Titolo: Prince Igor
Personaggi: Bruce Banner, Phil Coulson, Clint Barton, Clint/Coulson
Rating: G
Avvisi: Slash
Note: Ok, l'inglese non è la mia prima lingua e si vede/si sa. Capisco molto bene ma nel parlato/scritto faccio abbastanza schifo e si vede di nuovo (ma fortuna volendo finirò all'università a Londra solo l'anno prossimo, quindi ho tempo di migliorare xD), ma abbastanza spesso Gianni il mononeurone decide che gli piace pensare in inglese, e dopo una crisi peggio delle altre è nata questa schifezza vista la mancanza di idee per fic in italiano (c'ho messo cinque giorni a decidermi a renderla visibile anche ad altri, auguri xD). Per questo chiedo clemenza per l'inglese sgrammaticato, grazie D:
Il titolo è come solito preso a caso dall'
ultima canzone con cui sono entrata in fissa e che è praticamente inascoltabile tranne per il
ritornello in russo che è la meraviglia e mi ha fatto venir voglia di studiare russo.
The first time Clint had stolen his cards, Coulson had simply smiled and told him it wasn't really a big problem, but they had to come back on his desk as soon as possible. Barton hadn't been in the SHIELD for long, so he could easily close an eye and go ahead.
The second time he wasn't really that happy, but Clint was apologizing all around and the cards came back on his desk after only two hourse, so after all he could accept it.
The third time Clint was already at his fourth year in the SHIELD, and had understood not to mess with Coulson's cards of Captain America, but probably he was trying to get killed - was the thought of Coulson when opening the first drawer of his desk he had seen there was any sign of the cards - and judging by the dust on the wood they were gone since about three hours. He re-did the knot of the tie and then went straight under the hole in the ceiling that no one had ever noticed in the way just outside his office's door.
- Barton.
He didn't yell at him or something like that, but he was sure that Clint heard the calling as clear as he would have by standing in front of him. Two seconds and the head of the sniper was right over his, with a face that was like how can you doubt about my innocence. Only his sulking expression was missing.
- Yes, sir?
- Don't force me to come up there and take my cards from your dead body.
- I'd really like to see you. Sir.
- Barton. Director Fury doesn't like blood stains on his walls.
- I don't have them, but you can come and see it with your own eyes. Promise I won't complain. - Barton was grinning all around and Coulson was really tempted to go and threw him out of his nest and hardly on the ground. But first he had to find his cards, or someone would have been fiercely killed.
- Clint, I found these in my lab, I'd really like to help you driving Coulson mad, but I already have a few red marks on my- Oh.
Bruce turned the corner with something that was really similar to the Captain's cards Clint didn't steal hold in his hands, but then he saw Coulson's face and was tempted to immediately go back in his lab.
- See, I don't have them, sir. But you can come up here anyway, I don't mind.
- Try to come closer than a hundred feet to my belongings again, Barton, and you won't live enough to tell anyone. I'm included, so from now on you can avoid my bedroom, thank you. Doctor Banner, I would be really pleased if you could hand me my cards again, thank you. - he took his cards and came straight back into his office without a word more.
- I'm sorry? - Banner said to the ceiling feeling incredibly guilty, but Clint was already following Coulson in his office.
- Oh, don't worry, I'll make him change his mind. - smiled happily Barton, while from the room behind him came something that sounded like don't even try to seduce me, Barton, or say goodbye to your bow and your access to the shooting range.