LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 17

Oct 12, 2007 11:10

Chapter 17: Trials and Retributions


Orlando scrambled to his feet as Viggo entered the trailer, looking his usual casual self. Sean slid to one side of the trailer room, eyes flickering cautiously between the two men to gauge reactions. Orli was almost completely frozen, his eyes wide and huge, almost in disbelief that Viggo would walk back through his door whilst he was still inside.

Sean could hear Orli’s breath hitch as Viggo walked the three paces between them, stopping again directly in front of the young man and staring at him with an intensity that could probably bore through walls. Orlando just stood there, looking back at him wistfully, managing to contain himself.

Viggo gently ran his hand down the side of Orlando’s face, studying him, before moving his hand to gently push aside the stray strands of hair that hid the bruise. Orli’s gaze never lost the wistful innocence, staring trustfully at him.

The younger man trembled as Viggo leant forward and rested a light kiss on Orli’s forehead.

“ You need to get changed,” he murmured, stepping back. Orli froze for a moment, then beamed and nodded, his hands immediately going to the clasp on his cloak before it too hesitated briefly; within a second Orlando had stepped forward and hugged Viggo tightly to him, breathing in the familiar scent and feel of his lover. Viggo didn’t even pause, pulling the young man closer to him to the extent Sean was impressed Orlando could breathe. Sean himself had discovered he had developed a smile the size of the Cheshire cat’s, and was struggling to get it under control.

Turning from them slightly, Sean started to strip off his own clothes, carefully putting the leather tunic and chain mail accessories onto the desk before turning his attention to his boots. He glanced up to find Viggo watching him in interest, Orli still clasped to him but whose gaze was also peering over a ranger sleeve. Sean slowed down his actions immediately, watching them cautiously. Any attention to him whilst this pair were in the romantic type of mood normally promised excitement in some form or the other.

“ Keep going Sean,” Viggo’s hand was stroking Orlando’s head in the manner that was probably going to infuriate one of the makeup artists with regards to the state of the wig but at this point looked extremely cute. Sean could see Orli’s smile just by the expression in his eyes. Sean raised an eyebrow, but continued, briefly watching Viggo start to undress Orli before turning his attention back to one of the knots in his bootlace. He could work out motivations later. Now simply focusing on getting the bloody costume off was the main thing.

The blonde finally and happily sat down in one of the chairs wearing only his breeches, the Boromir wig having been thankfully placed back in its rightful spot off his head and on to the dedicated wig block. Sean’s mood much more relaxed now he was free. Orlando had been successfully de-elved, only dressed in his breeches and under tunic, watching Viggo with an anxious eager expression, like a dog who scented the possibility of a long walk.

Viggo, meanwhile, had managed to revert back into his usual annoyingly difficult-to-read self, with willpower to match. Patting Orlando on the head, he glanced once towards Sean to establish exactly where the blonde had put himself, and started to strip himself of his own costume.

Very ,very, slowly.

“ Did you want stripper music as well?” asked Sean casually after a few moments, and earned himself a hard glare. Sean immediately belted up. Obviously tensions still ran high, and the last thing he needed was to be cited as the cause once again.

“ See to Orlando,” Viggo instructed, his hand still busy with the clasps on the costume.

The blonde blinked, and tried to work out exactly what that would entail. Knowing his luck, he’d probably interpret it as a blow job and it would turn out to be simply making the coffee. Or the other way round. Sean wasn’t entirely sure which was worse at this point in time, but he knew damn well he didn’t have any milk.

Standing up, Sean made his way to stand behind Orli, his hands resting on the younger man’s hips as he glanced at Viggo over Orlando’s shoulder. Viggo had finished his clasp difficulties and was stood pretty much immediately in front of the younger man, his eyes fixed on Sean’s. Viggo gave a small nod. Taking that as a probable encouragement, Sean bent his head slightly to run his tongue along the back of Orli’s neck, the younger man shivering at the touch, Orli’s brown eyes never leaving Viggo.

After a few moments generally touching and massaging, Sean had come to conclude that the tunic was a bloody annoyance that was sent to try him by destiny and the Wardrobe Department. However, ripping the damn thing off was likely to cause hysterics and would probably lead to him getting uncomfortable outfits for the rest of the shoot. There had already been hints towards a new Osgiliath flashback scene, plate armour included. Sean was dreading it already.

He met Viggo’s gaze over Orlando’s shoulder once more, winking once and turning his attention back onto the extremely tense area of Orli’s neck and shoulders. Viggo had managed to get down to his own breeches with the minimum of fuss and was staring back at Orli with an unreadable expression, although Sean could have sworn he could see the schoolchild staring longingly at the new and highly breakable Top New Toy glittering somewhere in the eye.

Orlando was pressing against Sean’s hands as he worked, trying to get a little more friction, rubbing the high rise of his buttocks against an increasingly uncomfortable groin. Bloody kids! Never stay where you put them. The blonde attempted to forget about the growing need in his breeches and paid more attention to the shoulders in front of him.

However, the master’s ideas apparently differed. Viggo’s hands were suddenly on Orli’s chest, pulling off the tunic with little regard for Wardrobe or indeed anything else, such was his insistence. The older man had cleared the space between them, his lips questing Orlando’s, his hands running over the younger man’s body in a clear sign of possession. Sean suddenly jumped as he felt Viggo’s hand rake down his own hip, the steady and undoubtedly amused ice blue glaze meeting his surprised green one briefly before turning back to the job in hand. Viggo’s hand drifted back to Orli’s hip.

His encouragement clear, Sean stepped up his attack from the rear, a thought that became a literal statement. Orli groaned into Viggo’s mouth as Sean’s hands caressed and kneaded his buttocks, the older man’s body pressed hard against Orlando’s giving the younger man nowhere to run to, pressed as he was between the two hard bodies.

Having reduced Orli to a pile of quivering nerves in less time it took Billy to finish a packet of crisps, Viggo suddenly stepped backwards, watching the younger man in clear amusement. Orlando almost fell forwards as the road block was removed, Sean glancing over the young man’s shoulders himself to work out what on earth was going on in the world of Viggo.

The pair watched as said man wandered towards the completely forgotten door and locked it. Sean cursed himself for forgetting that little part, which was quite ridiculous considering how many times he had fallen foul of it. Obviously he didn’t learn from his mistakes. Or, possibly, it was something other than his mind which was in command.

Turning round, Viggo had the same masterful air as he usually held in the games, a steady gaze holding Orli more firmly than any handcuffs.

“ Sean,” Viggo’s eyes flickered towards the blonde, and gave a quick gesture with his eyes to indicate where he wanted him.

Sean obediently stepped to one side of Orli and watched Viggo closely, always cautious of the minor gestures he might have missed. However, the older man’s focus was clearly on Orli, his arms folded in a clear show of dominance, his eyes moving on to the younger man in a careful, studying nature. Viggo wandered forward, running his hand lightly over the curves of Orli’s chest, smiling slightly and almost cruelly at the indrawn breath.

“ You,” his voice was but a murmur, low and dangerous, as though speaking a secret. “ belong to me. And yet I feel the need to question this, question your devotion. Are you devoted, Orlando?”

“ You know I am,” Orli’s eyes were bright, determined. Viggo raised an eyebrow.

“ You dare to state what I think?” the tone was now one of mock surprise, warning in every word. Orli swallowed.

“ I meant, yes, I am.” Orli scanned his gaze. Viggo looked to be weighing up the situation thoughtfully.

” I’m not certain you are,” he mused. “ Oh, I know you think you are, certainly, young one.” The hand drifted to brush Orlando’s cheek lightly. “ But, when it comes down to it, can you stand firm? Can I trust you?”

Orlando met Viggo’s gaze steadily, and nodded. Viggo smiled again.

“ I accept your challenge,” he said softly. Sean watched them, knowing that this seemed to be another of their pre-set games and having no idea on the script. However, he did not have long to privately curse them as Viggo glanced to him again, consideration clearly written across his expression.

“ Sean, strip,”

This was met with a distinct lack of surprise but a steady obedience which Sean hoped was being noted by certain people. The breeches disappeared from the equation, the blonde pausing as Viggo strolled towards him, running his hand over Sean’s shoulder and stopping him from immediately sinking into a kneeling position. Viggo met Orli’s gaze coolly, his hand still firm on Sean’s shoulder.

“ Don’t move, don’t speak, don’t do anything unless I say.” Viggo cocked his head to one side, studying Orlando. “ Clear, pet?”

At Orlando’s nod, Viggo smiled again, the wolf amongst the sheep, and nuzzled Sean’s neck, his hands already roving across the flat stomach, eyes firmly fixed upon Orlando. Sean took only a few moments to work out exactly what torture Viggo was trying to carry out, and glanced back at Orlando himself. The young man was watching them, eyes wide, lip being slightly bitten, eagerness to join in written across his face. Said eagerness was being held back by sheer force of willpower and possibly the threat of what Viggo would do if he didn’t.

The blonde, already working out what was needed on his part, gave a satisfied moan at Viggo’s touch on his stomach, writhing a little more dramatically than he normally did.

If it was a porn video Viggo wanted, it was a porn video he was going to get.

Viggo sucked at Sean’s neck, his hand drifting across the man’s chest whilst the other pulled Sean tighter to him. Sean shut his eyes and dropped his head back slightly, moaning again as the hand on his hip grazed over his arousal, playing up to the audience. He shivered at Viggo’s teeth on his neck, who was biting hard enough to leave marks but not enough to worry his partner due to the slow speed that he was going, his hands working across Sean’s skin.

And suddenly the audience was the last thing on Sean’s mind. His skin was almost aflame at the touch of Viggo’s hands on him, which increased in temperature as hands cupped his buttocks, pulling him even further against the older man, hips grinding against his own. Sean could faintly hear a faint gasp from Orli before everything was faded out as Viggo pressed his lips to Sean’s own and ran his tongue possessively over the younger mans bottom lip, his hands drifting lightly across the cleft of Sean’s backside. Sean had enough mental power left to realise that Orlando was in the perfect position to see this before Viggo stepped up the attack, moving to stand behind Sean.

The blonde could feel Viggo’s breath on his neck, his hand reaching down to gently stroke him. The feel of Viggo moving him gently so Orlando could get the better view amused him for approximately three seconds before his breath caught in his throat as Viggo’s thumb slid over the head of his cock, the man proving to be more sadistic than the equipment in the gym could ever hope to achieve. Sean knew damn well what a stupid expression he had on his face, but seemed unable to shift it. He groaned in encouragement as Viggo continued to torment him, pressing back at him with such persistence that a weaker man probably would have stumbled. Sean’s own legs were beginning to betray him, threatening to go on strike with no option for negotiations.

Viggo’s mouth was on his neck again, the teeth pressing against the firm golden skin as though trying to find the perfect spot to sink them in. Sean had lost the ability to care at this point, his head lolling against his shoulder, allowing Viggo whatever he wanted as long as he kept touching *there* and *there*. He could hear an almost continuous whimper coming from his own lips in his frustration which in any other case would be mind-splittingly embarrassing.

Viggo lazily stroked him again in a manner that suggested that the older man was managing to entirely ignore his own burning erection which was currently finding comfort pressed up against the firm muscle of Sean’s backside. Sean rubbed back against him, only stopping when Viggo’s other hand tightened on his hip almost painfully. So, not quite as laid back as he seemed then.

“ Behave,” Sean heard murmured in his ear. Sean struggled to behave. His legs threatened their strike action harder, until even Viggo was aware of the conflict. There was an amused chuckle in his ear. The hand slowed down. Sean wanted to scream.

Through half closed eyes he could see that Orlando was probably reaching the screaming point too. The younger man was almost squirming where he stood, his arousal clear. His hand kept moving to relieve himself, then sliding back as he managed to re-seize control of his hand. Sean could hear the soft pants from the young man, could see the pleading in his eyes, before the blonde slowly shut his own, groaning softly as Viggo drifted his thumb over the head of his cock again, smearing the liquid from his pre-cum across the head.

And then suddenly he released him. Sean almost collapsed to the floor.

“ The pair of you, get in the car,” Viggo was bending down to retrieve his clothing. Sean took a few moments to clear his head, then grabbed hold of his own clothing swiftly. He didn’t put it past Viggo not to demand that they go as they were.

Orli immediately started dressing at Viggo’s nod, a dog awaiting a command to spring into action. Sean had to grab hold of his shoes and follow out the door as Viggo dressed in record breaking speed and disappeared, followed by Orli who was still pulling his t-shirt over his head.

Thankfully the set was pretty much quiet, partly to do with a separate filming location and mostly to do with the fact it was just past food break. Sean kept his head down, hoping no one would notice his flushed expression and increasingly dirty feet. After the first sharp stone, Sean paused to shove his boots on and hurried to catch them up. The night promised to be long, and heaven knew what Viggo would do if anyone was foolish enough to be late to it.


There wasn’t even a pause between entering the house and moving to the gym. Viggo marched forward, confident that the other two would follow, Orlando pattering behind him eagerly. A thick fog of desire had completely managed to haze Sean’s control, the throbbing in his groin now just a steady lengthy ache, only a vague glimmer of alarm as Viggo pushed open the gym door.

From that point on things were a bit of a blur. Viggo immediately turned to Orlando and seized hold of his t-shirt, ripping it from his body in a move that seemed particularly practised, despite Orli’s honestly surprised expression. The surprised expression didn’t last long either; Orlando immediately unbuttoning his flies in the face of such determined lust, lifting his head slightly as Viggo kissed him without any sight of restraint as he removed the barrier that were his trousers.

Finally Viggo stepped back, his own breath heavy, a glistening of sweat on his brow, the remains of Orlando’s clothing lying rejected on the floor.

“ You are aware,” he said in a low voice. “ that I can’t allow you to get away with what you did,”

Orli nodded, his eyes bright and eager, muscles tense. Sean attempted to slip to the side in order to escape any notice, and was grabbed by the upper arm by Viggo who didn’t bother to look away from Orli as he did so, yanking Sean to a halt.

“ Get yourself undressed and on the bed,” he ordered, dropping his grip - which had been tight on Sean’s arm - and stepping forward once again to Orli. Orlando’s breath stopped completely as Viggo stared at him steadily, his arms now folded, a statue showing sheer power and dominance.

Sean kept his eyes trained on them as he did as he was requested, his own clothes thrown in an untidy heap to the side of the bed. As far as he could tell, Viggo didn’t look in the type of mood to worry about his usual housekeeping rules. In fact, Viggo didn’t look his normal self at all, despite the customary low voice and dangerous posture. Ordinarily there was almost a bored air around the older man. Now even Sean could see the impatience, the need, in every move Viggo made.

However, this was somewhat aided by the moves Viggo decided to make. Sean almost jumped as Viggo seized Orlando in a grip that would make a python proud, his hands wandering down the side of Orlando’s body before allowing the younger man to kiss him properly. It was difficult to see where Viggo stopped and Orli began after a while.

Stepping back again, Viggo swiftly removed himself of his own clothing, which fell to the floor where he stood. Sweat had given his muscles a shine that cleaning companies would kill to achieve on their floors. Sean was almost sure that he could see a slight tremble in the man’s body, although that might simply have been wishful thinking. Orlando was looking up at Viggo with the same trusting expression that Sean had noticed earlier, eyes wide and eager, waiting.

Sean was waiting as well, but for something certainly less appealing. His throbbing groin had already stated its intention to ignore any implications of retaliations or punishments made by Viggo, and, to be fair, the rest of Sean was not too far behind. However, the parts of the brain that weren’t focused entirely on the hard buttocks directly in front of him were being more cautious. A hurt man could do anything, and there was nothing that made a person more vulnerable than during sex.

Okay, that was a bit extreme. Viggo had more than half a dozen contraptions, all centred around the making someone vulnerable area, and he could consider many more emotional things that had a good stab at the Vulnerability Maker award. However, they weren’t there. Viggo was.

The man in question had suddenly snapped back into action, and was obviously not going to do this by halves. The kiss was back in earnest, Sean being able to see the wandering hands over Orlando’s body. The younger man was making little moaning noises in the back of his throat, obviously grinding against his lover with a large amount of strength involved. Orlando’s hand, however, stayed at Viggo’s hip and went no further, despite the young man’s frantic movements.

Obviously Orlando was only too well aware which areas were out of bounds on Viggo. Sean made a quick mental note to bully further information out of Orli at a later stage, before his note was almost ruined by Viggo swivelling his little party round and pushing Orlando towards the main bed. Sean slid to the pillow end, his back against the metal headboard, making sure he wasn’t getting in the way.

However, apparently Viggo was quite happy for him to get in the way by the look he was receiving. Sean had heard of the word smouldering in relation to sexual tension, normally within dubious romantic stories which often had pink in whatever illustrations accompanied it. However, this was the first time he had properly understood what they had meant. Viggo’s gaze could have incinerated the bed in a matter of seconds.

Turning his attention back to Orlando, who was lying on his back staring across at him, Viggo moved himself to stand between the young man’s legs. Leaning over, he ran his tongue over Orli’s collar bone, leaning across him and drifting lower. Orlando had his eyes shut, the occasional whimper escaping through his lips. Sean was torn between watching from this angle or watching from the somewhat sensational view which was being presented by the mirrors on the ceiling. Sean’s opinion on mirrored ceilings suddenly had a radical reconsideration.

“ Sean?”

Sean’s attention snapped back to his original position. Viggo didn’t bother to glance towards him as he withdrew from between the young man’s legs. The blonde attempted to avoid looking a little too keen, but bloody hell, that was hard with Orli stretched out in front of him and Viggo standing directly in front with an erection that could probably win architecture awards.

“ Come here,” Viggo’s voice was low, seductive. Sean allowed himself to be seduced into moving as quickly as was dignified, and was promptly surprised as Viggo laid his hand on the blonde’s chest and lightly kissed him in almost a chaste manner, if that word was allowed in the gym.

When Viggo’s words came next it was almost whispered. “ I want you to prepare him.” He paused. Sean could almost sense the smile. “ With your tongue,”

Sean couldn’t have looked more startled if he’d tried. He stared at Viggo, who indeed had a particular smirk on his face, then glanced desperately towards Orlando. A hand in the small of his back gave him a little shove towards the younger man.

Dropping to his knees, which seemed the safest spot to be in, Sean resisted the urge to look back again. Orli obviously had a good idea of what was going on, and had already lifted his feet to rest on the bed. No doubt he was also making good use of the mirrored ceiling.

Sean put his hands on the soft skin of Orlando’s thighs, and gently pushed him into a position where he might possibly, with the grace of god and a nod from Lady Luck, be able to do this. His mouth felt uncooperatively dry. His mind hadn’t even got to the part where he would be ordered to do this.

” Good boy,” murmured Viggo behind him. And that clinched it. Now was the time to start doing stranger things, to persuade Viggo that they meant it. If that required him to poke his tongue up… Sean hesitated again, then managed to get his willpower working again. The mental images probably weren’t helping. Just pretend he’s an ice-cream or something. In a very very odd spot.

Sean leant forward slowly, his hands keeping a tight grip on Orli to make sure he stayed where he wanted him to be. However, thankfully Orlando was happy to help. He had already moved himself into the best position, his legs more being held up by Orli power than by Sean.

Closing his eyes, Sean leant forward even further, his hands trying to spread the boy to a better position. With a musky smell of sweat and Orlando in his nose, Sean hesitantly licked him. Orli moaned his approval. Having discovered bravery, the blonde did it again, a little stronger, a little longer, tasting the salty sweat on his tongue and another not entirely unpleasant taste that was pure Orlando. He circled his tongue around Orlando’s opening, hearing the resulting moans from his young target, feeling a little braver by each second that passed. He flickered his tongue across the muscle in a teasing movement which almost caused Orlando’s control over his legs to plummet to an all time low.

Viggo’s hand was on his shoulder, pulling him slightly backwards. Sean glanced at him, surprised. Viggo was busy gazing at Orli, who was also obviously unhappy about the removal of Sean’s attention.

“ Orli, roll over.” He instructed. Orli nodded, and twisted into the required position., his legs dangling off the side of the bed. Sean was given a little push towards him.

“ Keep going,”

And this position was certainly easier. Spreading the young man’s cheeks apart again, Sean was soon back to lapping against him, Orlando squirming on the bed, a few curses falling from his lips. Sean could feel Viggo standing close behind him, but managed to keep going. He almost yelped himself as he felt a hand stroke along his balls before a finger slowly pushed inside of him.

Sean tried to focus on his own task, gently and gingerly breaching the muscle with his tongue. However, the muscle was not willing to be breached without protest. The blonde put a little more strength into it, moving his face closer to put as much force as he could, his mind forgetting his objections as it focused even further on the fingers that were currently invading him. One finger had swiftly turned into two, which had swiftly turned into three, corkscrewing inside him until he was almost writhing on the floor himself. Orlando was grinding his hips desperately into the bed, Sean’s hands having to tighten to keep him from throwing him off.

“ Sean,” Viggo’s other hand was on his shoulder, moving him back, Viggo’s fingers pulling out of the blonde’s body with little ado. Panting heavily, Sean pulled back, watching with an even hazier mind than normal as Viggo moved to replace him. A sudden thought occurred to him. Spit, yes, but nothing even remotely resembling decent lube had been used, and there Viggo was about to-

Orli yelped loudly as Viggo pushed inside of him, his first thrust deep inside the young man. Orli’s back was arched, his hands scrabbling to get a purchase on the bed before Viggo moved. Orlando cried out again as Viggo began to thrust properly, increasing his speed and strength after a few moments to let the younger man grow used to his presence. Sean could hear the slap of skin on skin as Viggo thrust even harder, the older man’s hands gripping Orlando’s flanks hard enough to leave marks.

The younger man himself was still moaning, his forehead resting on the bed as Viggo fucked him; but even from this position Sean could recognise the fact that Orlando was slamming back against Viggo as hard as the older man was thrusting, trying to increase the speed, the angle, the force. Sean shook his head slowly in surprise, before he almost jumped again at Orlando’s scream as Viggo hit the correct angle at what appeared to be the speed of a cheetah and the force of a rhino.

“ Shush, little one,” Viggo murmured into Orli’s ear, the affectionate tone almost completely ruined by the next hard thrust which seemed determined to split Orlando in two. Orlando sob-moaned his response, sounding almost as dazed as Sean was feeling. Viggo kissed Orlando’s shoulder, and slid out of him, his erection still as proud and stiff as it ever had been.

Sean froze as Viggo looked at him assessingly, not entirely sure he could cope with being pounded like poor Orlando. ‘Poor’ Orlando, seemingly having the recovery skills of an elf, glanced over his shoulder to watch them as Viggo ran his hand over Sean’s shoulders, noticing the tension straight away.

“ Don’t trust me?” he said meaningfully.

“ Cause I trust you, you daft sod,” Sean forced himself to be more jolly than he felt. Viggo smiled to himself and gave Sean another little shove towards the bed and Orlando.

“ Take him.” Viggo instructed.

” What, now?” It sounded weak even to Sean.

” No, next week. Of course now.” Viggo folded his arms. Sean sighed. Viggo folding his arms was the physical gesture of a full stop. End of argument.

However, at least he could easily do this bit. The moves were familiar to him, and if Viggo hadn’t opened the younger man up by now Orli was going to be destined to be tight no matter what you shoved up him. Sean positioned himself carefully, then pushed into Orlando, the tight warmth almost causing him to come then and there. Orli gave a purring-moan in approval, and wriggled around him. Sean had to seize hold of his control with both hands to stop from immediately pounding the boy himself.

Sean managed to hit the right spot on his second thrust, which neither of them were expecting. Orlando yelped again and bucked against him, his muscles clenching around Sean who was having enough difficulty as it was. Sean suddenly stilled as hands settled on his hips from behind him.

“ Quick learner,” Viggo’s voice was breathed into his ear. “ Lets step up the lessons, shall we?”

“ Wha-?“

Sean was cut off short as he felt Viggo line up with him and push in. His muscles protested against the invasion for a moment before allowing the intruder access, not that said intruder seemed likely to stop if they had continued their protest. Sean was suddenly sandwiched between the two men, trying not to put too much weight on Orlando for fear of completely cutting off his circulation. The burning pain was briefly the only thing in his conscious mind, before settling just above the feeling of being surrounded by Orlando and the caution of having Viggo behind him.

This wasn’t fair.

Sean breathed deeply, which Viggo took to signify he could thrust once again. Sean slammed into Orlando accidentally at the resulting force.

No, this was really not fair.

And yet it was too bloody … *something*. Nice was certainly not the word, not with the pain and the discomfort, and yet the pleasure was almost indescribable. He could feel Orli’s trembles, his eagerness, just as he could feel Viggo’s solid determination and almost pure lust behind him. Viggo was obviously not waiting around for Sean to get his head together. After a few experimental thrusts they managed to find a rhythm that seemed to work, Sean struggling to keep himself from coming immediately, having been teased and tormented for most of the bloody hour.

He could hear Viggo behind him, panting, hands gripping his hips tighter as though he was ultimately planning to snap the bone in his hands. Orlando wasn’t much better; his moans had increased in volume and frequency, squirming underneath the weight eagerly. And shit, Sean could feel his completion building, burning like a fireball in his veins and nerves. He bit his lip hard, trying to take his mind off it.

His mind was obviously far too stubborn to move.

With a stifled moan, Sean realised there was absolutely bugger all he could do, not with Orlando writhing around him and Viggo deliberately trying to get as far into Sean as possible. The blonde hissed at the sudden change of angle by Viggo, the older man obviously attempting to-

Sean almost screamed himself as Viggo found the angle he had been hunting for. And that was it for self control; finding his release, Sean shuddered into Orlando, biting his lip but still failing to stop the little string of moans escaping. He could feel himself clench around Viggo, the older man groaning something in either Danish, Elvish or gobbledegook that Sean hadn’t a hope of understanding. Not that he was trying. All his attention was firmly fixed on trying to keep his legs upright and handling both his and the weight afforded by Viggo.

At the feel of Viggo sliding out of him, Sean grateful followed gravity’s instruction and slid to the floor, breathing unsteady and fast. Orli twisted swiftly on the bed to sit upright, feet carefully placed to make sure he wasn’t standing on Sean who was almost exactly underneath him. A concerned expression looked down at him.

“ Did we kill you?” Orli queried.

“ What would happen if I said yes?” Sean groaned.

“ I’d probably run away from the undead.” Orlando grinned and turned his attention to Viggo who was watching them steadily. Sean watched the satisfied smirk on Orlando’s face slip away, then glanced round himself. Hmmmph. For a man who had just been fully satisfied, Viggo didn’t look the part at all. In fact, there was something a little too familiar in those grey blue eyes, a little too haunted. Obviously now the real evening started.

“ Orli, here,” Viggo took a few steps back to allow some space for him. Orlando obediently moved off the bed, eyes fixed on Viggo, amusement replaced by solemn dedication. Sean was faintly reminded of a child who had been asked to do an important task and was determined to make sure they had everything correct.

Sean shifted round so his back was resting against the bed, feeling his heartbeat - which had been slowing - speed up yet again. Viggo ran his hand down the younger man’s cheek gently.

“ You’re mine,” he said softly. “ And yet I don’t believe you know that. How shall I demonstrate this to you?” Viggo’s voice dropped to a level that was just above a whisper, his eyes fixed on the younger man. “ Should I mark you?”

Sean’s head slightly rose at this, his eyes narrowing. Viggo almost seemed to read Sean’s mind without even having to look at him as he moved away from Orlando, opening one of the drawers and rummaging inside to retrieve two collars, both looking the last word in sturdy contraptions. Orlando’s eyes were bright and shining. Sean’s were completely unreadable as Viggo walked to where he was sitting and eyed him thoughtfully. The leather and steel collar was being twisted in his hands as he stood there.

“ You want a fight over this?” Viggo was obviously uncertain of the reception of the collar, but by the tone obviously uncaring if the blonde didn’t want it. He raised an eyebrow, unfastening the collar and waiting. Sean looked at the collar, then back at Viggo, before making a mental decision and shifting into a position where Viggo could easily fasten the collar around his neck. Objections were obviously going to be overridden.

The collar felt ridiculously heavy and restrictive compared to the freedom of his naked state, and Sean had to use a lot of willpower to stop himself tugging at it. He was well aware of the temperature of the metal parts against his skin, the little embarrassing metal tag at the front a cool source against the heat of his skin. Viggo nodded in satisfaction, and grabbed hold of Sean’s arm, tugging the man onto his feet before shoving him towards the bed. Sean took the hint and knelt near the end of the bed, although he had to move slightly to avoid the wet patch left by Orli.

Viggo moved back to Orli, picking up the other one that he had lain on the bed, no doubt in case he had had to use more than words to get Sean’s on him.

Orli didn’t say a word as Viggo fastened the heavy collar around his neck, his gaze staring meekly up at him. Viggo ran his hand down Orlando’s face before stepping back again, his vision steady and suddenly sub-artic.

“ I never thought I would need to do this,” Viggo’s eyes ran across Orli greedily before returning to the young man’s face. “ Shows how trusting I am,”

Orlando’s expression was suitably apologetic, despite the tense eagerness through him. Sean watched as Viggo smiled at the young man again, then gave him a shove backwards. Orli managed to right himself before he completely stumbled over, glancing back at him. Viggo had stepped forward, following him. He push-kicked Orli firmly on the thigh to encourage him to move in the direction he wished.

Sean had to fight to remind himself that this wasn’t a battle that either fighter would welcome his interruption. But it was hard, bloody hell it was hard, especially when Viggo grabbed hold of Orlando’s shoulder in a manner that definitely did not speak of gentleness and threw him towards the low table. It seemed so long ago that Sean had properly focused on that, especially given his successes in keeping them out of the gym for so long, and it merely enforced his critical opinion upon it.

Viggo gave another sharp glare his way and Sean kept his mouth shut even tighter, not liking the strangely assessing way that the older man was looking at him. Decisions were obviously being made in the deep recesses of Viggo’s mind, and that was never a happy thought when you had a collar that looked as though it belonged to the world’s toughest dog currently gracing your neck.

Within a few moments, Orlando was lashed to the table, both wrists tied down, another band keeping his legs from moving more than a few centimetres. Sean briefly wondered who on earth designed such a contraption, before focusing a little too hard on Viggo. Viggo had not allowed any moment to be an idle one. In his hand now glinted a large knife which looked faintly hunting related.

Sean sat bolt upright. His eyes were entirely watching the knife, before sliding towards Viggo who was watching him with a steady and almost patient expression. The blonde suddenly realised that Viggo knew damn well what his reaction was going to be and was patiently awaiting it.

Viggo raised an eyebrow, silently querying what Sean was expecting to do now.

Which was a very good question indeed. Obedience dictated that he sit there quietly like a good boy, eyes cast down in a modest and submissive pose, waiting for an instruction. Common sense and his increasing fear for Orlando demanded something entirely different, as did the ability to be able to sleep tonight without horrific nightmares.

Sean opened his mouth to speak, wavered, then shut it again reluctantly. Viggo watched him suspiciously for a few more moments, then, when righteous indignation failed to make itself known, he approached Orli’s splayed out body again, vulnerable and helpless against any decision Viggo decided to make. Sean stiffened again, and not in the nice way.

“ You disobeyed me,” Viggo’s voice was low towards Orlando, casual, as though reading out from a section of newspaper. “ And you’re encouraging others. I need to stop this.”

Sean’s spine couldn’t get any straighter without the aid of an ironing board. His eyes were wide, horrified, protests bubbling in his throat but not quite ready or brave enough to venture forth. His hands had fisted in the blanket of the bed as though it would assist. Viggo paused again, and carefully put the knife down on the floor near the head of the table. He sighed slightly, and with a distinct lack of hesitation swivelled on his heel and bore down on Sean who suddenly discovered even more things to worry about.

A hand landed on his chest and pushed him backwards with no further ado or indeed any gentleness either. Sean, who was off balance anyway, all but fell over backwards, staring up at the thankfully knife-less Viggo with a distinctly wary expression, a child uncertain of the rules. Viggo didn’t bother to look at him. He seized one of the chains near the bed and clicked it to a metal ring fixed onto the collar. Sean suddenly found his freedom extremely hampered.

Once the chain had been connected, Viggo moved so that his face was mere inches away from Sean’s own. Grey-blue eyes surveyed him in mild interest and no concern whatsoever.

” You start talking,” he said quietly. “ and you get gagged. You make a noise, you get bound. You knock something over, you get hit.” Viggo’s eyes flickered over Sean’s. “ Any questions?”

Sean opened his mouth to say something, remembered, and simply shook his head instead. There was a ghost of a smile appearing on Viggo’s face.

“ Good,” he murmured, and was gone again, Sean suddenly finding his ability to breathe increased by a hundred percent. He blinked after him, rabbit caught in headlights, as Viggo approached Orlando again with all the calculation of a shark circling a rapidly weakening prey.

“ Let me go over the rules again,” Viggo mused lightly, trailing his hand over Orlando’s bare skin, over the smooth and already scarred back before drifting over the taut buttocks. “ Obviously you must have forgotten them. You do as I say. Without question. Without argument.”

In his strollings, Viggo managed to acquire his favourite item, the leather riding crop. It kept managing to make an unwelcome appearance in Sean’s life, but Viggo seemed to be addicted to it. He was bending it in his hands, testing its weight and flexibility, letting the whip run through his fingers before his lazy glance fell onto Orli.

And this was one of the worst things as far as Sean was concerned. He could see Viggo’s expression, and that was amused, dark, stern. However, no matter what position he was in - and the positions were now extremely limited due to half a metre of chain - he couldn’t see Orli’s face, couldn’t confirm to himself that it was clear the young man wanted this. He wasn’t making a sound, it was true, but then neither was Sean.

Viggo seemed to mind-read Sean’s agitation and gave him another thoughtful look which spoke volumes about which gag to use. Sean shrank back slightly and put on his best submissive expression. Viggo looked at him a moment longer before turning his attention back onto Orli.


Sean jumped more than Orlando, and almost strangled himself in the process as the chain pulled him back. Not a peep was heard from the young man. Viggo, however, obviously had more to confirm.

“ You do not go behind my back, *ever*,” he continued, although his voice had turned into a more disturbing growl. “ You worry about something, you tell me. You do not have secrets,”

Which was quite odd considering exactly how secret their lives were to the outside world, mused Sean in a daze. He jumped again at the next strike, slowly closing his eyes and trying to control his breathing. Be calm, relaxed. You know Viggo wouldn’t do anything Orlando wouldn’t want to do, he told himself firmly. Well, mostly anyway. He could feel his heart hammering more than four times its usual pace, could feel a cold sweat building, and, what was worse, could feel an increasing heat in his groin. He swallowed, and tried to focus.

“ I have been very disappointed in you,” Viggo’s voice was soft, predatory, yet still seductive. This was a voice that men would crawl over broken glass before 5 am for. “ However…,”


“ … however, there is room for consideration.” Viggo was almost talking to himself now. There was a pause in proceedings as the older man ran his hand over Orlando’s shoulders. “ Prove to me your dedication. And retribution will be complete,”

The whip was used several more times; Sean stopped counting after the fifth one, trying to keep himself under tight control. Knowing Orli’s usual preferences, the thought of who exactly was getting punished here drifted in his mind. His breathing hadn’t improved, almost feeling light-headed in the face of such extreme demands on his oxygen. And his dick certainly hadn’t worked out the basic etiquette; a rock hard erection was carefully being shielded as best he could to avoid encouraging Viggo any more. After all, encouragement was certainly not required.

Sean’s breath almost stopped altogether as Viggo put down the whip and carefully picked up the knife again, examining the blade with interest. The blonde bit his lip and stared at the young man who still hadn’t moved a muscle on the table, red marks now littering his back and buttocks. He could see the rise and fall of Orli’s breathing, which was something at least. A fine shimmer of sweat had formed over the young man’s body, glinting in the light of the room.

Viggo glanced with less interest towards Orli, the knife still in one hand. He carefully positioned himself on his knees beside Orlando’s right hip and laid a hand on Orlando’s buttock, steadying him. The knife glittered evilly in the other hand.

” Viggo!” Sean yelped as the blade flashed towards the defenceless olive skin. Viggo paused, and glared back at him with a look that could nail him to the wall.



Sean shrank back again as Viggo stalked towards him, seizing a torn piece of material in one hand as he passed it. Sean, who had been fearing one of the ball gags that Orli seemed to favour, began to breathe a little easier. He didn’t have a chance to protest; Viggo grabbed hold of him like a cat grabbing a kitten and swiftly tied the gag on. This humiliation was overlooked in the face of the very large knife.

Satisfied, Viggo gave him a slap round the head for good measure, and turned back to his task, Sean’s glare burning into his back as he did so. Viggo seized the knife. The blanket ripped under Sean’s fingers as the blonde straightened again. God, this would be so much easier if he was bound and gagged, unable to do anything, no decisions to make, interruptions not possible. However, no doubt that would somewhat ruin the trust statement. To make a noise of concern was one thing. To rip off a gag and have to be tied down, well, that was entirely different. Equally, the damn collar did not seem to be the type to just go away.

Sean gave the chain a suspicious glare, and growled in his throat. Locked. Definitely, definitely locked. So he could make as much noise as possible and still achieve absolutely nothing apart from screaming loudly that obviously he didn’t trust him. Mind you, a knife was something different. This wasn’t just a slap on the arse which relied a lot on the whole embarrassment factor. This screamed permanency. And, after the knife, what next?

The knife flashed dangerously near to Orli’s defenceless skin, Viggo not even bothering to look back in Sean’s direction. And suddenly his view was blocked, the older man leaning to be able to view properly, his back a firm shield against Sean’s watchful eyes. The blanket got ripped further as Sean’s aggression relieved itself somewhat, Viggo pausing at the sound of the material tearing.

However, his attention was all for Orlando.

Less than a minute later, though it felt like five hours, Viggo straightened up. Sean’s breath completely stopped in his throat at the knife which was carefully placed nearby. The blade was red.

Remembering to breathe, the blonde stared at Viggo incredulously, never believing that the man would have gone through with it. His hand itched to take the gag off, to demand answers and sod the trust thing. After all, no one had said anything about knives. Knives were up there with the electric shocks and extreme piercing category.

Viggo stretched himself lazily, the muscles in his back moving in a hypnotic way, before leaning down and planting a kiss on Orlando’s head. His hands undid the leather straps that held the young man fastened. Finally, as Orli sat up, blood trickling down his hip, did Viggo glance in Sean’s direction. There was a frown.

However, Sean didn’t care about what Viggo was doing. His eyes were on Orlando, unable to comprehend the expression of adoration that was being aimed towards Viggo. The young man nuzzled his older master, the blood smearing slightly on his hip. The older man kissed him again, the contended sigh almost like a shot gun.

Viggo met Sean’s horrified expression calmly and without concern. “ You look like you’re about to faint. Don’t tell me you’re squeamish.” he said in a low voice. Orlando seemed to realise that they did have someone else in the room and looked towards him in surprise, which increased at the presence of the gag.

The older man ran his hand down Orli’s curls, rubbing his head gently. “ I suppose we’re going to have to let him speak before he explodes.” Viggo said conversationally. “ See to it, pet,”

Said pet nodded, and scrambled towards the bed, carefully leaning over Sean and untying the knot that held the gag in place. Sean went whiter as a spot of blood landed on the ripped blanket in front of him, and grabbed hold of the gag as soon as Orlando had taken it from him. Orli dropped it, surprised. Said material was firmly pressed against the wound, which had already begun to stop bleeding.

” I cannot believe…,” Sean’s voice was unsteady.

“ It’s okay, Sean,” Orli seemed to be aware of the level of upset, and patted him in consolation.

” Okay!?! You’ve got a fucking hole in your skin!” Sean knew he should try to control the level of volume but it was extremely hard to do so, especially with two people looking as though they had done nothing more taxing than read the newspapers.

“ It’s not a hole. Want to see?”

“ NO!”

“ Sean, calm down,” Viggo’s voice cut through this exchange, in a tone that offered no space for any disobedience. However, Sean was well past the point of obedience.

“ You do that and then you tell me to calm down?! For fucks sake, Viggo! If you want a mark, get a bloody tattoo!”

Viggo waited unconcerned. Sean stared at him, then stared at Orli who was watching him doubtfully, as though uncertain why Sean was quite so upset. The blonde finally growled to himself, then tried to pull away. He was suddenly reminded about the presence of the chain as he suddenly reached the end of it and he came suddenly to a halt.

“ Sean, you’re not going anywhere,” Viggo eyed him unconcerned. “ Now stop it before you hurt yourself.”

” It’s your bloody collar,” grumbled Sean.

” I wasn’t referring to the collar,” Viggo’s eyes were cold. Sean began to open his mouth then paused, looking at him steadily.

” I see,”

“ I doubt it,” Viggo shrugged, then glanced towards Orlando. The younger man crept closer, like a cat sneaking towards the best spot of the fire, and was rewarded by Viggo’s absent-minded hand through his dark hair, petting him. Orlando’s expression gave Sean have no doubts whatsoever of the young man’s satisfaction with the situation. Sean sighed, his muscles loosening.

“ Are you going to .. do that to me?” he said finally, his eyes flickering on the makeshift bandage. Viggo looked faintly surprised.

” Do you want to?”

” No,”

“ Well, then.” Viggo shrugged, and unlocked the chain from the collar. “ I have much better things I want to involve you with than dirtying my knife.”

Sean paused, sitting on his knees, waiting. Viggo smiled slightly at the lack of protests, although Sean’s wary and slightly furious expression still hadn’t left his face, and continued to pet Orli. The young man closed his eyes sleepily and made a pleased noise. Viggo continued for a few more seconds, then gave the young man a gentle push away.

“ Well.” Viggo said again, in a much more normal voice that was usually associated with queries of whether anyone wanted biscuits to go with their tea. “ It’s late. I suggest we shower and then get some sleep.”

Sean looked incredulous. Orli looked completely relaxed as he nodded and began to wander towards the door.

“ You can’t be serious,”

“ I think I can.” Viggo raised an eyebrow. “ Go to bed, Sean.”

And that apparently was that.


The days grew no less freaky in their normality, but at least it was becoming a stage where Sean could walk into a room without his heart ending up in his throat. Viggo hadn’t mentioned the punishment session once, treated the healing wound on Orlando’s buttock as almost an old wound caused by nothing more than a careless stumble. Orli too seemed to ignore it with startling persistence, the only slight notice being when he accidentally brushed up against something and caused the dressing to shift.

Their reactions were so mild that Sean began to start questioning his own reaction to it. He still felt sick to his stomach with the thought of it, and it was clear that Viggo knew this which was possibly the reason why it appeared to have been banished to the distant parts of the memory. Life went on. Orlando seemed more relaxed and happy than he had been for some time, Sean having caught him singing to himself on more than one occasion. Meals came regularly and most often with flowers on the table. Wes Craven would be stretched to find something more sinister.

Neither had he been able to find a suitable point in which to pry further into Viggo’s sexual history. Irritation and anger were not the emotions Sean had been willing to get involved voluntarily, and Orli was being no use whatsoever. At the carefully worded question, Orlando had looked at him blankly as though he had been speaking a different language, then had refused to tell him. All in all, it was getting bloody frustrating.

It had now been two days since the gym episode, and Viggo was absent for a change. Having been requested for one of the scenes on a different set, Viggo wasn’t due to fly back until the next day, which allowed Sean a little more relaxing time than he had normally. What with the punishments and the knowledge that he was still being kept in the dark with regards to important personal histories, life had felt far too busy lately.

This particular evening had started mildly. Orlando had been casually flicking through all the television channels with a bored expression that stated the remote control was more for finger exercise than actually finding something he wished to watch. Sean was buried in one of the novels he occasionally got time to read, now and again giving the younger man a hard glare whenever he switched over to something louder than usual.

Television was thankfully interrupted by a bang on the door.

Sean’s eyes slid to the door at the knock, then back at Orlando who pointedly sank back in the sofa, clicked the television off and buried his nose in the latest edition of Empire magazine which he had swiftly seized from a nearby table. Sighing heavily in protest of his slave labour, Sean put his book on the table and walked to the front door, slamming the door to the living room heavily to emphasis his point.

There was a brief pause as he took in exactly who was stood at his doorstep.

“ Karl?”

“ Well, at least you’re observant,” Karl’s eyes were wary on him, although Sean could already sense the strong arrogance that normally accompanied him. “ I want to speak to Orlando.”

Sean’s eyes narrowed as the blonde ran through possibilities in his mind. Karl took this to indicate something more aggressive.

“ I have no quarrel with you, Sean. Or at least not at the moment, anyway,” There was a faint half grin aimed at him. “ Just let me speak to him.”

“ I’ll ask him.” Sean said finally. The grin faded away.

“ You do that. Heaven knows what He’s put into his head,” Karl’s tone was getting more aggressive by the minute. Sean scowled at him, unhappy about leaving him at the door but having no real option without actually slamming the door in his face.

“ He?” he echoed, as though he didn’t know the answer.

“ Viggo,” the voice was almost a sneer. Sean folded his arms.

“ You keep that up and I’m not going to bother,”

” Oh yes?” Karl said softly. “ And how would you get me to go, exactly?” There was the faintest snort of disgust. “ Just get him, doggy,”

Sean was about to retort something back when the door to the living room opened.

“ Sean, what the hell is going on….,” Orli trailed off at the figure at the door, his eyes widening in surprise. Karl nodded to him.

“ Hi, love,” he said insolently. Orlando flinched at the endearment and gave a worried side glance towards Sean in case of reactions. Sean did nothing, just stare at Karl with a steady dedication that monks would be proud of.

“ What are you doing here?” he moved towards the door, Sean stepping grudgingly back to allow Orlando some space. He could see Karl’s expression soften as he looked at the young man, and felt his annoyance and fear suddenly take a substantial leap.

“ Thought I’d check how you are. Any problems,” Karl’s eyes flickered towards Sean, then back again. Orli’s back stiffened.

“ It’s fine,” he said firmly. Karl shrugged, and glared towards Sean yet again, the blonde surprised to see clear suspicion in the other man’s eyes. Protective almost. It was almost funny, in a sick sadistic type of way.

“ I’ll be in the lounge if you need me,” Sean said grudgingly and reluctantly, but willing to give the younger man some room and some trust. Orlando smiled towards him gratefully. Karl rolled his eyes.

” So I’m going to be stuck on the doorstep all night?” he said pointedly.

“ Fine, you two go into the lounge.” Sean sighed, and was rewarded by a shocked expression by Orlando and a wry smile from Karl.

“ Perhaps you’re not as bad as I thought.” Karl murmured as he brushed past. Sean glared after him, then made his way to the kitchen to spend the next few minutes in complete and utter torment.

Not that it was becoming his usual hobby or anything.
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