Mar 07, 2003 11:48
Okay, I needed an update on the quote situation in case Mary and Sue decided to crash and lose f-ing everything. So here we are. Yes, yes, yes! I know there are tons of LOTR ones! Get the fuck over my obssession already!!! :D (All praise Tolkien.)
”Men piliannath lín. Le cû vín.“
We are your arrows. You are our bow.
- Not an f-ing clue
"I was suggesting to Peter yesterday he should insert some love interest for Gandalf in a later one. He suggested Galadriel... I said, no, I was thinking more of someone like Legolas."
- Sir Ian McKellen
"Ohh he, he must have died ss-sometime in the night. What a tragedy for the king to lose his only son and heir. I understand his passing is hard to accept, especially now that your brother has deserted you."
"Leave me alone, you snake!"
"Oh, but you are alone. Who knows what you have spoken to the darkness, the bitter watches of the night. When all your life seems to shrink. The walls of your bower closing in about you... So fair, so cold, like a morning of pale spring still clinging to winter's chill."
- Duh
"Surely you and I are beyond speaking when words are clearly not enough."
- Mansfield Park
"Your entire person is entirely agreeable."
"Yes, well, tonight I agree with everyone."
- More Mansfield Park
Men Make Women Sloppy.
- Lammy
I amar prestar aen. The world is changed.
Han mathon ne nen. I feel it in the water.
Han mathon ne chae. I feel it in the earth.
A han noston ned 'wilith. I smell it in the air.
Much that once was, is now lost. For none now live, who remember it.
- More duh
"Come on. We can take them!"
"It’s a long way."
"Toss me."
"I cannot jump the distance so you have to toss me. Ehh.. Don’t tell the elf."
"Not a word."
"I wonder if we’ll ever be put into songs or tales."
"I wonder if people will ever say, ‘let’s hear about Frodo and the Ring.’ And they’ll say, ‘yes, that’s one of my favorite stories. Frodo was really courageous, wasn’t he, dad.’
‘Yes, my boy, the most famousest of hobbits. And that’s saying alot.’"
"You left out one of the chief characters. Samwise the Brave. I want to hear more about Sam. Frodo wouldn’t have got far without Sam."
"Now Mr. Frodo, you shouldn’t make fun. I was being serious."
"So was I."
- Kiss my gorgeous ass :D
I have nothing to declare except my genius!!!!
~ Oscar Wilde
"The truth is out is bat dung, but I don't want either thrown in my face."
- My friend, Erin
God bless Mother Nature
She's a single woman too
She took over heaven
And she did what she had to do.
- He, he, he
That weapon will replace your tongue. You will learn to speak through it, and your poetry will now be written with blood.
- Don't know, but want them...
"As the Fox delighted to say, she was 'according to nature'; what every woman, or even every thing, ought to have been and meant to be, but had missed by some trip of chance."
- Til We Have Faces, C.S. Lewis
fun stuff: quotes