LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 16

Oct 12, 2007 11:09

Chapter 16: Forests of the Night


It took at least a minute before Sean could properly regain full control over his body and ability to talk. He stared dumbly at David, possible and normally far fetched explanations whizzing through his mind. For his part, Dave seemed extremely relaxed and had obviously managed to locate a cleanish mug in the trailer. Viggo might be strict on housekeeping in his own home, but the trailer was a no man’s land for crockery.

“ Why…?” Sean’s vocabulary obviously needed a further kick up the backside. David nodded in appreciation of the complexities of the situation, and found himself a corner of the desk to perch on. Sean stared at him further, then looked towards Viggo as though expecting the answer to come from that quarter. Viggo looked as though he could happily audition for one of the stone trolls caught in the sunlight.

“ I asked to come back to the trailer. Thought we should meet properly,” David’s eyes were clear and honest. Sean felt some of the alarm that was threatening to choke him cool off a bit. Meet properly. The suggestion that confessions hadn’t been made fully to Viggo. And thank god for that.

Sean nodded slowly, his eyes turning back to Viggo worriedly. A knock that hadn’t been there previously now graced the temple of the artist’s face, the faded black-blue of the bruise already standing out. There was no glimmer of anything other than anger in Viggo’s eyes now, a steady low rage that Sean recognised, all the more dangerous for it being controlled.

“ Anyway, I understand that you’re all due on set in about-,” Dave checked his watch. “ - well, now in all honesty, but I’m sure that there’s going to be the usual delays with the extras. I’ll get out of your hair and let you get on. Anything else, I’m sure, can wait until after filming,”

Viggo, to Sean’s astonishment, moved slightly and nodded to this.

” Agreed.”

Sean blinked. Agreed? That was it? No arguments, no discussions, no accusations and the possibility of punches being thrown? David smiled, a lazy, relaxed, honest-to-god cheerful smile and put the mug down on the desk.

” See you this evening,” he nodded to the other two and made his way out of the door in such a casual fashion it was impressive he remembered to open the door first. Sean stared after him, then back at Viggo who was moving to get into costume.

” Okay, what just happened?!” he made a gesture towards the door. “ What’s he doing here?” A further gesture towards Viggo’s forehead. “ How did you get that?”

Viggo continued his activities without a word. It was as though Sean existed on a different plain of existence. Sean gave an exasperated groan, and glanced towards Orlando who was wide eyed and confused in the corner. Orli shrugged at him, then moved to fetch his own costume, now and again giving Viggo little looks to check he was still there. For Orli not to be bouncing at him.. well, that did speak volumes.

Sean caught hold of Viggo’s arm, trying to attract some attention. He suddenly found himself crushed against the trailer wall, Viggo’s arm neatly across his throat, Viggo’s eyes inches away from his own.

“ I’m not willing to talk about this presently,” Despite everything, Viggo’s voice was almost completely under control. Only a hint of the anger showed through on his tone. “ As far as anyone knows, we had a nice normal evening yesterday. Do you understand?”

“ But-“ Sean was choked off as the arm pressed forward slightly. Strangled again. Great. Viggo raised an eyebrow.

“ Understand?” he repeated, slowly, calmly.

Sean nodded as best he could to indicate his willingness to understand things. Viggo gave him another look, then released him, stepping back towards the desk and the remainder of his items as though they had merely shaken hands. The blonde watched him warily, his hand rubbing his throat. Orli increased his speed of dressing, head down, pure submission in every movement, every little glance.

Viggo gave Sean one last look, then left the trailer towards Make-up. Sean growled to himself, and glanced back to see Orlando almost ready to go as well, the majority of the elf costume already gracing his body.

“ Don’t,” Orli cut off Sean’s question before he had even opened his mouth. “ We’ll think about it tonight,”

“ Bloody hell, Orli-“ Sean was going to thrash this out with someone, otherwise he was going to explode. However, Orlando was ready for this.

“ It’s the best we could have hoped for. Don’t spoil this for us.” Orlando gave him a steady look. Sean returned it, then realised he wasn’t likely to get anywhere fast and sighed instead.

” Fine. I just hope it’ll be worth it,”


The day passed quickly, and that was a relief in itself. If the remainder of the cast and crew realised that their Boromir was stiffer than usual they said nothing. Viggo was as Sean knew he would be; the actor’s concerns did not reflect into Aragorn, the soon to be king having no difficulty in speaking, in moving forward and treating the Fellowship perfectly normally. Only Orli seemed to be having problems, the occasional forgetting of a prompt whenever his eyes drifted onto Viggo. However, this too was overlooked.

Once the day had been concluded, the cameras and film swiftly packed away, did Viggo bother to cast a glance in Sean’s direction. The makeup artists had managed to conceal the bruise extremely well thought Sean nervously as the older man made his way towards him. The look in Viggo’s eye had returned to the cold anger, and with the man dressed as Aragorn made it seem even worse. Now it looked as though he was likely to use the sword that was always hanging from his belt.

“ You ready?” the question was blunt and uncaring, but at least it was a question and not a demand. Sean could see the elf already standing behind Viggo, waiting for further instructions.

“ We getting changed first?” he hoped.

“ Eventually.” Viggo stalked off, followed swiftly by Orli. Sean sighed and trailed after them, a longing glance towards the trailer and the opportunity to rid himself of Boromir’s heavy leather tunic, which was still bloody hot in any weather. He hoped that this wasn’t going to turn into some version of the method acting school of thought; the last thing he wanted to do tonight was get on his knees and vow allegiance to the King of Gondor.

The nearby pub they entered had more than its fair share of experience with actors and odd costumes, and the bar staff gave them an idle glance before turning back to whatever duties they were performing at the time. Viggo made his way unhurried towards a table at the rear where David Wenham was watching them, a half full pint glass in front of him to indicate the length of time he had been there.

He nodded in the same calm fashion he had that morning as they joined him at the table.

“ Can I get you a drink?” he offered.

Viggo shook his head to the negative, and Orli followed his example. Sean paused, eyes briefly and longingly fixed on the bar, before shaking his head as well. However, a pint would certainly have gone down well.. a pint of what type of alcohol was another matter. Even a pint of straight vodka might not settle his nerves.

Dave settled back on his chair, his gaze on Viggo opposite him.

“ Calmed down yet?” he asked softly. Sean stared at David, then slid his gaze cautiously towards Viggo who seemed to be taking everything in his stride. Typical of the temperamental bastard! Sean had a sneaking suspicion he wouldn’t have been able to walk properly had he queried that.

Dave seemed to pick up on Sean’s confusion, and patted Sean’s arm. Viggo’s eyes narrowed slightly at this show of comradeship, although whether that was through possessiveness or through knowledge of their previous conversation Sean really didn’t want to say.

“ I guess you want to know what happened,” David said finally, also glancing towards Orlando. Orli was sitting the quietest Sean had ever known him without a gag, his eyes still worried and confused.

“ You want to speak, get on with it. I’m in no mood for recollections,” Viggo’s voice was a low and pleasant sound, but the menace was still very clear. It was to David’s credit that he didn’t flinch at all in the face of Viggo aggression. It was like an experienced dog handler facing down a snarling animal.

“ Fine.” David shrugged as if it was of no importance. “ Well, Karl’s feeling better, anyway. Thought you might like to know,”

Viggo was undoubtedly aware of the two horrified expressions turned to him, but didn’t turn his unwavering gaze from David.

“ He hit a tree,” supplied David, in the stunned silence. Sean hesitated, then frowned in confusion in the face of a circumstance he really wasn’t expecting.

“ What?” He realised as soon as he had opened his mouth that Viggo would be undoubtedly unhappy about him speaking. However, not even a frosty glare was aimed at him for his vocal challenge. David nodded.

“ Lost his balance. Fell over, hit a tree.” He shrugged. “ He was quite drunk at the time, although he did manage to clobber Viggo round the head there before hand,”

Sean shook his head doubtfully. “ Why would he lose his balance anyway?”

“ Probably taking a swing at someone shouting on his doorstep,” replied David dryly, his eyes not leaving Viggo’s at this point. Sean glanced back and forth as though watching a tennis match. He could see Orlando out the corner of his eye, studying the table as though it held the mysteries of the universe. Sean was faintly reminded of a teenager in the middle of a parental battle, unwilling to take either side and praying that it will all go away if they concentrated hard enough.

“ You wanted us to discuss something. Not dwell on idle gossip,” Viggo’s voice was still calm but both Sean and Orli could sense the underlying tension. David seemed not to care, which was a luxury that the other two could not afford. The younger man leant forward, his light green-blue eyes fixed steadily on Viggo with a surprising amount of strength.

“ Yes. I did. I’m getting fed up of sorting out the chaos that appears to be other people’s lives. So we’re sorting it here and now.”

“ Why do you feel the need to sort it at all?” Viggo’s voice was light. David raised an eyebrow.

“ My friend spent four hours in a hospital last night because of you.”

“ Hardly. He decided to attack me, tripped over and fell into a bush. How clumsy he is does not relate to me.” Viggo’s back was straight as a ramrod. Sean began to wonder exactly how Dave managed to get them into such an audience in the first place. David snorted in amusement.

“ You go over there and accuse him of seducing your boyfriend? What on earth were you expecting to happen? A nice cup of tea and a few biscuits?” David shook his head, and then focused back on Viggo who was watching him with a particularly closed expression that Sean remembered. The one that Viggo immediately pulled down whenever subjects were tackled he didn’t want to tackle.

“ It was his decision,” insisted Viggo stubbornly. Dave shrugged.

” Yeah, well, he is a twat sometimes. I can’t deny that. However, being a twat doesn’t appear to be confined just to him, does it?” David lowered his voice and didn’t seem to care about the look being aimed at him by Viggo, safe in the knowledge he was in a public place. “ Did you even speak to the boyfriend he was accused of seducing?” Back to the soft, confidential tones.

Sean suddenly felt a need to be somewhere else. By the shocked look that flittered across Orli’s face, this feeling was apparently mutual. Viggo narrowed his eyes, then glanced towards Orlando. Orli kept his gaze firmly plastered to the table. Nothing on this earth was going to make him meet Viggo’s gaze.

“ What, here and now?” Sean interrupted. “ Surely this is none of your business?”

” It wasn’t. But when it started banging on mate’s doors and pulling me out of clubs at fist point, then it started to become my business,” replied David pleasantly. Sean flushed slightly, and backed off from the conversation.

“ I assume he’s saying he never touched Orlando,” Viggo’s voice was equally pleasant. David shrugged.

“ Not in the way that you’re implying. Look, I’d know. And Orli here, he’d definitely know.” Incredibly there was still humour flashing in his eyes. “ His arse on the line. Literally.”

“ He didn’t.” said Orlando quietly, almost to himself. Dave looked pleased.

” See?”

Viggo’s expression had got wearier. “ And exactly what was that supposed to prove? He’s hardly likely to go around shouting about the fantastic sex he’d just had from Mr Urban.”

David shook his head. “ A few people like to trust the person they are in a relationship with,”

“ I doubt this would be the same few people whose partners lie about what they’re doing in their free time.”

“ If you hadn’t put that ridiculous ban on speaking to Karl then perhaps the need for lying might not have been reached.” David’s gaze was steady. Viggo raised his head slightly.

“ The ban?” he echoed softly. “ And how would you know about that?”

David hesitated, only briefly. “ You told me about it,” he said casually. However, the casual was not washing.

“ I’m very certain I did not.” Viggo’s voice had grown softer. Sean tried to keep the panic drifting across his own face as he desperately scanned his memory. Orlando had almost frozen in his chair.

“ So how much more do you know?” asked Viggo pleasantly. “ How much have you been told?” It was clear he was purposefully not looking at either Sean or Orli. David hesitated again, the look of calm wavering on his face, the plan having been turned into something else entirely.

“ Nothing of any importance.”

“ Oh! More things of no importance,” Sean was aware of an angry and hurt look in his direction. “ It’s quite impressive how often they turn up. And if there’s nothing of any further importance, Mr Wenham, I’d quite like to change out of this costume,”

David shut his eyes briefly as Viggo pushed himself away from the table and stalked off. Orlando stared after him, the debate of whether to follow or to let him go weighing clearly in his eyes.

“ Let him cool off,” advised David as the young man moved up from the table. Orli shook his head.

“ I can’t just abandon him.”

“ No one’s asking you to. Just give him some space,”

Orli looked after him again, doubt clear on his face. Finally he shook his head again and disappeared off out the pub. David stared after him in concern.

“ That’s not a great idea,” he said softly. Sean leant forward.

“ What the hell are you trying to do?!” he snarled. “ You’ve just wound Viggo up to the point that he’s going to explode at us, and now you’re trying to give advice to Orlando?”

“ Viggo’s just hurting. You need to speak with him. But only when he can hear the things that you’re saying,”

“ Like now?” Sean’s voice was scornful. “ Great idea that was!”

“ I thought that an outsider might be able to cool him off a bit.” David stared towards the door. “ I called that particular shot wrong,”

“ Now that’s the understatement of the year!” Sean finally sank back in his chair and pulled his hand over his face. “ I hate to think what sort of state he’s in.”

“ Upset and unhappy I would imagine.”

“ And fucking furious,” Sean couldn’t stop himself thinking about the last time Viggo had been furious. Viggo hadn’t crossed the line that time. But then the older man hadn’t been enraged at that point. David gave him a stern look.

” Stop thinking about the dangers and start thinking about your friend. He is your friend, isn’t he?”

“ Of course he bloody well is!” snapped Sean.

“ That’s great. And Karl’s my friend. And, funnily enough, he’s also fucking furious, and that’s definitely nothing to do with me whatsoever,” David’s voice was sharp. Sean was slightly taken aback, not having realised the younger man had a temper to lose. Dave leant forward a little further. “ Look, messing around with Karl when he’s in this sort of a mood is not a great idea. He gets .. territorial,”

Sean frowned. “ What does that mean?”

“ Exactly what it sounds like,” David sighed. “ Look, I don’t want to see anyone get hurt in this. Well, other than the stuff you lot do anyway, and don’t give me that look. Whatever you get up to in the bedroom’s your own concern. Myself, I prefer to stick to the more boring aspects of sexuality.”

“ So, what? You’re saying Karl’s going to come back fighting?” There was a particular gleam in Sean’s eye that made David hesitate.

” If you mean fist fighting in the backstreets, no. Thankfully. However..,” David shrugged, uncomfortable. “ If he’s being accused of something, then he might well believe there’s nothing wrong with .. well, doing what he’s supposed to have done,”

Sean shook his head firmly. “ Orlando will never allow it,”

Dave said nothing and stared at his glass idly, the last of the liquid already been drained. Sean stared at him. God, he hated silences. It just invited him to start thinking the worst, and Sean had already worked out he possessed one of the more inventive and perverted imaginations than he ever wished to know. He swallowed and leant forward carefully.

“ Are you saying,” he said slowly and quietly. “ That Karl would just take it?”

The younger man glanced back at him, slightly shocked. “ If you mean without consent, no, of course not. However, I …,” David broke off and stared at his glass almost angrily. “ I got the impression that .. well, Orlando’s very susceptible to Karl’s suggestions. That’s all,”

“ Orli adores Viggo. He wouldn’t,” Sean felt a little more confident and cursed his over active imagination for scaring him in the first place.

“ You’re probably right,”

“ I *am* right,”

David looked at him thoughtfully. “ It must be nice,” he mused idly. “ to have such a firm opinion on things. What happens when the universe doesn’t agree?”

Sean growled but said nothing. He eyed the glass that David was still playing with, knowing that he needed a drink and fast, but couldn’t bring himself to get one. Not another friendly drink. It was happening far too regularly, and often over conversations which he really didn’t want to have.

Speaking of conversations he really didn’t want to have…

“ I’d better go and find them,” he stood from the table. David nodded his appreciation for the situation.

“ Good luck,” he offered.


He found Orli easily enough, huddled in their trailer. He was still wearing his Legolas costume, making it all the more alarming, his eyes seemingly huge and obviously vulnerable as he stared up at Sean. Sean immediately crouched beside him, hand resting on his trembling shoulder.

“ Orlando, what’s …,” he trailed off, and moved strands of blonde wig to one side. The bruise on the side of his face was clearly visible. Moist eyes stared back at him as Sean sat back on his heels, incredulous.

“ He .. Viggo hit you?” Even saying it he couldn’t believe that it was true. Viggo was so careful, so controlled, and he had never seen him lift his fists against Orli. He had never needed to.

Orli nodded slowly, as though afraid to speak. Sean pulled him into an embrace, which almost served to topple him over. However, at least it seemed to calm the young man; the trembling began to subside, Orli’s fingers clutching hold of the leather tunic, pulling him closer. Sean murmured random soft noises in Orlando’s ear, trying to sooth him even further, rocking him gently as though one of his children.

“ It’s okay,”

“ How?” Orli’s voice was half choked with emotion. “ He’s never hit me before. He hates me,”

“ He doesn’t hate you. He’s just .. confused,” Sean hated making excuses for people, and hated himself for even connecting that sentence with a form of physical abuse. Wasn’t that the classic line for wife beaters? Or indeed, husband beaters… nothing stayed the same in this world.

However, it seemed to have the right affect on Orlando. Sean realised with a sickening thud that it wasn’t the blow that Orli was upset about, more the motivation. That scared him more than anything else that day, and there had been a hell of a lot of contenders.

“ I could go talk to him. Try and sort things out,” he offered, as though he wasn’t about to do that anyway. Orlando paused for a moment, then nodded gratefully, looking up at him with the beginnings of a smile.

“ Thank you,” he whispered. “ He’ll listen to you,”

Sean was a little more dubious, but said nothing, rocking the elf-boy gently and also vowing to get out of the Gondorian’s costume as soon as he had five minutes free. Emotional scenes were bloody difficult with chain mail on your arms, even if it was the light variety. However, considering the likelihood that armour might well be needed in the next half hour, it was staying put for the time being.

Orli disengaged himself with a gentle push, and looked at him trustfully. “ You’ll tell him that nothing happened?”

“ I will,” promised Sean. Orlando nodded shakily, and smiled.

“ I suppose that’s the best we can hope for then,”


Viggo had obviously decided to take method acting to a whole new level. Sean cursed him bitterly as he followed the main path into the nearby surrounding area, which happened to be a reasonably sized forest, after being pointed in the right direction by a few of the crew who had been passing at the time.

The bloody man could be anywhere, and, since he was still in full Aragorn kit, anywhere was a bloody large place indeed. Bloody sodding bastard of a man.

Sean paused after a few minutes of cursing through the woodland, and surveyed the area hopelessly. With the type of foliage around here, Viggo could be miles away or he could be three metres away. And he himself could very easily get lost, a mobile phone and a compass not being the standard items for Boromir’s costume. Sean growled to himself in frustration and annoyance, his hands clenched into fists, looking along the path in case it managed to convince him into a certain course of action. After all, the problem with following Viggo was that there was a high level of actually finding him, with all the fun that might involve.

Viggo had never punched Orli before.

He’d punched Sean more than a few times. Sean’d been strangled, and almost raped - or at least believe himself to be. Sean’s mind was busy actively pondering on how sensible it had been to follow without giving Viggo time to cool off.

The crunch of leaves turned his head sharply. Viggo stared at him impassively as he wandered towards him, arms folded, having appeared from heaven knows where. Sean stared at him. Bloody hell, he was definitely going to have to improve his observation. This was getting to be a habit.

The older man stopped about four steps away from him, eyes watching him like a man about to draw a gun in a duel. Sean swallowed nervously. Viggo was completely unreadable.

“ I thought you might come,” Viggo said softly, finally, after Sean’s heart had reached the point where Sean could hear it clearly in his ears. Sean was shocked and astounded to note the look of anguish that crossed Viggo’s expression as the older man obviously struggled to say something. “ Is he alright?”

“ Orlando?” Sean cursed himself immediately for giving such a blatantly obvious answer, and struggled to give Viggo the answer he needed. “ Well, he’s upset. He thinks you hate him,”

There was another flicker over Viggo’s normally steady expression. Sean had been expecting something, but not the raw vulnerability, the silent grief. Sean’s heart wrenched, hating to see his best friend so unhappy.

“ Viggo, he’ll get over it. He’s had a shock, that’s all. He wants you back,” Sean took a few slow steps towards him, his eyes wary for any signs that the older man might not want him, the sound of his feet on the layer of leaves like a shotgun blast with every step. Viggo didn’t stop him, didn’t even change his expression. Sean paused again once they were within a pace of each other. Viggo was so close he could reach out and touch him if he wanted, run his hand over the rough surface of the costume and try and convince him of their loyalty to him. Or, indeed, shake him by the collar until he worked it out, which was another option that was looking extremely welcoming.

Viggo studied the man in front of him with almost a lack of interest, although the usual venom completely absent from his stare. Sean decided to risk it. He put his hand slowly on his shoulder, testing, like expecting a animal to attack any second.

Sudden death failed to find him. Sean relaxed slightly, and moved a little closer, his caution still present, his eyes scanning Viggo’s trying to see past the mental shield that Viggo still carried.

“ He wants you to forgive him,” he added softly, then froze as Viggo’s right hand slapped onto his own, effectively pinning the hand to Viggo’s left shoulder. Sean stared at him, scared of many things, only a quarter of them to do with violence. At least Viggo’s gaze was displaying more than simply which direction he was looking in; he could no longer pretend that he was simply a bystander to other people’s concerns. Sean prayed that Viggo had somewhere else to turn other than rage as the blonde stared back at him, waiting, not even attempting to pull his hand away, putting his faith in their friendship.

What happened happened. That was all that there was to it.

Viggo glared at him a moment longer, his hand tightening on Sean’s. Sean’s expression never wavered.

At the slight upwards twist at the corner of Viggo’s mouth, Sean’s heart leaped, relieved to see him smile.

“ Scared?” Viggo’s voice was low but faintly amused. Sean shook his head slowly. Viggo’s eyes narrowed slightly, then he snorted his disbelief. “ You’ve never trusted me, Sean. Why start now?”

“ I trust you.” Sean’s voice was steadier than he could imagine possible.

” After what I did to Orlando?” Viggo was almost baiting him, his tone sharp and sarcastic. Sean nodded.

“ Orli trusts you. And I trust you.”

“ I wonder whether your trust would be more correctly classified as hope,” Viggo said bitterly. Sean stepped a little closer so they were almost touching, his hand perfectly still, the older man watching him suspiciously and more than a little warily. It was like their positions had been reversed.

Sean finally leant forward and pressed his lips lightly to Viggo’s. “ Then feel free to test it,” he said finally.

Viggo gave a snort of laughter which was quickly smothered by Sean’s kiss, the younger man pressing himself hungrily and urgently, his tongue running over Viggo’s lips and into his mouth as the older man opened his mouth slightly, submitting to the strong embrace then finally adding to it, pressing back with as much urgency as Sean. His hand moved from his shoulder to pull Sean closer, the blonde cursing the heavy costumes between them as much as he used to curse Viggo’s beard stubble on sensitive skin.

He suddenly found himself gently pushed away, Viggo’s eyes on him suspiciously and warily. Sean stared at him, surprised. Viggo obviously had willpower of steel.

“ What’s the matter?”

The faint look crossing Viggo’s face was almost a disgusted scowl. Sean was taken aback, the innocent surprise showing clearly on his own expression.

“ Sorry,” he murmured finally, not knowing what he was apologising for but knowing that apologises always tended to be either inoffensive or worthwhile. “ Thought you liked it,”

“ Whether I liked it or not is not the point,” Viggo sighed and moved to sit on a nearby log that Nature had thoughtfully left out. Once settled, he looked back at Sean, who was still standing there in his Boromir costume with a nervous and confused expression on his face. Viggo gave a snort of amusement. “ You look like I’m about to shoot you,” he commented dryly.

Sean’s expression took one of faint panic. “ But you’re not, right?”

“ What was I supposed to shoot you with? My nose?” Viggo raised an eyebrow.

The blonde paused before moving to sit down on the same log, trying to keep the costume unsnagged by splinters or other such things. He shook his head.

” Well, I’m not flavour of the month either I would imagine.”

“ I’m not into extreme piercings,” Viggo neither denied nor confirmed the statement. Sean watched him worriedly. There was a silence for about three minutes before something snapped in Sean’s mind. Right. He was screwed no matter what he did. Preferably the more intimate way, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. He might as well go out kicking and screaming.

“ Vig, what d’you want us to do?” he asked simply. Viggo ignored him, staring towards the forest. Undeterred, Sean started again.

” Come on. Unless you want us out of your life, you’re going to have to give us something. Please,” Sean had his best kicked puppy expression on, which was being blatantly ignored. Damn right rude on occasion.

“ And why,” said Viggo slowly. “ should I give you anything at all? The pair of you deliberately deceive me. That’s hardly the best foundations. Perhaps …,” Viggo trailed off, staring back at the forest. “ .. perhaps I should just walk away. Orlando will find someone new. So will you,” he mused almost to himself, thereby failing to see the look of anguish followed by stubborn determination cross Sean’s face.

” Bollocks,” the blonde said firmly. “ Absolute shite, mate.”

Viggo sighed. “ Your diplomacy may need work, Sean,”

Sean ignored this and edged forward, trying to gain the eye-contact that Viggo was currently denying him. “ Orli only wants you, and you know it. You can see it in his eyes, the way he speaks to you, the way he always looks over to you to make sure you approve of what he’s doing. He’s scared shitless you’re gonna leave him. And for what? Him being scared about you disapproving of a friendship? Come on Vig, I thought you were brighter than that!”

Okay, so a little off the ‘awwww’ aspect. However, Viggo was not glaring at him or attempting to kick the shit out of him, so presumably he wasn’t making a bad a job out of it as he thought. Sean struggled on.

“ And you know what he’s going to do if you walk out. Pine, like an abandoned dog. He’s already off his food, he jumps at every little noise, and last night he kept me awake constantly staring longingly at the door and giving this little sob-moan every so often.” Sean allowed a little strength in his words. Viggo was still silent, but by the concentrating expression on his face Sean suspected that he was listening to every word.

“ And you?” When Viggo spoke Sean almost fell off the log in shock. He shrugged.

” I dunno,” he said lamely, uncomfortably. “ Probably the same. Although I’d shout a lot more.”

” What would you miss, honestly?” Viggo abandoned the forest to give Sean a Look. “ You hate the games. Or rather, you hate the idea that you like the games anyway. You hate being given orders, and you really hate having to carry them out. What are you doing it for? A social club?”

“ Me? What are *you* doing it for?” Sean countered angrily. “ For Gods sake, Vig, you’re always paranoid I’m going to do something - I don’t even know what! - and you treat me like a convicted prisoner! I never see the concern when you punch or kick me into submission!”

“ You’re different,” Viggo’s voice had an edge.

“ Hoorah for me! HOW?” Sean leant forward, eyes flashing. “ If I hated it, I’d be out that door quicker than a whippet with a bum full of dynamite mate, and all the friendship in the world wouldn’t stop that. Sure, I’m not used to certain things. Bleeding doesn’t really do it for me either. However, there’s a hell of a lot that does and ..,” Sean trailed off trying to keep his train of thought as Viggo stared at him in genuine interest. “ … why are you staring at me like that?”

“ No reason. Keep going,”

“ Fuck that. What have I done?” Sean reviewed that sentence. “ What ELSE have I done?” he amended.

“ I’m interested in what ‘does it’ for you,” Viggo looked at him. “ I’ve never had a chance to ask. Orlando always seems to get more uptight if I speak to you regarding these things so I’ve had to guess.”

“ Thought you were in control,” replied Sean gruffly.

“ Would we be having this conversation if that were right?”

Sean shrugged. “ Thought it was one of those big things of yours. Gotta be in command. That’s why you keep hitting me,”

“ Keep hitting you?” Viggo echoed. “ You make it sound like I flog you every day,”

“ Anyway, we’re not talking about me,” said Sean hastily. “ we’re talking about Orli.”

“ No, I think you’ll find we were talking about you. And seeming you appear to be featured in a lot of what tends to bother Orlando, two birds can be killed with one stone.” Viggo caught the expression that crossed Sean’s face with the use of that particular metaphor and sighed. “ Stop being touchy,”

“ This is rich coming from the guy who freaks at the idea of bottoming,” countered Sean, then regretted his statement immediately as Viggo stood up swiftly, anger clearly on his face. The blonde blinked at him, uncertain on what was happening, as the decision on whether to physically retaliate appeared to hover in Viggo’s eyes. Shit, now that was more freaking than Sean had realised. Viggo’s hands were formed into fists, his cold blue eyes even colder, reaching temperatures that only specialised mammals could withstand.

“ Don’t try to talk about things you don’t understand,” Viggo’s voice was gruff and, Sean was horrified to note, unsteady. Sean paused, wide eyed, considering what to do.

” Then make me understand,” Sean said softly, praying this wasn’t another way of committing suicide. Viggo glared at him, fists clenched even tighter, then growled and looked away.

Sean waited until his heart beat calmed a little before speaking again. “ Come on Vig. You want me to trust you. Start trusting me as well,” he paused as something else occurred to him. “ Orli knows the full story doesn’t he,” he said flatly.

“ I don’t want to talk about this,” Viggo growled.

“ But what does it matter if you’re going to be leaving us anyway?” Sean’s voice was light, his eyes fixed on the man above him. “ Orli knows already. You know I wouldn’t talk either. Make me understand, Vig. What happened?”

With another growl, Viggo turned away to stalk back to the campsite but Sean was quicker, having already considered that course of action. Darting off the log he managed to get in the way of Viggo and his intended destination. The older man glared at him, Sean tensing in expectation of the blow or shove to get him out the way. Finally Viggo sighed loudly and impatiently, as though Sean was incredibly slow and dim, and stared upwards briefly in order to control his temper before looking back at the blonde in front of him.

“ You are quite possibly the most persistent and irritating bastard I have ever met,”

“ Quite possibly,” agreed Sean. “ But I’m an irritating and persistent bastard who’s also your friend and lover, just in case it missed your attention.”

“ It hadn’t. Which is why you’re not flat on your back with your jaw messed up.”

“ I’m touched.” Sean wasn’t entirely sure whether Viggo had been joking, but decided to believe the friendlier explanation. Viggo shook his head, and put a hand on Sean’s shoulder, pushing him out the way. Sean, who rather liked his jaw un-messed, allowed this to happen with the minimum of protests.

” So are you staying with us?” Sean went back in for the attack on the safer of the two topics. Viggo rolled his eyes, and started back down the path without saying anything. The blonde followed obediently behind him, occasionally having to trot to keep up and to sneak a quick glance at Viggo’s expression.

“ If I find either one of you lying to me again…,” Viggo threw over his shoulder in warning. Sean nodded, although knowing full well this was for his own benefit rather than anyone else’s. Viggo wasn’t even looking in his direction.

“ You’re out. I know. We won’t.” Sean’s voice was sincerity itself.

“ Good boy,”

So there was possible forgiveness. Sean felt himself lighten at the thought, whilst simultaneously trying to forget about the hoops that were likely to be needed to jump through before they were back to their usual situation.

After all, he knew how long Viggo’s memory was.
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