LOTR RPS: Smack the Dog 13

Oct 12, 2007 10:48

Chapter 13: Uncomfortable Conclusions


Sean stared at him, uncertain of what he had just heard, although entirely unsurprised by the businesslike expression found on Viggo’s face. He didn’t even dare look at Orli, who seemed to have frozen in place.

Sean ran his tongue over his bottom lip thoughtfully, his willpower managing to stamp down on the immediate negative response that he automatically was about to give. After all, this was what they did. Okay, perhaps he didn’t himself, and still found the whole idea downright weird, but there was no real query in his mind that Orlando indeed found this type of situation suitable for night time entertainments. And, whispered his traitorous mind, it wasn’t so long ago that the whole concept of some other man’s cock up his arse was also pigeonholed under that very same label.

Viggo did nothing for a while, waiting, his cool blue eyes reaching artic proportions. His arms were folded, giving him a distinctly piratical feel.

Sean’s mind was racing; when it came down to it, could he actually do it? He knew he had the ability - hey, criminal record to back up that little embarrassing slip - but to wallop someone whilst in complete control of mind and body...

Said body gave another firm throb, putting in the reminder about the whole arousal issue. Not that this had been far from his mind, what with Viggo standing in front of the bed still stark naked but with the confidence that normally turned up with a man in a full suit of armour.

The blonde had to wet his lips again before speaking.

“ Deal,” he said firmly. Viggo raised an eyebrow, this being his major addition to the conversation, and moved to unlock the first of the handcuffs. Sean rid himself of the second, then sat up slowly, watching as Viggo wandered past Orli, ruffling his hair as he did so as though they were having a pleasant evening out, and opened a few drawers.

Sean finally dared to give a look towards Orlando, trying to keep the stern, slightly bored expression borrowed from Viggo from slipping from his features. Orli met his gaze steadily, his eyes already bright, body trembling in anticipation. Well, what was he expecting? chided Sean to himself as he swung his legs from the bed and slowly stood up. A whipped child huddled in the corner? Or was that trembling translated as something else entirely?

“ Do you have any preferences?” Viggo’s light voice drifted to him, breaking his concentration. Sean frowned towards him, uncertain what that was in reference to, his eyes falling on the collection of .. well, *objects*lying on the table next to Viggo. His eyes couldn’t make up their mind whether to be drawn in shock to the leather cat ‘o’ nine tails, or the thing that looked like an underfed table tennis bat.

Viggo’s cool expression studied him thoughtfully. “ Not backing out, are we?” he asked softly.

Sean tried to keep the hard-man appearance steady as he picked up the paddle and gave it an experimental swish in the air, as though testing for endurance. “ Of course not.”

The beginnings of a smile entered Viggo’s expression equation. “ Good,”

Their eyes met briefly, before Sean had to turn away. This, however, brought him back to the subject of Orlando and good god in heaven did he not know how to do this. Well, practically anyway; the theory appeared to be damn basic. He swished the paddle again, almost angrily, and seized onto this sudden irritance gratefully, remembering the other things that made him angry, the talking down, the irrational jumpy fear of someone walking stealthily behind him, being locked in a toilet for THE ENTIRE NIGHT, feeling his heart thud in his chest at the thought of misbehaving yet having no idea what counted as misbehaving …

This angry feeling was easier than he thought.

Orlando, who had been watching Viggo cautiously, turned his interested gaze back onto Sean.


No concern marred these features, although there was the faintest narrowing of the eyes as though their owner was not the happiest bunny in the world. Sean waited a few moments, staring back at him completely steadily, too long for it to be anything but uncomfortable for the younger man.

Viggo had found himself a wall to lean against, watching them with that same interest that someone flicking through television channels would give on a favourite episode. His arms were folded, a smile attempting to break through at the corner of his mouth. Sean could see him in one of the mirrors out the corner of his eye. Big Brother is watching, and having a private laugh at the same time.

“ I think you’re supposed to do something,” said Orli softly, cocking his head slightly to one side. Sean raised an eyebrow, feeling more than a little irritation that his silence was broken. No bloody wonder Viggo had such tight rules on the subject. And he knew damn well Orlando wouldn’t have done that if it was Viggo in his position.

Sean’s eyes flickered to the mirror again, his grip tightening on the hilt of the paddle. Something must have crossed over onto his expression as Orli’s posture suddenly became more alert, the interested expression slipping into tension. A brief recognition that Orli would have no exact idea what was coming crossed Sean’s mind, the younger man being used to Viggo to the extent that one raise of the eyebrow could speak volumes. Now the rules had changed. About time it happened to someone else.

“ Go to the bed,” growled Sean finally, trying to increase this feeling of uncertainty in Orlando. After all, Viggo seemed to favour the floor whenever he did punishments. This would probably turn out to be practicality rather than anything else, Sean thought gloomily, but at least he could try.

Orli hesitated momentarily, before moving with graceful steps towards the bed. His eyes also flickered across to Viggo, as though questioning. Viggo, for his part, did absolutely nothing. Lazy bastard.

Orli paused at the side of the bed, looking at it as though never having seen one before in his life. He glanced behind him.

“ Eyes forward,” ordered Sean, mostly to avoid any sort of eye contact, his composure already doing back flips as it was. Orli obeyed this particular comment without any reaction whatsoever. The blonde paused to properly reflect on exactly where it was he wanted him, which was something he’d never really had to think about until now. It was amazing what things slipped by your education.

“ Lean forward, rest your hands on the bed,” he decided. On the plus side, he could always just keep ordering different positions, although that would probably turn out looking like some perverted aerobics lesson. Orli also did this obediently. His groin gave another leap at the sight of the younger man stretched out in front of him, waiting for him, willing to allow him to do anything...

Bloody hellfire.

Sean managed to drag his mind back to what it should be doing, although he could still feel the throbbing, the excitement, chained up in the depths of his mind. And it wasn’t as deep as he would have wanted either.

Sean swallowed, and tried to focus. The handle of the paddle felt slippy in his palm due to the increased sweat, which felt like it was currently pouring from him; he tightened his grip, a frown forming in concentration as Sean summed up all the anger and frustration and fear and channelled it into the first blow, the hard slap of the connection seemingly echoing in the room.

Orli yelped loudly, his back arching. Sean had to fight himself to stop from immediately apologising, watching the red mark appear on the younger man’s left buttock in sick fascination. He did that. Him. No gun pointed at his head, although arguments could involve an unexploded Viggo into the equation.

And suddenly all his senses seemed to be so much more alert; Sean could hear Orlando’s heavy breathing as the younger man recovered, could feel the aftershock of the contact tingle up his own arm, was sure he could see the tremble through Orlando’s limbs. The red mark seemed vivid against Orli’s light olive skin. Sean couldn’t help but touch the mark gently with his hand, almost as though testing its existence.

He could see Viggo straighten his back, his head lifting a little higher. Sean moved back and readied the paddle again, trying to block the emotions apart from that one feeling of control, of power, of anger; the second blow seemed harder than the first, Orli trying to stay upright, his panting heavy in the room. Sean immediately continued this with a third hit, trying to ignore Orlando’s sharp cry at this one, just as he was trying to ignore the pain in his arm that signified exactly how hard he was hitting.

Sean was trembling himself now, his hand drooping slightly as though the paddle had gained half a stone in weight. Viggo detached himself from the wall and wandered over to him, looking down at Sean’s handiwork in a casual way, as though glancing at a magazine page. Viggo calmly relieved Sean of the paddle, although replacing it with another item. Sean looked down in shock at a familiar riding crop now in his hand, then at Viggo.

Viggo stared back at him, unconcerned.

“ You don’t think you’re finished yet, do you?” he said in a soft voice. Sean swallowed, and looked at Orlando again. Viggo’s hand trailed over Sean’s back lightly, resting on the curve of his arse before the older man moved away, back to lean against another wall. And as if that wasn’t bad enough; Sean was now so horribly aware of how hard he was, the whole situation managing to speak to places in his mind that were obviously unconcerned about welfare and -

“ Get on with it,” Viggo’s voice was sharp and irritated. Sean suddenly realised how long he had been standing there, whip in one hand, dazed expression on his face as though he had been concussed. Orlando’s breathing had managed to go down to a low pant, the younger man’s head gently tipping forward as though in prayer. Sean prayed that it was only his imagination that Orli’s shoulders were trembling.

After the awkwardness of the paddle, the whip felt strangely right in his hand. Sean straightened his shoulders, and resisted another look back at Viggo. Focus. Calm. He tried to remind himself that most of the things he had done with this pair seemed this tense and this terrifying when he first did them. Now so many of them only warranted a quick thought on how to make it a little more comfortable. And, for pity’s sake, Orli had been doing this sort of thing for months. If not longer.

But not with him, a traitorous part of the mind reminded him. Sean growled at himself, and raised the whip. Almost instantly the next blow landed on Orlando, although with a little less power behind it. If he was queried he was planning to lie about leaving marks.

Sean could hear Orli’s whimper, but managed to block this out. There was almost a flurry of blows after this, trying to speed things up so the pair of them could just come - good god, did he need to come before he exploded - and get past this little chapter in their lives. Although by the look in Viggo’s eyes, this was sort of punishment was probably going to be stored up for special events, especially if one of the House Rules had been broken.

After about the fifth blow, Sean couldn’t hear Orlando’s cries anymore, had managed to tune them out. At the tenth he felt Viggo’s hand on his shoulder again, almost hitting the older man with the whip as he jumped. Viggo, who obviously had been expecting this, managed to avoid it with ease, and gently put his hand over Sean’s. Sean let the whip go, watching wordlessly as Viggo looked at it idly as though checking for damage.

Sean stepped back as Viggo moved forward to run his hand along Orlando’s back, almost smoothing his skin which Sean was relieved to note had a criss-cross of red marks decorating it but no blood welled from these. The blonde was also beginning to become aware of the thin sheen of sweat that was clinging to his muscles, his own irregular breathing. Stepping to the side, Sean tried to get some sort of glimpse of Orlando’s expression.

“ Good boy,” he heard Viggo murmur. Orli managed to move, and rolled onto the bed. Sean could see his eyes were closed, his mouth opened just slightly to assist in his breathing, but other than that .. calm. The elf mentality obviously grew strong in this one. The only indication of the sheer amount of willpower being used was the length of time it took for Orli to finally open his eyes, first focusing on Viggo then sliding across to study Sean, his eyes changing into an odd expression. A mild, sulky one, like Sean had stolen the last biscuit.

Viggo moved back and nodded to Orli.

” Stand,”

This was obeyed, although with a slight wobble. Sean was slightly more gratified to note that Orli still had an erection to challenge his own, and his own could win prizes for scaffolding. Viggo smiled and ran his hand down Orli’s cheek, the warm dark brown eyes watching him with what seemed like adoration. Viggo glanced towards Sean, who was still standing to the side looking lost and uncertain.

” You staying there all night?” the tone held no hidden threat for a change, almost joking in nature, Viggo looking back at Orli as soon as Sean had taken the few steps to get closer. Orli gasped as Viggo gently ran his hand over arousal, trying to keep himself under check.

Viggo glanced carelessly towards Sean. “ Take him into your mouth. Then we’ll see about my side of the deal,”

Sean nodded; after the whole punishment thing, simple blowjobs were uncomplicated. He sank to his knees, hearing Orli give an entirely different type of whimper as he slowly ran his tongue over the younger man’s erection. Orlando’s hands were soon in his hair, running through the dirty blonde strands as Sean tried to make the sensation last as long as possible. However, so little pressure was needed; having been on edge for some time, Orli came with a howl down Sean’s throat, his hands curling in Sean’s hair, almost collapsing against him.

And there was Viggo’s hand on his shoulder yet again. Sean stayed on his knees, staring at the floor, just waiting. His eyes flickered back curiously, but the curiosity was managed to be restrained. Please god give him the opportunity to come now; the throbbing in his groin had long since changed to a continuous ache, both frustrating and painful. He was sure the desperation could be clearly seen in his eyes, that the light green colouration in his eyes had altered to something dark and pleading.

And still Viggo found pleasure in tormenting him. No hurry was in the drift of his hand to the sensitive rear of Sean’s neck, fingers touching as though exploring where an axe would hit in an execution.

Sean kept his gaze on the floor, trying desperately to behave. The urge to satisfy himself was almost deafening in his mind. There was an amused chuckle behind him.

” Want to come yet, Sean?”

And there were so many responses that Sean wanted to give to that, mostly extremely crude and possibly with elaborations about certain people’s family members. Sean bit his tongue a little too hard to stop himself. The slight taste of blood flavoured his mouth.

” Please,” Sean couldn’t hold out the gasp much longer. Orli had shifted himself to the bed, carefully resting in a way that ensured that full weight was not put on his new injuries, watching the two older men with a curious expression. Viggo chuckled again to himself, and crouched behind him, trailing a finger lightly down Sean’s back.

“ How should we do it then?” Viggo mused behind him, more to frustrate than any other purpose. Orlando rolled to lie on his stomach, watching them intently, chin resting on his folded arms. A satisfied audience.

Was it Sean’s imagination or was that audience just slightly smug as well?

And, quite frankly, Sean was at the point where he didn’t care what the mechanics of the ejaculation were, just as long as it happened and happened soon. He could be on national television for all he cared. He groaned again in his throat, fighting himself not to swivel and grab hold of Viggo who was making no attempt to satisfy him other than promises and caresses. He could feel it now; the smooth movement round, the firm muscles under his grip, the strength needed to shove Viggo back to where he wanted him. He could even see the surprised look in Viggo’s expression in his mind’s eye.

And then suddenly a hand was resting on his hip and his attention was brought swiftly back to the here and now, the now involving two lubricated fingers - when had he done that?! - which were promptly pushed into him. Sean gasped and automatically shifted forwards, an action that Viggo anticipated and managed to avoid by the hand tightened painfully on Sean’s hip.

Once Viggo had satisfied himself that Sean wasn’t about to bolt for the hills, the fingers started to move, exploring every inch they could reach. The blonde groaned as they started to corkscrew inside him, Viggo’s body pressed hard against him as much as possible. Another finger was inserted, followed quickly by another. Sean dropped his head, trying to control his panting, eyes screwed shut in intense concentration; he could almost feel Viggo’s amusement behind him like a tangible being, seemingly finding pleasure in making him squirm and tremble and groan and beg.

Utter, utter bastard.

Times ten.

“ For Gods sake, Vig,” Sean ground out through gritted teeth. “ If you’re going to fuck me just do it!”

There was a pause, presumably as its owner considered whether this would count as talking back. And it probably did, reflected Sean, but at this point he couldn’t give a rat’s arse to it. He pushed back on the fingers, wondering if he did so exactly what sort of encouragement Viggo would take this as. If Viggo managed to lose a watch up there he was not going to be best pleased…

Suddenly the breath was stolen from Sean’s body as Viggo’s fingers withdrew with little care, positions were made, and Viggo thrust inside him almost brutally. The blonde gasped for breath, having expected a little more of a “watch out”, and his hands scrambled for purchase on the floor as he was pushed forwards, trying to find leverage against the heavy weight, the heavy weight which again was trying to split him in two.

Allowing Sean a few shaky breaths, Viggo thrust into him again, rolling his hips before withdrawing. The younger man gave a sob at the withdrawal; his eyes back to shut again as he felt Viggo gently start to caress his arousal, the gentleness of the touches a stark difference to the deliberate rough fucking.

“ Don’t give up on me now, boy,” growled Viggo in his ear, and he was too far gone to even raise an eyebrow at the use of the name as the thrusts came thick and fast into him, his pleasure managing to gallop side by side with the pain and discomfort as the older man continued his gentle playing. Sean knew the moans he was giving would be considered completely indecent, but couldn’t hold onto control of his vocal chords as Viggo gave one last hard slam into his body and tightened his grip on Sean.

Sean came with what would probably be termed a scream, feeling such blessed final relief against what seemed like a lifetime of build-up. He flopped onto the floor, his limbs feeling as though made of rubber, panting as though oxygen was about to go out of fashion. Viggo gently withdrew. Somewhere in the haze behind him Sean could hear him stand.

“ Is he dead?” Orlando’s voice, equally amused. Sean gritted his teeth and attempted to get his body to obey him one last time for a little bit of dignity before he did die. He pushed himself up, and into a sitting position against the bed, allowing himself a filthy look towards the young man who had spoken.

Viggo eyed Sean thoughtfully whilst wiping his hands on a towel that had been draped on the back of one of the few chairs in the room, then threw the towel back onto the chair with a distinct lack of tidiness.

” It’s getting late,” he announced, rather unnecessarily. “ Bed.”

Orli looked up at him with an expression that promised pleading to continue, but to Sean’s relief Viggo completely ignored this and stared at him pointedly until Orlando’s gaze was back on the floor. No arguments then. And thank god for that.

Sean managed to get his ransacked loins to consider options other than sprawl, and got shakily to his feet, not looking towards Viggo for fear of seeing new and improved orders in those ice cold eyes. His body was already guaranteeing aches and pains for the next morning regardless of how many hot baths he had, and this could only get worse in the next few days to come.


“ And we’ll take a break. Good work,”

The said next few days were hectic, even without the aching. They had spent a lot of the time messing about on the river whilst filming the Fellowship leaving Lothlorien, and there wasn’t a person amongst them who hadn’t managed to get splashed or soaked on one occasion or another, normally conveniently when they were mostly out of costume. It was incredible the fear that the wardrobe department held.

The hobbits had already bounced to their chairs, chattering nineteen to the dozen about whatever show they had been watching last night. Elijah was bound to fall asleep, having the ability to be able to sleep on anything and anywhere, and Dom and Billy had a new game that they constantly played whenever their particular brand of hobbit wasn’t required.

Viggo had been reasonably quiet these last few days, reflected Sean as he stretched and tried to find somewhere to park himself. The older man himself was leaning against one of the trees, watching the skies as though expecting aliens to land or something extremely interesting to happen. Sean gave him one last look, then looked towards Orli who was grinning at something John had cursed at him.

“ Fancy a walk?”

Sean glanced round again, startled. “ Bloody hell.. would you please stop doing that?!”

“ What, walking?” Viggo folded his arms and glanced towards Orli himself, in a more assessing and speculative way than Sean would have liked. Sean shook his head.

” Sneaking up on people,”

“ People being you,”

“ Damn right.” Sean felt with the number of people around he could get away with a little swearing. Viggo made a mild hmmm noise at the back of his throat, eyes still on Orlando thoughtfully. Orli himself had become aware of the observation and was occasionally flickering his eyes across to Viggo every so often in a way that Sean thought was possibly the most noticeable subtle ever invented.

“ So is that an order?” Viggo’s voice was mild. Sean straightened his back and gave him a wary look. Viggo, for his part, did nothing except keep a mild expression on his face to match the mild tone.

“ Let’s say request,” he said carefully. The older man’s eyes slid to his briefly, then back again to rest on Orlando. Sean was sure he spotted a large amount of satisfaction in that particular look.

“ I’ll consider it,”

“ Thanks,” Sean relaxed slightly, and began to watch Orli as well. Poor boy probably was going to get paranoid. There was a shared silence for a few minutes. “ So, where was he last night anyway?”

“ Orli?” Viggo shrugged. “ Apparently out with the hobbits. Some sort of quiz night. As long as he’s back when he’s supposed to be I don’t have a problem,”

“ Oh,” Sean thought about this. “ Been out quite a bit recently, hasn’t he?”

“ What exactly are you trying to imply?” Viggo said pleasantly, a cold stare aimed at him. Sean hastened to backtrack.

“ Nothing. Just noticing that he’s been .. uh.. more social recently.” Sean looked sheepish. Viggo continued his cold stare attack, until the younger man was desperate for somewhere else to look. “ Okay, I was just wondering.. y’know.. whether it was due to me.”

“ Modest aren’t you,” Viggo raised an eyebrow, but the eyes were moving back to Orli. “ But, for the record, he says not.”

“ So you’ve already checked?” Sean’s voice was kept deliberately mild.

” As it happens,”

Sean decided to leave it at that. After all this scene was having enough difficulty with rocking boats without him adding to it.


“ Fancy a drink?”

Sean snapped back into reality as he realised a question had been aimed at him. He focused on the cheerful if slightly apprehensive face of Dom, who appeared to be treating him in much the same way as you would an unstable animal. He was stood cautiously on the other side of the pub table where Sean had staked out as territory whilst he waited for the other two to turn up.

“ What? Sorry?” the blonde struggled to get back into conversation, having been completely lost in his own musings.

“ Drink? Liquid? Alcohol?” Dom tried, a half grin on his face. “ You look like you’re half asleep already and it’s only half five,”

“ That’s me. I like to do things early,” Sean settled back in his chair. “ I’m fine, thanks,”

Dom helped himself to the chair opposite and tried to study him subtly. It failed. Sean, who was becoming a master of the small expression translating, eyed him back.

“ Okay, what can I help you with?” he asked finally, resting his hands on the table in a business like fashion.

Dom tried to look innocent and failed. “ What makes you think I want anything?”

Sean rolled his eyes. “ You.”

Dom immediately looked guilty and started playing with a bar mat in front of him. “ Well, it’s just .. I’ve never seen you without Viggo somewhere around. It’s just a bit odd.”

“ He’s been called off to go talk about one of the scenes,” Sean was keen to rid any oddness away from people’s minds.

“ Oh.” Dom thought about this. “ That makes sense,”

“ Jolly good,” Sean continued to get himself comfortable against his chair, mostly for something to do. “ And by the way, thanks,” he added, as an afterthought.

Dom blinked. “ For what?”

Sean shrugged. “ Stopping rumours, so I hear. Defender of the faith. That sort of thing,”

The embarrassed look was almost tangible now, Dom’s bar mat being completely at the mercy of busy fingers. “ Well, couldn’t let things like that drift around about fellow cast members,”

” Never did hear what they were,”

“ You don’t want to,” assured Dom. “ It was completely ridiculous,”

Sean thought about exactly what he had been doing in his spare time, and decided to keep quiet. The bar mat was being demolished in front of his eyes. Drawing his eyes away from the scene of destruction, Sean tried to focus on a new topic which was hopefully neither odd nor peculiar.

“ Did you win?” he asked finally. Dom stared at him in surprise, as if Sean had suddenly produced a rabbit from a hat. Or, indeed, a hat from nowhere.

“ Pardon?”

“ Did you win. Quiz night thing you were doing last night?” Sean elaborated, feeling that perhaps the question might have been phrased better to alleviate oddness. Dom looked relieved, which was slightly disturbing. Heaven itself knew what had been going on in his mind.

” Oh! Right. Nah, not a chance. Could have come third if we had Orli answering the general knowledge questions though,” Back to the bar mat. Pick pick pick. It was getting quite calming in a repetitive way.

“ Didn’t have him on the team, eh?” Sean was idly considering getting a drink and glanced to the bar. After all, he had no idea how long he was going to have to hang around this place until Viggo and Orlando made an appearance. Viggo was always so thorough in his discussions, which was never great when your stomach was arguing about food and general comfort.

“ Technically,” Dom answered finally, following Sean’s gaze. The young man brightened at the realisation. “ You hungry?”

” You keen to take me out to dinner or something?” Sean looked back and grinned. Dom waved his hands in a calm down way; any more of this and he could get jobs advertising Esure.

” I’m just hungry, that’s all.”

“ Good. So am I.” Sean had decided to sod Viggo - figuratively speaking anyway - and look after himself. Vig did tend to have odd eating hours anyway, and he had no idea what sort of state he was going to be in when he came back. “ But just a bowl of chips or something,”

“ Chips?!” Dom looked horrified. “ You got to eat more than that. We can’t have our Boromir fainting clean away through lack of food.”

“ No, you lot just shoot me,” replied Sean drily.

” True, but we do it in a thoughtful way,” Dom had already gotten to his feet and was heading towards the bar. He had shaken his head when Sean went to grab some money, and had moved out of speaking distance before Sean could protest. The blonde shrugged in amusement to himself, and settled back down on his chair yet again. His eyes fell on the little mound of shredded bar mat that marked where Dom had been sitting.

Strange boy.

Dom was back surprisingly quickly with a couple of pints and a bag of ready salted crisps. Throwing these at Sean, he slipped back into his chair.

” Just in case you need sustenance before the chips arrive,”

” I’m not starving, Dom!” However, the crisps were particularly tempting. Having ripped these open and left them deliberately in the middle of the table for sharing purposes, Sean sought a further topic.

“ So where was Orli when you needed his special skills then?” he asked idly. Dom shrugged.

” Oh, he had left during the second round,” There was a pause through munching of crisps. “ Said he had a lot on.”

Sean frowned in confusion. Orlando hadn’t turned up to the house until quite late, when he and Viggo had been curled up watching a late night movie. He shrugged mentally; this wasn’t the first time when Viggo had decided to keep things minimalist in the information department. Dom noticed the frowning; the hand paused in the bag of crisps.

“ You okay?”

They had to wait at that point as their food made an appearance. After the waitress had left, Dom leant forward again.

” You don’t have to worry,” he assured him. “ He probably just had to run through a few lines for the Two Towers or something.”

“ Probably,” Sean flickered his eyes over Dom again thoughtfully. “ Although I’m curious on why you think I would be worried.”

Dom looked embarrassed yet again. The young man was obviously in the mood to start winning world records.

“ Well, I know you see a lot of each other,” he said carefully. “ and you have a close friendship there and ..,”

“ .. and you’re well aware of my domestic arrangement,” finished Sean finally, picking up his glass. Dom shrugged, and started on the food in front of him in the manner of one on a military operation. “ It’s okay Dom. I don’t mind you knowing,”

The younger man looked at him uncertainly. “ Sure?”

“ You’re hardly going to start putting up posters about it,”

“ True.” Dom appeared to have brightened considerably at the lack of loud response and was now waving a large chip about as though conducting. “ Just wasn’t sure if you were going to like me knowing what goes on.” There was a pause. “ Not that I know much of what goes on..?”

Sean recognised the tone of curiosity and shook his head. “ Top secret, mate. Viggo’ll have my guts if I started talking outside the house,” Not that he didn’t have his guts for talking *inside* the house as well, but that was obviously besides the point. “ Anyway, don’t think you’d want to know,” he added cheerfully.

“ Well, I was hoping for.. a bit of advice,” The chip was probably extremely cold now by all the waving it was experiencing.

“ Advice?” Sean was cautious.

“ Were you always .. y’know?” The chip was waved towards him in an embarrassed fashion.

“ If y’know means what I think it is, then no,” Sean attempted not to shift uncomfortably. “ Let’s say I’m a late starter in the whole world of y’knowing.”

“ And,” Dom glanced around him like a spy about to deliver important top secret information, and leant forward slightly. “ .. uh.. how did you know? That you were … y’know?”

Sean was about to comment about finding the cock up his arse, but stopped himself at Dom’s serious look. He searched his memory desperately. When did he finally come round to the concept that quite possibly he might be gay rather than just circumstance being hoisted on him? Most of his memories seemed to be quite happily tied up with vast amounts of denial. Or just plain rope, handcuffs, and anything else that came to mind, thinking about it. But obviously that wasn’t to be commented to the general public for fear of reactions, Sean’s for a start.

“ I suppose it’s just sit back and work out what actually appeals,” he said finally. “ Don’t let drink or late night decisions cloud it. That sort of thing.”

“ So what you’re saying is to wait for a bit and see if it’s just over enthusiastic or real?” Dom considered this. This sounded sensible enough to Sean, who nodded and tried to hide his discomfort with eating a few more chips and praying that he wasn’t going to be asked any technical questions.

” Iain’s probably a better man to talk to,” he said awkwardly. Dom shook his head decisively.

” Too intimidating,” he confessed.

“ And I’m not intimidating?” Sean grinned at him, chip paused.

Dom shrugged. “ Depends what position you’re in at the time, I suppose.” Further thought was made to this. “ Oh, and whether you have your sword handy.”

“ Thanks,”

There was a shared pause as further chips were sacrificed to the hunger god. Finally, Dom abandoned the chips and sat back in his chair with a satisfied sigh. His earlier awkwardness appeared to have been sated, which was just as well. Embarrassment loved company. Free of severe awkwardness, Sean watched him thoughtfully.

” So how did you know about my domestic situation anyway?” he asked after a while.

“ Just what I picked up talking to Orli. Watching you three.” Dom smirked. “ You’re all very cute, you know.”

“ Cute?”

“ Cutest thing I’ve seen that doesn’t have bunny ears and a little fluffy tail.” Dom grinned again. “ Unless you want to confess to something,”

“ I can say with all sincerity that none of us have ever felt the need for little bunny ears and a little fluffy tail. Hand on heart,” Sean moved his hand to the appropriate place on his chest.

“ Well, that’s a relief. The rumours were bad enough for the imagination, let alone bunny elves,” replied Dom cheerfully. “ Dunno where Karl gets the ideas from,”

Sean felt his back stiffen at the mention of the name. “ Too creative for his own good,” he answered finally, hoping the tension didn’t creep into his voice. Dom watched him sympathetically.

“ Why’s he got it in for you anyway?”

“ God knows,” Sean took a long swig from the pint. “ He just had a problem. Still does, by the sound of it,”

Dom frowned, perplexed. “ Why on earth does Orli hang around him then?”

Sean lifted his eyes from the glass to Dom slowly. The pint glass travelled gradually down to the tabletop where it rested.

“ What?”

Dom suddenly realised his error. “ I mean,” he stammered. “ not hang exactly. Just chat and stuff. That’s all. Probably work related, now I think about it,”

Sean’s impression of a statue had not changed. “ When does he do this?” his voice was kept deliberately low-key.

“ On a couple of evenings. Just talking,” Dom said nervously.

“ They never went out of your sight during these evenings?” Sean’s voice was lightness itself, although he knew straight away both of them detected the sharpness behind it.

Dom hesitated. Sean decided to try a different tactic.

“ Please, Dom. Just tell me.” Low, slightly pleading. A voice that was aimed directly at someone’s emotional strings, although normally used towards wives when important football fixtures needed to be seen.

The younger man seemed to make up his mind, although his eyes were still jumpy. “ Well,” he said slowly. “ they do wander off together on occasion. Like last night for example.”

“ To do things which require Karl’s presence?” Sean’s voice was the tone equivalent of a graveyard. Dom shrugged.

” They might. They might also part company outside the door, and go their separate ways. I don’t know.” Dom assessed the expression in front of him, and slouched slightly. “ This is bad, yeah?” he murmured.

Sean couldn’t bring himself to answer. Dom sighed and picked up a chip, staring at it.

“ You’re not going to do anything stupid are you?” he said finally. Sean glared at him slightly. Dom raised his hands in another calming gesture, chip still present.

“ I’m only trying to help, Sean,” he said softly. “ There’s a hell of a lot of things that sound perfectly sane at the time which turn out to be Really Stupid Things when you look back on them. I just don’t want to see you do something like that because of me,”

“ I won’t.” Sean sighed finally. Dom eyed him suspiciously.

” Promise?”

“ Promise,”

” I wonder,” mused Dom sadly. “ who’s going to assess the result.”


Orli was late home again that night.

Sean had been watching the clock since they had got back, which was a lot easier on the basis that Viggo had disappeared off to paint and the television was under his command once more. The channel was often switched to the News in order to check that the hours were as the living room clock proclaimed them to be.

Viggo himself hadn’t been that long from the discussions earlier that day, but had reported that they wanted to discuss a few of the stunt scenes with Orlando and therefore they probably should wait for him at home. This was said with a meaningful glance towards the empty pint glasses already on Sean’s table. Viggo could make someone a wonderful wife, thought Sean darkly as they left.

During the middle of a period of affection on the living room sofa, Orli phoned through to say that he was staying out late with Lij and Billy and a crowd and hoped this was okay. Due to the fact that Viggo had managed to answer the phone whilst his cock was firmly buried deeply inside Sean, this was accepted with the minimal of fuss. Fuss took up time. It was incredible how every second’s delay tripled when you were in such a situation.

“ Did he say where they were going?” asked Sean casually when they were once again able to consider the outside world. Viggo pulled on his t-shirt, and looked slightly irritated at him.

“ Some club,”

“ Oh.”

And they had left it at that. Viggo vanished off with his usual silence, and Sean found himself in the company of a particularly boring television schedule.

Four hours later Sean watched the young man enter the room, and lowered the television volume once again. Orli plonked a kiss on Sean’s forehead, ruffled his hair fondly, and sat down on the chair, immediately grabbing his magazine which he had left on a side table and flicking through it.

He glanced up at Sean after a minute’s silence, registering the mood.

” What?” Orli seemed genuinely baffled.

“ Good club?”

“ Oh, yeah, thanks,” Orlando beamed and went back to his magazine, tucking his feet underneath him and sinking back against the chair. “ Lij’s gonna be sleeping for months on end after that dance-a-thon. And Billy managed to chuck his glass of beer over some poor sod’s head. Bloody lucky we didn’t end up in the hospital,”

” What happened?” Sean’s expression was still thankfully mild, but this was taking all his willpower and strength to do so. Orli’s expression, in contrast, was innocence personified.

“ A lot of apologising!” Orlando laughed, and flicked the page. “ Poor old Bill. Thankfully his glass wasn’t that full at the time.” The younger man moved his gaze from the magazine to Sean in good nature. “ You should really come out with us some time. I’m sure there’s a tiger on the dance floor in you somewhere,”

“ Tigers don’t dance,”

“ Have you asked one?” Orli went back to his magazine, grin on his face. Sean adjusted his position carefully.

” Who was there tonight?” the question was oh so casual. Orlando flicked through another page.

“ The usual,” he replied. “ Hobbits, a few elves. Quite a few of the crew. John turned up for about ten minutes, declared it all far too violent to his eardrums and disappeared soon after.” Orlando paused to think. “ I think I saw Miranda there, but not sure. And, of course, many other people of the general public. Have you had a good time tonight?”

“ Reasonable.” Sean waved the remote slightly to demonstrate exactly what reasonable meant.

“ Fun! You should have phoned me.” Orlando grinned and finally placed down the mag. “ What was up with Viggo when I phoned? Sounded abrupt.”

“ He was .. uh… busy at the time,” Sean looked slightly embarrassed. Orli nodded in understanding.

” Three thrusts away from orgasm?”

“ Make it six,”

“ Ha! This is why we don’t have a phone in the gym.” Orli yawned and glanced to the clock that Sean had been studying. “ Bloody hell, is that the time? I’m supposed to be up bloody early tomorrow.” He glanced around the room as though suddenly noticing the emptiness for the first time. “ Where’s Vig anyway?”

“ Painting,”

“ Double fun.” Orli replied, who also knew from experience how this normally made the older man withdraw into himself. He stood and stretched slightly, pausing only to look towards Sean. “ You coming to bed?”

“ I guess,” Sean got himself up slowly. Orli grinned at him once more, and lead the way, Sean’s eyes immediately being attracted to the seductive shake of the young man’s backside in front of him. He knew from that morning that the raised welts had gone down considerably in less than two days, although the bruises were still there for anyone to see and judge.

Had Karl seen them yet, he wondered, then cursed himself for dragging his mind that way. Orli might not be doing anything more dramatic than running through his lines with a fellow cast member, in much the same way as Sean himself had considered sneakily borrowing his in-character brother whilst Viggo was elsewhere. Condemning the poor boy for seduction and adultery on a grand scale was going a little too far.

This was also echoed in the genuinely affectionate way Orli greeted Viggo, who had just exited the bathroom, the younger man smiling mistily up at him and waiting for permission before kissing him on the mouth, moaning approval as Viggo’s hand ran up his side.

“ You,” said Viggo when he let Orli go. “ are late,”

“ Sorry,” Orlando looked immediately contrite, his head bowed. Viggo watched him for a few moments, then ruffled the young man’s hair. Obviously no one in this household could have the possibility of tidy hair with all the ruffling that took place.

“ I should think so too. Not everyone can wait until the early hours in the morning without some affect on their wellbeing the next day,” Viggo gave him a little shove towards the bedroom. “ Go on. Move.”

Orli moved obediently and disappeared into the bedroom. Viggo eyed Sean briefly, a smile playing on his lips once again. There was a dab of red paint still on Viggo’s cheek which had obviously managed to escape the shower.

“ And you,”

“ With pleasure,” Sean abandoned studying the red mark, winked, and headed off to the bedroom himself. Tomorrow was another day. And with any luck his paranoia could fade.
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