iTunes Meme Fic Dump (Part 1)

Apr 27, 2010 08:10

The Rules: 1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like. 2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle. 3. Write a drabble/ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. 4. Do ten of these, then post them.

I picked James (How could I not?) The titles are the songs that I wrote to.

Title: Hot In Here
Characters: James, the Doctor
Summary: The Doctor and James are stuck in America in the middle of summer.
Rating: PG

James leaned back against the cool leather chair, waving a handheld fan in front of his face. Being stuck in California in the middle of summer was not his idea of fun, especially as the air conditioning had broken down. He spared a glare for the Doctor who was sprawled on the opposite chair, looking as if the heat wasn't getting to him. James envied the Time Lord as the red head felt that he was about to transform into liquid form.

The Doctor leapt to his feet. "Come on, James! Let's go and see if we can find something to do... Maybe a lot of running."

"No way!" James exclaimed. "It's too hot."

"But I'm bored!"

"Maybe if you fixed the air conditioner, then maybe I'll think about it."

Title: Should I Stay Or Should I Go
Characters: James, the Doctor
Summary:  James wakes up the Doctor
Rating: PG

James jumped on the Doctor's bed and placed a hand on the Time Lord's cheek.

The Doctor opened his eyes and looked at James in bemusement. "What?"

"No reason, I just wanted to see you," James answered, hand playing with the duvet cover.

"Are you having nightmares again?"

"No... Well, maybe. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about you."

"Um, can I stay with you?" James asked nervously. "I mean, if you want me to."

The Doctor didn't answer, he just lifted up the covers so James could crawl in beside him.

Title: Cause I'm Blonde
Characters: James, the Doctor, Rose, Martha
Summary:  Rose is back! How will James and Martha handle it?
Rating: PG 
Warning: James is being James. Also the Doctor has moved on from Rose so if you are expecting a lovey dovey reunion fic, look elsewhere.  Don't flame me if you ignore this warning.

James scowled at the blonde who was currently hanging off the Doctor's arm. He looked at Martha who was standing next to him. "We need to get her away."

"How? The Doctor seems to be into her... " Martha grumbled.

James gently squeezed her hand. "You have me. Besides, look at his expression."

"I know. But she's blonde."

"Yeah, and she's clinging to him like Velcro or a blood stain to a white shirt. Not all men go for blondes, y'know."

Title: Battleflag
Characters: James, Jack
Summary: Jack and James spar.
Rating: PG

"Good, now kick higher," Jack ordered, as he and James circled each other. "Come on, James, get that leg up." He was knocked back by a sharp kick to his shoulder.

"How was that?"

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to ice my shoulder."

"Aww, it wasn't that hard. You wuss."

"That's it," Jack said, knowing full well that James was teasing him. "Bring it on."

"At least I don't have to worry about accidentally killing you," James said. "Well, I do but in a way, it doesn't matter as you'll pop back to life."

"Oh thanks. So these lessons are actually a way for you to try and kill me then?" Jack asked, sounding slightly insulted.

"I didn't say that."

Title: Magic Dance
Characters: James, the Doctor
Summary: James and the Doctor dress up for a party.
Rating: PG

"I can't believe you got me to wear this," the Doctor muttered as he stepped out of the TARDIS, dressed as Jareth from the film, Labyrinth.

James whistled as he looked the Time Lord over. "Looking good."

"These leggings look like they were painted on."

"Hmm, oh yes, they definitely draw your attention," James mumbled. "Come on, everyone's waiting."

"You're not dressed as anyone from the Labyrinth."

"Who was I supposed to go as from Labyrinth? Sarah?"

"Yes. I'd give anything to see you in that ballgown."

Title: Ballroom Blitz
Characters: James, Jack
Summary: Jack has crashed the party...
Rating: PG
A/N: This could work as a sequel to 'Magic Dance' but it can stand alone.

James glared at Jack, who was wielding a large gun. "Is one night without alien invasion too much to ask?" he growled, putting his hands on his hips. "Especially during the staff party."

"Sorry, but there was an alien invasion," Jack said, lowering his gun. "Did you want them to take over the world?"

"No... but look, you nearly blew up the buffet table and spooked the DJ. Could you go one week without blowing anything up?"

"Well, it's not as if I have a diary that I can show the aliens so they won't invade, is there?" Jack retorted, looking worried about the murderous look on James' face. "By the way, I like your outfit."

Title: Closer To God (Precursor)
Characters: James, the Doctor, Rose
Summary: The Doctor is not himself...
Rating: R
A/N: As soon as this song came on, I knew what to write.
Warning:  Slight Horror and the Doctor is not at all nice to Rose. Don't ignore this warning then flame me.

"The Doctor's not himself," James said, addressing Rose who was on the other end of the phone. "I think he needs an exorcist or something."

"Rose Tyler, the bleached blonde who opened her legs to every pretty boy from here to the next galaxy," the Doctor said harshly. "I don't know why I kept you around. It's not as if you're smart or anything..."

"Doctor, why are you saying these things?", Rose asked, sounding upset. "What's wrong with him?"

"The best thing I ever did was dump you in the alternate universe, but then again, I couldn't get rid of you as you came back like a bad smell. You don't seem to get the hint that I don't want you around."

"Doctor, stop it," James said, even though he knew it would have no effect on the Doctor. "I think he's possessed."

"I'll deal with you later," the Doctor promised, looking James over with a dark look on his face. He opened his mouth to presumably heap more abuse on to Rose, but James stopped him by placing his hand over the Doctor's mouth. The Doctor bit down on the red head's hand, causing him to yelp, and drawing blood.

James pulled back and looked at his hand then at the Doctor, who was licking his lips.

"I want to eat you, James," the Doctor chorused. "I want to taste you. All of you."

"Please tell me he's not talking about eating you like Hannibal Lector," Rose said, sounding really freaked out.

James felt sorry for Rose, especially as she had gotten back in contact with the Doctor and she caught him like this. "Okay, Doctor, that is enough," he said firmly. "You are not eating me."

Title: Vertigo (Do The Demolition)
Characters: James, the Doctor
Summary: The Doctor tries to help James overcome his fear.
Rating: PG13

"Do you trust me?" the Doctor asked, placing his hands on James' temples. He was aware of the fear in the red head's eyes. "I won't hurt you."

"I know, it's just that... I can't put what he did to me behind me," James said softly.

"I'm different to the Master. I won't force my way in, but I need to do this." the Doctor answered.

"I... I can't."

"I understand," the Doctor replied, lowering his hands. "You didn't answer my question. Do you trust me?"


Title: Big Bad Wolf
Characters: James, the Doctor, Torchwood, Andy
Summary: Andy calls in Torchwood to deal with a werewolf.
Rating: PG13

"Thank God you're here," a very agitated PC Andy Davison exclaimed as Jack, Ianto, Gwen and the Doctor ran up to him. "We pulled this guy because he started growling at a shopkeeper and had the potential to become violent. We thought he had been drinking but then he changed shape to this bloody giant wolf. It took four of my men to throw him into a cell and lock him up."

"He wouldn't happen to have red hair, would he?" Jack asked. "This guy, I mean."

"Do you know him?" Andy questioned, leading them to the cell. Loud growls and banging reached their ears before they actually got there. "These cells weren't made to house bloody werewolves or whatever spooky thing he is."

"He sounds agitated," Ianto pointed out, looking in at the large red furred werewolf in the cell. "He didn't bite any of you, did he?"

"Well, what do you expect? Being thrown in a tiny little cell," Gwen replied. "He wants to be out there."

"Well, I'm not having him munch on anyone I know," Andy stated, getting a loud growl from the wolf in reply. "Oh, be quiet you or I'm getting the muzzle out."

"He might enjoy that," Ianto commented.

"Oi!" the former wolf protested, causing them to look into the cell to come face to face with a tall red head. "And I love you too, Ianto," he added in a sarcastic, although Andy swore he detected a note of affection as well, tone of voice. "Name's James, in case you're wondering."

"Course you do, everyone loves me."

"I only love you for your coffee," the man, James, retorted.

"What about me?" the Doctor asked, pouting slightly.

"Come back to me when I'm not feeling like I'm going to be furry any moment."

Title: The Heat Is on
Characters: James, the Doctor
Summary: The Doctor administers after-sun care for James.
Rating: PG

"Ow ow ow," James whimpered as the Doctor helped him into the TARDIS. The two of them ended up in the south of England in the middle of a heatwave for James' birthday. James had slapped on the sunscreen, as he didn't want to get burnt, covered mostly up with a large bright yellow t-shirt and baggy knee length shorts, and had put on a large hat to protect his head from the sun. Unfortunately even though he had taken these precautions, he still ended up getting sunburnt. His normally pale skin was now red and it hurt, although he was sure that if he hadn't put the sunscreen lotion on, it would've been much worse.

The Doctor led him into the Infirmary and helped the red head take off his clothes. The red head was very red on his face, legs, arms, hands, and neck and where his clothes were covering him, he was slightly red. The Doctor sat him down on the bed, causing the red head to yelp as his legs rubbed against the bed. "Shh," the Doctor soothed, placing his cool hands on James' shoulders, under James' t-shirt, getting a sigh of relief from the red head. "Your shoulders are very warm," the Doctor commented, moving his hands to James' neck.

"Mm, that feels nice," James purred, growling in disappointment when the Doctor removed his hands. He could hear the Doctor walking away, then the sound of a tap being turned on and off and then a cool cloth was draped around his neck, making him jump slightly.

"You're bright red," the Doctor commented, moving to kneel in front of James. He used another cool cloth on James' legs. "You look like a giant tomato..."

"Gee, thanks Doctor," James said, feeling a little light headed.

The Doctor, seeing him sway, gently steadied him. "Come on. You need to have a cool bath," he ordered, draping cold cloths over James' shoulders.

character: pc andy, fanfiction, character: jack harkness, series: the james tales, character: gwen cooper, character: rose tyler, character: tenth doctor, character: james (oc), character: ianto jones

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