuck…. fuck….

Breathe. Gather thoughts. Remain calm, or as calm as you could get when you had someone of Viggo’s size about to plunge directly into-


And there was a direct hit on Sean’s battleship, or at least the current centre of his universe. Pleasure burst through him, seemingly tripling the pleasure from Orli’s ministrations and suddenly he was clenching harder around Viggo as the blonde came with a strangled cry into Orlando’s waiting palm, barely hearing the hissed response from Viggo behind him as Sean’s orgasm sparked off the other man’s.

And …. *relax*. Sated, sore, exhausted, body screaming at him for attempting something he shouldn’t have even tried when he was twenty, Sean stopped himself from collapsing onto Orlando by the barest of margins. Sweat was pouring off him, his breathing so ragged he could officially his lungs a scrapbook, Sean’s limbs trembling as they attempted to hold him up against all the odds.

Thankfully the other two seemed to be aware how close they were to total power failure; Viggo had already withdrawn with a pleased slap on Sean’s upturned rear, and Orlando wriggled out from underneath him with as much dignity someone in that position could find. Sean himself thought that dignity could go have a flying fuck; collapsing onto the floor, he gave a satisfied sleepy groan and prayed neither of them were going to get him back up again for the next five minutes at least.

There was a pause.

“ Think you killed him,” Viggo commented towards Orlando.

” Me??” the younger man squeaked back. “ I wasn’t the one doing the exploration!”

” You criticizing my game plan?” low, dangerous, and obviously amused. There was a little meep from the younger man; a little noise of shuffling reached Sean’s ears. There was an amused snort of laughter from Viggo, Sean suddenly jumping as a hand reached down and slid over the smoothness of his right buttock.

The right buttock which *still* had no mark on it, as smooth as when he was born. Okay, that was an exaggeration but fuck, he was getting desperate here. A bit of creative exaggeration wasn’t going to kill anyone. Viggo’s hand drifted across Sean’s skin a little further, as though assessing the quality of the pelt.

There was a silence.

” Am I yours now?” Sean said softly, not opening his eyes, happy with his face full of carpet which was providing comfort and possibly ruining the moment by making his words all muffled. Viggo snorted sadly.

“ You were always mine, Sean. You just wouldn’t accept it,”

God, and if they got any cheesier they would have Wallace and Gromit after them to spread it onto crackers. And the worst part of it all was that he needed to hear it. Needed to know that this was right, that this wasn’t just emotions running high and making all sorts of promises that their hearts couldn’t honour. And more the fucking point, needed to feel that knife on his skin.

“ Will you mark me?”

Dead silence. Now, that shouldn’t be happening, surely? He knew what he wanted, could feel the relief in his heart and mind simply by putting volume to the words he had been saying for so long he had lost track. And yet the other side wasn’t talking.

Sean found some energy which had obviously been stored in his big toe for the past two hours and pushed himself up, looking back over his shoulder at the older man who was still touching him as though he had forgotten where his hand was. There was a distant look in his eyes, a look of … pain? Great. Their lives were obviously like those annoying games you got at fairs where you had to avoid the wire to get to the end of the damn thing; one touch at the side, the buzzer rang and you were shoved straight back to the beginning again.

” Viggo?”

There was a pause in which the only sound Sean could hear was the steady beating of his own heart. And suddenly he realised exactly what the issue was; this was another one of Orlando’s little suggestions, not Viggo’s. The knife was by order of the Bloom, and obviously Viggo wasn’t as keen on knife play as Orlando was.

” It’s okay,” Sean said softly, seeing Orli move towards Viggo out of the corner of his eye. “ I want this. I want *you*. I want to feel you, and keep feeling you for the next lifetime. Please.”

Orlando had reached him and was sliding his hand up Viggo’s arm and still that grey blue gaze was looking at Sean as though reaching into his soul and thumbing through the index.

*Come on. Trust me. Do it.*

“ I love you. I love him,” Sean said simply, giving a little nod towards Orlando before looking back. “ You won’t hurt me, Viggo, I promise you.”

Well, not in any way that wasn’t intended anyway, and he could see the indecision in Viggo’s eyes flicker as he looked back at him. It was several heartbeats later that finally the smile came, an upturn of the corner of his mouth as he stared back, openly displaying the humour and friendship that Sean remembered for so long that it took all Sean’s strength not to grin back.

It was Viggo in there and they were going to be alright.

And just as quickly Viggo stepped back into his role, the mask easily moving back in place as the spell was broken; the older man waved a hand towards the same low table that he had tied Orlando all that time ago, and moved back towards his favourite drawer presumably for supplies.

“ You getting on that table or am I going to have to get rough on your arse?” Low. Dangerous. Aggressive. And definitely not going to do anything that Sean didn’t want to do, he knew it already.

Sod the thinking, he had a part to play in this and the script for the first time in his life was properly becoming clear, so clear that he could even see the page numbers and the breaks for advertisements. He watched Viggo pull out the knife and examine the blade carefully, a little flash of light shining in the room as it caught the overhead lamps. He saw the table in front of him. He saw Orlando’s expression on him, a grin that obviously the younger man hadn’t even bothered to hide, knowing whatever he did would fail.

This was it. Last words were being said, the last meal had been digested, and the world waited to see whether he could finally do something he really wanted to do.

The last step before possession.

Sean met Viggo’s eyes one last time to smile gently before moving to lie down on the table to await the blade.

It was time.

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