Extra strange dreams lately

Jan 12, 2011 15:05

Weird. Last night I had a dream I was a slave and had to get new papers to be rescued (I had dark skin, and apparently some people with dark skin were okay, some weren't. It depended on your papers.)
So, I was given new papers (and I was 16), which were written on big pieces of colored construction paper. I think my new name was Jane. Then we got to work for really freaking cheap, but we didn't get beaten and shot if we cooperated. I still had to hide from the enforcers. It was like I was a criminal on the lam.

Then we were given jobs to collect bicycles. It was weird. Some where hanging in strange places. The bicycles weren't for us, of course.

Except I ran off to someone's house to pick apples. First I hid, but then I couldn't hide and I explained. Plus the apples were for her. She was okay with it. I felt lucky to have one safe place to be, but I couldn't stay. Then she left. While I was picking apples outside, her husband came home and I tried to explain it to him. Then I ran. I was running or hiding most of the dream. 


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