Today is the last day to enter
This Old Houses' Pumpkin Carving Contest.
I know I had a bad experience last year because I've carved enough pumpkins and hoarded enough patterns to know what's what... there were quite a few submissions that I felt violated the rules. I was also kinda annoyed that you could flood the ballot box... so... well... maybe we can take advantage of that this year? *shrug*
... Granted, I'm apparently a little masochistic in that, being the last day to enter, I just entered my
2009 carving... So... Eh... I guess I can't really talk about the suckage factor... but, should the heavens align and I miraculously win (which I doubt)... the 500 bones would be nice (excepting the associated taxes). I wouldn't mind the fundage to pay for my husband's second crown in 2 months. Ugh.... seriously, this has been the year for things to go wrong... but that's a pity party I don't want to throw.
If you'd like to vote for my pumpkin, it'll be available for vote on Oct 21st after 6am in this location: Anyway... allow me to further ruin my chances of winning by encouraging you all to enter and/or vote for your favorite pumpkins!
This is a reminder to anyone interested in entering This Old Houses' Carving Contest-- TODAY, OCTOBER 20th, is the final day to enter the
Update: Yeah... I have no chance in Hades. Ray Villafane, the guy who won Food Network's Extreme Pumpkin Carving competition, entered... Oh, well. Still... I might be a runner up? Pffft. Haha.