Jan 16, 2009 07:34
I know to assume canmake an ass out of you and me. But, I just assumed that most professional people had a computer at home. I was proven wrong yesterday. My Assistant at work has been having some back problems (Herniated disk,. Not good.). Yesterday, she could not take staying at work and went home. She gave me her brief that she has done all thebackgound work on. Because of some turmoil at work, ( a entry I still need to write, and eventually will), my boss has implemented that all are briefs have to be doe 2 workig days before they are due, so they can be reviewed. Since my asst was not in yesterday and will not be in today,I have to write the brief and get all the exhibits ready for review since the brief is due next Frday.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday, so I was going to leave early. Before I left I told my boss about now writing the brief. She asked why I was writing it since my assistant has done all the work and know the background work. I explained that I was not sure if she woud be back on tuesday and since it has to be done 2 wrkng days before it is due, I had to write it. So, she said that she would need to review it and that we would need to email it to her. This is were I told my boss, I do not think that she has a computer. This is because when my paralegal asked her aboutdoing work at home, it came out that she did not have one there. My boss then gets irritated with me about I can not do this job by myself and we could have gotten her a laptop and does she have the internet.
I was irritated. I definitely am not trying to do this job by myself. I was not expecting to write the brief only review it. ANd I had just found out that there was a possibility that she did not have a computer. I had my paralegal to call my asst to check and found out that she does not have one. SO what can I do about that at this point. My boss was irritated.
This job is driving me crazy!!!