Supernatural Masterlist

Dec 15, 2037 15:58

StardustCharacters / Pairings: Dean, Castiel
Rating: G
Summary: With the apocalypse looming, Dean takes a break outside, stargazing. Castiel joins him.

Broken Heroes and Fallen Angels
Characters / Pairings: Castiel (implied Dean/Cas)
Rating: G
Spoilers: 9x03 and slightly 9x06
Summary: After leaving, Castiel hitches a ride, and muses on emotions and songs.

The Wings of an Angel
Characters / Pairings: Dean, Castiel, (Benny)
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Season 8: Purgatory
Summary: In Purgatory, Dean learned many things. He also learned, once and for all, that Castiel was an angel.

The Kindness of Stangers (DCBB 2014)
Characters / Pairings: Meta!Misha, Dean, Castiel / pre-slash Dean/Cas
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: especially for "The French Mistake", generally up until half way through Season 8
Summary: Castiel is off doing penance - and that’s fine with Dean. Of course, he didn’t count on the angel acquiring a new vessel, that Misha Collins, fake-Cas from that screwed-up universe where their lives were a TV show. As if trapping another guy inside his body wasn’t bad enough, Misha seems to have no idea that he’s playing vessel to an angel! Meanwhile, the town in which he settled down sees a rise in demon population…

Fields of Gold (SPN Gen BB 2014)
Characters / Pairings: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Gabriel, Anael / Gen
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: AU for S4/5
Warnings: non-graphic torture
Summary: After Castiel followed his commander Anael into rebellion, supporting her as second-in-command and standing against both Michael and Lucifer, he never doubted that his choice had been the right one, even if he disliked the term "assassin" that followed him like a shadow. He certainly didn't expected the task to kill the Vessels, the two humans whose death would bring the Apocalypse to a halt once and for all, to affect his loyalties in any way...

DCBB 2014: Loved the Stars too Fondly
Author: marastories
Characters / Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: G
Summary: "Most would say the Second Revolution started with the efforts of our fearless leaders. Others would say it was a combination of many factors, or destined to happen from the very beginning. Those people were not entirely wrong, but for the few that knew the truth, the catalyst for biggest revolution in the history of mankind started with an ordinary man on an ordinary day."
When Castiel traded places with his sister to save her life, he thought he would be a prisoner the rest of his life. Then entered Dean Winchester, who gave Castiel his freedom.
Art Masterpost | Fic

DCBB 2014: Fight or Flight
Author: amethystkrystal | the-blood-of-the-dragon
Characters / Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: M
Summary: After finding out that Sam said yes to Lucifer, Dean is surprised by the appearance of Castiel and is even more shocked by the angel's revelation: he has chosen to stay on Earth with Dean rather than return to heaven. Resolved to survive the apocalypse together, they settle into life at Camp Chitaqua. However, as they find themselves irreparably changed by their time at the camp, Dean and Cas struggle to reconcile their unspoken love with the resentments that have begun to fester in the growing distance between them.
Art Masterpost | Fic

!fanfiction, author: jaelijn, *masterlist*, !art, supernatural

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