LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 14

Oct 12, 2007 10:53

Chapter 14: Big Brother


Orli didn’t go out again until a week later, when he dropped to his knees by Viggo’s chair and asked for permission to attend the opening of a new bar in the main town centre. Apparently there were free drinks, several themed rooms and all in all it sounded quite horrific to Sean’s ears, who preferred the traditional pub with the traditional football game playing in the background. Themed rooms with scantily clad women shimmying all over it sounded about as much fun as being stuck in a lift with someone who had eaten nothing but cabbage for four days.

Sean’s eyes slid to Viggo, who was considering the proposal, Orli’s eager expression turned to the artist.

“ What time were you planning to be back?” the older man asked idly.

” Twelve. If that’s okay,” Puppies could not have done the big eye expression better.

Viggo considered the matter thoughtfully, then nodded and went back to his book. “ Agreed. Don’t be late, else I’m not going to be happy,”

“ I won’t be late,” promised Orli, moving gracefully back to his feet and turning to exit the room. He paused as he took in Sean’s expression, and frowned in confusion. “ Something the matter?”

“ Short notice, isn’t it?” Sean failed to keep his comments under wraps, and had cursed his failure as soon as the words escaped his lips. He was aware of Viggo’s book moving down slightly so the artist could survey them steadily. Orlando still looked slightly surprised, as though Sean had offered him tips on current fashion trends.

“ We’ve only just decided to go.”

” We?” Sean found himself caught in a destructive loop, but couldn’t seem to stop himself continuing the conversation. He was obviously so disobedient he didn’t even listen to himself. Viggo might have a point.

“ The usual crowd. What’s with the interrogation anyway, Sean?” Orli was beginning to get annoyed, his foot tapping on the floor like a slow version of a rattlesnake’s warning. “ Lij can never decide whether he wants to do things, Billy thought he might be busy and Dom wouldn’t do anything unless the other two went. But then why should I have to explain this sort of thing to you?”

“ No reason,” Sean hastily tried to return the conversation back to a safe topic. “ Just curious,”

“ Hmmm,” With one final glare towards Sean, Orli disappeared off to get ready. Obviously this was not a conversation that the younger man wanted stretched out either, or possibly was already running late to the meeting. The door had clicked shut, but Sean was still painfully aware that Viggo’s book had not returned to its reading position, its owner watching him in cool detached interest.

” What was that about?” Viggo’s voice was almost reaching artic conditions. Sean shook his head, attempting to look casual and wishing he had a newspaper to hide behind. Or anything for that matter.

” Nothing. I was just surprised he didn’t know before,” The blonde managed to avoid Viggo’s gaze without being too obvious about it and tried to settle himself more comfortably on the sofa, keeping his casual expression wielded onto his face with grim determination. Viggo paused momentarily.

“ You disagree about me allowing him out?” Still the soft cool voice with a hint of pleasantness that normally promised trouble.

“ No, course not.” Sean was swift to try and shoot down this particular thought. “ Don’t be daft,”

“ So now you think I’m being stupid?” Viggo’s voice was as mild and gentle as a bottle of Fairy Liquid, but still as dangerous as hell. Sean began to sweat. Obviously he had managed to catch him on one of his secret bad days, the type you never knew was a bad day until Viggo turned round and creamed you.

“ I don’t think you’re stupid. It was just mindless curiosity on my part. Please, Vig.” Sean watched him nervously. Viggo in this type of mood was completely unpredictable. Viggo studied him further.

“ And you’re telling me everything?”

“ Yes,”

“ That’s good.” Viggo’s expression was unreadable. “ You are aware of what I will do if I find you haven’t been telling me things, aren’t you,”

“ Yes.” Actually no, but Sean had never had the courage to ask exactly what punishments were stored up for such an occasion. Mostly because he had vowed never to allow such an occasion to crop up.

Some bloody vow that turned out to be.

Viggo gave a nod and returned to his book. Sean tried not to visibly relax too much. Almost too soon Orli had made another appearance, kissed them both goodnight and exited out the door in an outfit that had passed the Viggo approval test. It was the fastest exit Sean had ever seen on anything that wasn’t spotted, feline and living in Africa, although not without another suspicious look aimed in his direction.

At some point Sean decided to make a new vow to keep out of all difficult circumstances. He wasn’t normally that good at smile and nod, but he was going to learn it no matter what.

Meanwhile, conversation appeared to have resumed normal functions.

“ What did you want to do this evening?” Viggo turned a page, and looked as though he had thrown out the sentence at random. Sean gave this comment full attention.

“ Not sure. You?”

“ Back to the painting, I think.” Viggo still did not draw his nose from his book. Sean paused again, considering his options, trying to stamp down the option of causing huge rifts within the group by following Orli. The option failed .

“ There’s a pub showing some football down the street. Thought I’d go.” Sean tried to keep his voice steady and casual, which was bloody difficult indeed.

“ Oh? Which match?”

Sean was about to comment when he realised how easily such information was to check. If he was going to lie he was going to have to start being more bloody sensible.

“ I’m not sure. It’s not live, and it could be one of a number,” he said carefully. Another page was turned in Viggo’s book.

“ Random soccer? You must need a fix,”

“ ‘Fraid so,”

“ And people say I’m obsessed.” Viggo sighed, and picked up a glass of water which was nearby. “ Okay. Both of you desert me. See if I care,” He smiled in amusement towards Sean, and continued reading his book. Sean felt the cold sweat build on his back again.

” If you don’t want me to go-“ he started but Viggo interrupted.

“ Sean, go. We can’t live in each other’s pockets, we’d go nuts,” Viggo gave him a steady look when Sean failed to get out of his chair. “ I can order you out if you want. Go. Scram. Shoo. Bugger off, as you would say,”

Sean slowly got up from the chair, and opened his mouth to speak. However, Viggo beat him to it again.

” Yes. I’m sure.” The eyebrow was raised pointedly. “Go.”

And that was that.


Finding the club was a lot less problematic than he had thought. For one thing, details for the opening of the Cazbar - the name spoke far too much about the quality - seemed to have been pasted on most surfaces by a dedicated team of advertisers. Many of said posters had been already ripped off, scraps of papers clinging valiantly to their positions, but there were more than enough of them to give Sean a damn good idea of where he was supposed to be lurking.

He had thought about what he was doing during the trip down to the town centre. He would go in there, find the group, make sure there was no sign of Karl or Dave or in fact anyone from the Two Towers cast, and head on home again. The football could have been cancelled. And he could always get Dom to say that he had invited Sean at the last minute. After all, that apparently was the usual thing with the group, if Orli was to be believed.

And why wouldn’t he be believed? God, he was turning into some paranoid idiot over a few words. This was definitely not healthy.

Dressed all in black accidentally and having a horrible feeling he was back to playing a James Bond villain, Sean approached the club cautiously. He was sure he could feel the heavy bass of the music already through the soles of his shoes.

Thankfully there didn’t seem to be much of a queue, and those who were there didn’t seem to pay him any attention. One girl, dressed in what looked like a shaped bin liner, eyed him up thoughtfully, but her date managed to work out where her attention had drifted to and pulled her into the club swiftly. Sean sighed to himself, and prayed that this was all going to work out the way he hoped.

The club was throbbing, almost literally. There were a surprising amount of different rooms available, mostly in a kill-your-eyesight blue colour, and waves of different types of music drifted from them. Thankfully it was not yet late enough for it to have packed itself out; walking through the swaying crowds was just a case of being more observant and dexterous than usual.

It was in the first room that Sean managed to find Dom, said hobbit almost tripping over another club member in his shock.

“ Sean?!”

“ Hi,”

“ What the … how … why … ?” Dom looked startled in the face of adult attendance. Sean tried to look casual.

“ Thought I’d come and see what it’s like,”

Dom shrugged, and beamed at him. “ Great! Have a drink,” He thrust one of the two bottles of beer he held in his hands at Sean. “ Got it for Billy, but he’s been ages so you can have it,”

“ Thanks,” Sean glanced around the room. Orli was noticeable in his absence. He could see Lij dancing near one of the corners near a girl who looked barely legal. However, there was a distinct lack of elf. He scanned through the crowd, getting more and more concerned. What happened if Orlando wasn’t there at all?

At this point Billy decided to make an appearance, looking a little worn for wear but with a huge grin plastered on his face. He too did a double take at their visitor.

” Well, fuck me!” the grin grew even wider. “ You never said you liked this sort of thing!”

“ Yeah. There’s a reason for that,” Sean grimaced at the noise. Billy laughed, and stole Dom’s beer from him in a smooth movement, shoving an arm around said Dom’s shoulders.

“ It’s okay, we won’t tell a soul, will we Dom?”

“ Nope,”

“ Cross our hearts and hope to die,”

“ Thanks,” Sean thought he should probably add something in there before he got more elaborate promises. He glanced towards Lij in the corner again. Oh to be young again and to use up two weeks worth of exercise in the space of an hour. “ Is it just you three?”

And it was the expression on Dom’s face that finally caused Sean to accept that all was not well with the world at large. Paranoia is only paranoia if you’re wrong, and oh god was there something up.

Billy seemed to be oblivious to Dom’s silence and shook his head. “ Nah, there’s several others about. We managed to persuade Miranda again, she’s somewhere around here with David and Karl. Orli’s about somewhere, he vanished off at the start and I haven’t seen him since. However, most of them prefer the music that’s being played in the ocean room, so they’re all in there. I think. The bar’s emptier as well.” Billy looked regretfully towards the nearest bar to them, which was blocked by a crowd of people.

“ Better music?” Sean managed to keep his voice still casual. Billy laughed.

” Old folk music. Classic stuff.” Billy shrugged and took another swig from the bottle. Sean looked towards Dom, who was avoiding his gaze.

“ I think I’ll try it. See you later,”

“ You want me to come with you?” Dom looked scared. Sean found a smile from nowhere, and shook his head.

” I think I can find my way without an escort, but thanks anyway,” Sean winked and started to head towards said ocean room, knowing that Dom’s nervous gaze would be resting on his back. He heard Billy start telling some sort of story behind him, before that too was swallowed up by the noise of the club.

Walking through the door, Sean saw David Wenham before anyone else, leaning against one of the walls with a resigned expression on his face and a half drunk pint in one hand. In front of him Miranda was dancing with a group of fascinated young men, who occasionally gave her escort a quick glance in case they had crossed whatever line was present. With a posture which suggested reluctant acceptance of his present situation, Dave glancing around the room lazily and raised the pint glass for another swig.

Their eyes met. The pint glass paused.

They stayed like that for a further minute or so, the club continuing to blare around them although Sean didn’t hear any of it. Finally, Dave put the glass on a nearby table, said something to Miranda who nodded and waved, and walked steadily towards him.

He stopped three paces away, his eyes scanning Sean’s in a manner that suggested he was checking how dangerous Sean actually was. The blonde was faintly reminded of a cowboy movie.

Eventually, David stepped forward again, knowing that any sort of conversation in this place needed both people to be close enough for the noise to travel.

” Wasn’t expecting to see you here,” At least it didn’t sound like an accusation. However, Sean was not in the mood for pleasant exchanges.

“ Obviously. Where’s Orlando?”

Dave shrugged lightly. “Don’t know.”

“ Don’t believe you,” replied Sean steadily. There was a pause as they moved out of the way of the door as they were interrupted by several rowdier club members who pushed past them. David shrugged again, light eyes falling back on Sean idly.

” That’s your decision. But it isn’t going to change anything,”

“ Hazard a guess where he is, then,” Sean’s voice was almost through gritted teeth. Dave sighed, and stared back at Miranda idly, before turning to face Sean once more.

“ God knows why I’m telling you this, but I suppose you’ll find out eventually with a bit of detective work. He’s already gone.” Dave’s voice was regretful.

“ Gone?” Sean didn’t want to hear that. “Gone where?”

“ I don’t know.”

“Then who did he leave with?” Sean snarled. David was silent, looking back at the dance floor again. Sean managed to resist the urge to shove the younger man against the club wall but the distance between success and failure was a short one; his hands had already clenched into fists.

“ I said, who with?” Sean snapped louder at him. “ Was it Karl?”

Dave’s eyes flickered to him briefly, before looking back at the dance floor. The distance to failure grew a little shorter.

“ I really don’t have time for playing games,” Sean growled. “ Where would they go?”

The younger man laughed in genuine amusement. “ Why on earth should they tell me that?” He shook his head mildly. “ I’m just the scapegoat, mate. Sorry.”

He suddenly found himself pushed against the wall as Sean finally snapped, shoving the man the thankfully short distance to the wall, hand resting hard on David’s right shoulder.

“ That’s not good enough.” Sean growled.

“ Tough.” Dave’s eyes were narrowed. Sean’s hand pushed harder; a look of discomfort crossed the younger man’s face briefly before returning to its defiant expression.

“ You’re going to show me where to find them.”

” Am I?”

“ Yeah.” Sean’s face was inches away from Dave’s, eyes scanning the younger mans. “ You are.”

David hesitated, then shook his head. Sean was astounded to see a look of amusement cross his face, before Dave managed to get control again.

“ Fine,” he sighed. “ Lets get this over with, eh?”


Ten minutes later and they were outside yet another pub, although this one at least seemed not to have the music blaring or the crowds. Or indeed much at all; it seemed quiet and old fashioned, a neglected and faded pool table sitting in the corner. One or two of the bar stools were occupied, the rest still tucked neatly away.

Once the initial anger had died down, Sean was beginning to feel more than a little ashamed of his actions, despite the fact that David seemed to be taking his hostage situation with a distinctly casual air. Sean’s anger was still there, burning happily with a persistence that suggested it might take more than a simple discussion to extinguish it, but at least it was beginning to be aimed at the people that it should be aimed at. Not a by passer who seemed to have managed to get caught up in it all.

Said by passer was making his way towards the few enclosed booths near the rear of the bar, occasionally glancing over his shoulder to ensure that Sean was still behind him. At every step closer, the fear and anger of actually finding them grew steadily within Sean. Please let this be innocent, he prayed. Please god let it be innocent and he’d never talk back or complain or fail to pick up his towel again.

Dave paused, and glanced round at him.

“ They’re not here,” The honest surprise was evident in Dave’s voice. However, that’s what actors were paid to do, Sean reminded himself angrily, folding his arms. David’s expression grew more concerned.

” Honestly Sean, they normally come here.” David protested.

Sean’s expression did not improve. Dave sighed in faint annoyance, shook his head. “ Why would I take you somewhere where I know they wouldn’t be with you in that mood? D’you think I’m suicidal?!”

” I just think it’s convenient.” Sean kept his voice deliberately steady. “ Where else would they go?”

David looked bewildered, his eyes dropping on the floor as if in thought. Sean took this with a pinch of salt, and straightened his back further.

” Where else?” he repeated, in a tone that wasn’t too far off one of Viggo’s Do-As-I-Command voices.

“ Home?” Dave guessed in desperation. “ But they wouldn’t..,”

“ Wouldn’t they.” Sean’s voice was grim.

“ No.” David was finally becoming angry now, giving Sean a hard look. He glanced around the bar, suddenly conscious of how blatant they were being, then seized hold of Sean’s arm and tugged him to one of the booths. “ Sit down, shut up and I’ll tell you what I know.”

Suddenly also aware that many of the pub’s patrons were listening in, Sean grudgingly sat down at the booth. He could feel his temper beginning to raise up once more, and was getting extremely tired of people telling him to shut up. However, David’s own lapse of anger seemed to be short lived; the younger man managed to go back to his usual quiet expression almost instantaneously, although his gaze was still firm.

“ How much do you know?” he said bluntly. Sean shook his head once, refolding his arms and leaning back against the bench back. Dave seemed taken aback by this.

“ Then what on earth d’you think you’re doing going off on one without even bothering to find out?” he snapped. “ Sure, they’ve seen each other. And when I say seen, I mean seen. Vision. Speaking. That’s it. It’s what normal people do outside your little fantasy bondage world.” Dave caught the guarded expression that crossed Sean’s face. “ Oh yes, I’ve been told certain pieces of information. How much of it’s true I couldn’t say. However,” David rubbed his shoulder pointedly. “ some parts are sounding more plausible.”

“ Go on,” growled Sean.

“ Well, that’s it. There’s no mystery, no secret romance, no violent sexual performance round the back of clubs and drinking holes. That’s the bit you need to know. So don’t go raging round there accusing them of dubious actions without having full knowledge that there was actually something to rage about,”

“ And if there is?” Sean said softly. “ Am I allowed to rage then?”

David shrugged. “ That’s your business. If you like to rage at your friends, so be it.” His eyes studied him thoughtfully. “ I still wouldn’t, however.”

“ Saint that you are,” growled Sean.

Dave shrugged again, and casually looked towards the bar, choosing not to comment. “ If we’re here, how about a drink?”

” No.”

“ Do you lighten up at all during your life or are you like this all the time?” the younger man said finally. “ Cause I’m getting to see why all the secrecy is necessary,”

Sean leant forward in a manner he had picked up from Viggo, his eyes never wavering from David’s. “ I find out that someone I care for has been secretly meeting with someone else for a large section of his free time. I’m well aware of the possible consequences of this meeting, and well aware that for all I know half the bloody cast is more aware of the situation than I am. Added to this, I’m probably going to have to sit in a fucking plane in the next couple of days. I think I have reason to be slightly annoyed.”

“ Hmmm,” Dave seemed completely unconcerned by the growl. He picked up a bar mat and played with it idly, his eyes falling to view the object in his hands. “ Hope you know what you’re doing.”

“ I’m sorry, did I ask for advice?”

“ Nah, but you’re getting it anyway mate,” replied Dave steadily, the bar mat being passed from hand to hand. “ If you want to make sure Orlando’s going to run off on you, all you need to do is go barging up there and accuse them of whatever it is you think they’re doing. Sit down, think it over, and*calm the fuck down*.”

“ I *am* calm,” said Sean through gritted teeth. David rolled his eyes and sighed.

” You might need to work on that. Any calmer and you’ll have a heart attack,”

“ Thanks for the medical tips,”

“ You’re welcome,” replied Dave idly. “ So, where’s Viggo anyway? I’d thought he’d be the first person to go on an attack party by the looks he’s been passing in my direction. And that confrontation with Karl, boy..,” He shook his head as if in wonder.

Sean felt his heart pick up the pace once more, and looked away. Viggo and confrontations was not something he wanted to focus on at this stage.

“ He doesn’t know,” Sean said finally and softly. The beer mat paused in Dave’s hands.

“ Doesn’t know?” echoed Dave finally, incredulously.

“ How could I tell him? It’ll crucify him.” Sean protested, then sighed. “ I need to find out myself.”

“ So instead of one person lying to him, he has two?” Dave shook his head again, and stared at the beer mat. “ Dangerous game you’re playing,” The murmur was light.

“ Tell me something I don’t know.”

“ Macropus rufus is the scientific name of the Red Kangaroo,” David grinned and leant back in his chair. “ Know that?”

Sean stared at him blankly for a minute before grinning slightly and staring off towards the rest of the pub again. “ You,” he commented finally. “ are odd.”

“ And you,” replied Dave cheerfully. “ almost smiled. See? You’re almost human if you manage to get your head out your ass,”

“ Keep this up and you’ll have your own fucking problems to think about,” However, the menace behind Sean’s words had vanished. The younger man recognised this and leaned back even more, watching Sean for a few more moments with a keen eye.

“ You still want to go charging round there and confront them?” he asked softly after a while.

Sean hesitated, staring down at the table as though in its shiny polished surface he could see the answer. Dave moved forward again and leant across the table slightly, putting his hand on Sean’s arm in a comforting gesture.

“ You’re over charged and angry. Cool off a bit, see the wood for the trees and work out what actually is important. Confronting Orli or keeping him.” Dave’s hand was off his arm after a few seconds, the younger man sitting back as though slightly embarrassed by his help. Sean sighed.

“ So is that how you cope?” he asked finally. This managed to baffle the younger man.

“ Cope?”

Sean looked confused. “ Aren’t you and Karl…?” He waved a hand expressively, and had the surprise pleasure of seeing David’s expression change from puzzlement to shocked amusement.

“ What, together?” Dave failed to keep a wide grin from entering the conversation, and shook his head. “ Nah, I’m not like that. Just a mate.”

“ Oh. Sorry,” Sean looked immediately uncomfortable.

“ That’s okay.” The younger man was still obviously chuckling to himself. “ Although I suppose I’d better address my clothing habits if this happens often.”

“ And does it?”

” Only after meeting you lot. Before that everyone was happy to assume I was straight as a ruler,” Dave looked amused.

“ Assumed?” Sean raised an eyebrow.

“ Well, I am. But what the reality is and what people assume are normally two entirely different things. “ he shrugged. “ Add the media and there’s normally a third as well. But you would know that anyway,” Dave eyed him and looked pointedly towards the bar again. “ Look, mate, there’s a bar. I haven’t got a drink. Either you force me to march over to Karl’s or I force you to get me alcohol, okay?”

Sean looked at the red-head in front of him, then at the bar, as though trying to work out a particularly hard maths problem.

“ Okay.” Sean said finally. “ Let’s go with the drink and see where it ends up.”

Dave winked. “ Now that’s a plan.”


The next morning was utter, utter hell. Not through drink, not through getting up at five o’clock to get the early morning light. Not even through finding out there was another flight arranged for next week. But keeping the knowledge and suspicions so tightly curled up inside that after a few hours Sean felt like he was going to explode.

It didn’t help that Viggo was being more cheerful than he usually was. Obviously the painting was going well, just demonstrating what a release he found it to put some of his emotions onto the slightly abused canvas rather than on Sean’s back. He was almost back to the Viggo that Sean knew before he’d been brought into this situation, his best friend, the one he could always turn to for a sympathetic ear and a cup of coffee.

The best friend he was currently deceiving.

Well, deceiving was possibly a little strong. Lie. Creatively exaggerate. Whatever. The knowledge felt like it was sitting on Sean’s chest with the weight of a mountain, and this was not a feeling Sean wanted to have for long.

“ When you’re finished,” Viggo sounded amused as he waited for Sean to notice him. Sean, who had been standing in a daze, glanced back at him in shock.

“ Oh. Sorry.” Sean snapped back into day to day life, swiftly relieving Viggo of the hot cup of tea that was being held out to him. The tea was too hot, but Sean could at least focus on his burnt tongue. This proved to be invaluable as Orlando bounced into their area and made his way immediately towards Viggo, grin on face. After the usual quick check to ensure that they were not being overlooked, Orli slipped his hand in Viggo’s free one and squeezed slightly. Viggo smiled fondly towards him. Sean needed to sit down.

“ You two good?” Orlando looked from Viggo to Sean, frowning slightly at the white tint to Sean’s skin, and looking back at Viggo in question. Viggo eyed Sean thoughtfully.

” I think it’s discovering the prospect of the plane trip,” he replied, as though Sean wasn’t anywhere near them. “either that or his team lost yesterday,”

“ Oh, not the precious Blades,” groaned Orlando in a dramatic fashion. Sean glared at him for that remark, and then found he couldn’t stop. Viggo shook his head.

“ The whole set would have heard about it if it was. Some other team, no doubt.” Viggo glanced at him idly. “Who was playing, Sean?”

Sean, who had forgotten to check the papers for a suitable match, was saved as they were called back to the next scene almost immediately after Viggo had asked the question. Orlando glanced at the blonde with an unreadable expression as they walked back, but with Viggo directly in front of them Sean couldn’t do anything more than a blank expression himself.

Bide time, bide time. Hold fast, stand firm. Honestly, reflected Sean to himself, there was a hell of a lot more mental concentration needed for this than he had thought.

In the end it was Orli who sought him out; Viggo had once again been drawn into a deep discussion about the next day’s filming, and had vanished soon after the close of filming. Sean watched the young man as he made his way determinedly towards Sean’s seat, stopping and folding his arms stubbornly.

“ Okay,” he said finally. “ What’s up with you?”

Sean glanced round the area swiftly to ensure nothing was being overheard, but it was clear he didn’t need to bother. The site was loud with busy people eager to finish and head on home, or sorting out the next days shooting. However, there was always the possibility..

” Not here.” Sean got to his feet and started to walk towards a more private corner. Orlando stared after him.

” And what if I don’t want to go?” the young man’s voice was still stubborn.

“ You will.” Sean glanced over his shoulder with a look of distain. “ Otherwise I’ll report you to Karl.”

Orli looked stumped for a few moments, then glanced worriedly towards the direction Viggo had taken. His eyes had taken on a Bambi quality in size as he reluctantly followed Sean.

Once safe away from prying eyes, Sean turned to face him. Orlando had apparently gotten over his brief moment of shock and was giving Sean a sullen expression, a little boy told not to play with the tempting ornaments sitting on the mantelpiece.

“ Go on then,” he said. “ What is it?”

Sean stared at him, scanning Orlando fully as though he had never seen him before in his life. His eyes flickered back to Orlando’s increasingly hostile dark brown ones.

“ You’re seeing Karl.”

“ Am I?” There was a flicker of nervousness in the defiant eyes. “ And why do you think that?”

Sean snorted amusement and shook his head, praying for patience. His prayers took a while to be answered.

“ For God’s sake, Orli,” When Sean’s voice came it was laced with daggers. “ I know because I talked to people. You’ve disappeared on everyone whenever you’ve been out. You disappear off with Karl. Unless you’ve got a hell of a lot of enemies you want to confess to, you’re up to something and I want to know what.”

Orlando was silent, his posture tense.

“ You have no proof-“ he began in a shaky voice when Sean cut him off.

“ Proof? Proof? Exactly where were you and Karl last night? Cause you weren’t at the fucking club, Orli!”

Orlando lifted his chin. “ And how,” he said slowly. “ would you know that, Sean? Talking to people again? Between takes? Busy bee that you are.”

“ I’m waiting for your answer.” Sean growled. “ And you’d better make it a good one.”

“ Who made you my judge, jury and executioner?”

Sean seized onto some patience and tried to hang on for all he was worth. “ Fine. You want it to be Viggo asking these questions?” He raised his hands, and started to walk back to the set. Orli stopped him before the first step even finished, the defiant expression having being replaced by a nervous child.

“ Don’t tell Viggo,” his worried eyes flickered on Sean’s, searching for some sympathy. Sean sighed through his teeth, and stopped, his eyes falling back on Orlando.

“ What’s going on, Orli?” he said softly after a few minutes.

“ He’s just a friend,” Orlando’s eyes pleaded with Sean.

“ You slept with him?” Sean asked bluntly. The younger man looked shocked and took a step backwards.

” Of course not!”

” What d’you mean, of course not? There’s no ‘of course’ about it! You’re not supposed to be seeing him at all!”

“ Things just .. happened,” said Orlando helplessly.

“ Rain happens. Billy pinching your packet of crisps happens. Finding yourself deliberately lying to meet up with someone doesn’t just happen. Work has to be used.” Sean growled.

” You don’t understand,”

“ I know!” Sean ran a hand through his hair frustratedly and tried to think of a logical next step. “ Look, if you want to leave us-“ he began but Orli stopped him with a round eyed expression.

“ I don’t want to leave,” The younger man sounded horrified at the suggestion. Sean found himself completely at a loss.

“ Oh for fucks sake.. okay. One of us is obviously being extremely stupid and I have a sneaking suspicion it might be me. Orli, in words that a three year old would understand. What. Is. Going. On.”

The younger man was silent, staring at the floor. God, had he been here before. Sean was beginning to get the horrible suspicion that no matter how many words Orli chose it was probably never going to make sense to him.

“ Will you tell Viggo?” the small voice was almost too weak to hear.

Sean sighed heavily. “ Do you promise you’re doing nothing more than talking?”

There was a hesitation. It was minor, a mere blip, but colossal in size for anyone who was waiting for it. Sean shut his eyes slowly.

“ I’m not doing anything wrong.” Orli said finally.

“ That’s not the answer I was hoping for.”

“ Well, that’s the answer you have,” Orlando’s voice was being to become heated again. “ There’s other things you can do than just talking without causing problems.”

“ Agreed.” Sean said mildly, folding his arms. “ Such as?” And he doubted that chess was going to come up. Orlando scowled at him.

“ Sean, just leave it. Please.”

The blonde growled in his throat, and waved a hand towards the camp. “ How can I just leave it? I’ve got to go back there and pretend nothing’s wrong! You keeping your little secrets isn’t helping this!”

“ I thought the point of keeping secrets was that they stay secret,” Orlando’s eyes had narrowed considerably. “ Otherwise it just becomes information.”

“ Fine.” Sean raised his hands. “ I’ll tell Viggo.”

” Aren’t you a little too old to start saying that?” snapped Orlando. Sean glared back at him.

“ Orli, you want to do it your way, fine. Vig can decide what he wants to do-“

“ And you leave whiter than white.” Orlando retorted. “ Have you any idea what damage you’ll do if you just go there and shout about this?”

“ Excuse me?” Sean folded his arms. “ How is it my fault for your wandering hands, exactly?”

” This isn’t about that. It’s about Vig and making sure he’s not hurt,” Orlando’s eyes flickered over Sean sullenly. “ After all, you don’t appear to care what I do,”

“ This is got everything to do with that!” snapped Sean. “ And of course I care!”

” Funny way of showing it,” growled Orlando. Sean paused, not having realised that Orlando had the ability to growl in that manner. He sighed, and glanced back towards the set, brushing the light auburn strands of Boromir’s wig away from his vision. Orli, sensing a brief moment of power and Sean’s indecision, placed a hand on Sean’s arm.

“ Please. Just keep it to yourself, just for a week or so.”

Sean groaned inwardly to himself. A week? And there was no confirmation on how much so was likely to be involved either… Orli scanned his face, trying to see decisions.

“ I’ll sort it out. I promise.” Orlando’s voice had a deep, almost seductive quality to it, mixed in with a pleading tone. “ And no one will get hurt.”

Sean looked at him steadily, then shook his head. “ These things have a tendency not to end well, no matter how hard you try,” he said in resignation. Orli allowed himself a glimmer of hope.

“ But you’ll let me try?” Orlando’s voice was eager.

The older man paused, then nodded slowly.

” I’ll let you try.”
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