Some co-workers of mine were talking about poor experiences in Tucson. (Mostly on the west side of town.) The subject of the infamous No Tel Motel came up... which reminded me of this article in the Tucson Weekly:
My Stay at the No-Tel Motel: My assignment was to live at Tucson's infamous No-Tel for 1 week. I lasted 4 days. I highly recommend the read... if for nothing but the humor it presents.
I have stories like this of NewMexico-- which is why I call NM the "ass-end of the country"... I've heard people say NM is quite beautiful... but the one experience I had in a road-side "rest-area" has really weighed heavily on how I view the "beauty" of New Mexico.
I was around 10 years old. My family and I were on a road trip to or from Texas to visit some relatives and see the Carlsbad Caverns. I clearly remember one of us kids really had to "go" so my dad pulled off at the next closest rest area. It was terrible. First off, even though it was dark, I felt like we'd just pulled into the ghetto. The whole area was ramshackle. The outhouse was a great concrete building with "men" on one side and "women" on the other. My mom, sister and I went into the women's side and almost ran out and used the bushes. (Instead we walked out...) There was graffiti and feces smeared on the wall. It stank horribly. The toilet was backed up and over-flowing. I believe we all got back into the car and drove to the next rest area or a food-place across state lines. It was THAT bad.
Anyone else have an experience where you got a bad impression of some town/city somewhere?