Mar 07, 2003 16:41
- he always smells really good in the morning
- he still smells good when he comes home
- he insists on sleep in the uncomfy chair so you can have his bed
- he holds you till the demons in your imagination go away
- you see his waking routines in your sister
- he really does love your mother
- his job is a lot harder than you realize and your respect him all the more when you do
- he never fails to sleep any more than eight hours
- all relationships aside, he looks REALLLLLY good in a tux and a suit
- his ties ALWAYS match
- but you love him even more cause occasionally, his shoes won't :D
- he cracks peanuts incessantly
- he reads the most boring books ever written, but loves them enough to share them with you and you always makes sure he feels listened to
- he's so much fun to wake up with a cup o' joe and a smile
- he's addicted beyond all help to FreeCell
- he's always sharing new computer programs with you just because they're exciting
- you love his love for Jane Austen
- he's 6'5"--and you get your height from him
- he gave you his nose, his eyes, his face shape, his hands, his feet...
- he asks for forgiveness and you gave it to him before he even asked
- he cries...there's nothing like seeing your father cry
- will add to this later
family: dad,
thoughts & opinions & musings,