Sep 11, 2009 23:30
It doesn't make much sense to me when other women and people I know try to convince me that having a baby is just so "awesome"... especially when all I hear are things like:
My feet are so swollen!
I can't sleep at night.
I'm just always tired.
Hey, quit kicking my ribs.
I'm so bloated and fat.
etc.. etc..
and then all that is immediately followed by "This is the best thing ever!"
Huh?! Did I accidentally turn down crazy lane back there? Wait... feeling like crap and not being able to sleep is awesome? Woah, there crazy people. C'mon... I could see something like this happening once, but MULTIPLE times? What's the draw here?
Now don't get your hopes up or anything... my guts are still on the fritz, but I'm starting to think it's stress related. Which is a little unnerving since I'm always stressing out... Especially when Jordan thinks it's cute-- actually he doesn't think he just says something like "Oh, my. That's... woah... oh, man. You don't want to know. That's just... ugh"... and then he expects me not to ask what the hell he's talking about... *head desk* Can't express how many times I've asked him to NOT SAY ANYTHING if he doesn't want me to ask about it!
Anyway, back to the subject at hand... I have more of a "HOUSE" mentality when it comes to these things. I have to give the writers of that TV show mad props because I was laughing for hours after one particular episode. The scene I'm talking about went something like this:
Jill: "My joints have been feeling all loose, and lately I've been feeling sick a lot. Maybe I'm over training; I'm doin' the marathon, like, ten miles a day, but I can't seem to lose any weight."
House: "Lift up your arms. You have a parasite."
Jill: "Like a tapeworm or something?"
House: "Lie back and lift up your sweater. You can put your arms down."
Jill: "Can you do anything about it?"
House: "Only for about a month or so. After that it becomes illegal to remove, except in a couple of states."
Jill: "Illegal?"
House: "Don't worry. Many women learn to embrace this parasite. They name it, dress it up in tiny clothes, arrange playdates with other parasites..."
Jill: "Playdates?"
House: "It has your eyes."