It's a gift

Aug 05, 2011 21:36

I just read "The Price We Pay for Wings" by Frayach for the third time, and the fic still gets to me. I'm a sucker for angst and Frayach writes it like nobody's business. It's that good. I usually avoid fics with long-winded descriptive writing but this one just sucks you in and makes you addicted.

It's a HP fic, Harry/Draco to be specific. There's the usual drama, romance, and stuff. But the slice of life aspect that's included in it is so real that I had to stop reading and remind myself many times that this is in fact fiction. What I loved most about it is that it revolves around the relationship between Draco and his son Scorpius. Naturally seeing H/D as the pairing, I thought the fic was all about their love life, you know as usual, but it's not. I wonder how many readers were tricked by the author. Oh there is hot smex in there somewhere but trust me it's so worth reading that even if the hot loving is edited out I'd still love it.

Frayach joins a lot of fests so her writings are everywhere, but she has all of them in her personal lj account. It's just too bad that most of the readers read her fics elsewhere, so there's practically zero comment. Don't be bothered by that though and give her fics a try. 
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