
Jan 30, 2011 22:33

Wow. I'm having a spate of good luck financially, of which I'm naturally suspicious, as is my way. Still I'm enjoying it. Got more than expected for my tax return, actually got tax return paperwork in the middle of January instead of early February, and the deposit showed up in my bank account a week later.

Add to that the twist of circumstances that allowed me to entirely forego rent next month, and I can get all my credit cards paid off entirely within the week. Which is pretty frigging awesome. I feel positively liberated.

Also, went to the endocrinologist on Friday and found out that with my upgraded insurance plan, even though it's more expensive, my co-pay is cut in half. For a specialist. That means my endocrinologist, my dermatologist, and those weekend visits to Care Now now cost $20 instead of $40. Hells to the yeah.

It feels like the fiscal gods have finally stopped shitting on my head and smiled at me. I don't know if it means they're just taking a break, but if it does, at least this gives me time to recover before they start again, and I'm sure as hell about to take advantage of it.
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