Fic: Mixed Characters Fic Meme (Crossovers Galore)

Dec 16, 2009 14:16

Title: Mixed Characters Meme
Fandom: Torchwood, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Blackpool, Battlestar Galactica (original), Midsomer Murders, Diagnosis Murder
Rating: PG-13 for slash (lots of it!) and implied death
Spoilers: Through TW Season 3, New DW Season 4, HP Book 7. None for the others.
Pairings: Martha Jones/Ianto, Tenth Doctor/Ianto/Peter, Donna/Starbuck, Starbuck/Peter, Barty/Steve Sloan, Martha Jones/Ben Jones, Barty/Tenth Doctor
Summary: 10 characters, 7 fandoms, 11 prompts.
Author’s Notes: Number 5 was inspired by persiflage_11. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less (or whatever length damn well pleases you) for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1. Jack Harkness (Torchwood)
2. Barty Crouch Junior (Harry Potter)
3. Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
4. Martha Jones (Doctor Who)
5. Starbuck (Original Battlestar Galactica)
6. Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
7. Ben Jones (Midsomer Murders)
8. Steve Sloan (Diagnosis Murder)
9. Peter Carlisle (Blackpool)
10. Donna Noble (Doctor Who)

First Time, 4/6: Ianto/Martha (Torchwood/Doctor Who)

"Oh wow!" Martha moaned, leaning back in her chair. "That was fantastic."

"I aim to please," Ianto said with a satisfied smile.

"Ianto, how did you managed to make such a gorgeous cup of coffee?" she sighed. "It's orgasmic."

Angst, 7: Ben Jones (Midsomer Murders)

Ben Jones had seen it all. Crimes of Passion, crimes of greed... Midsomer Wellow was a hotbed of murder and intrigue. Usually he was safe from the murderous dealings of the residents but in retrospect, he supposed his luck would run out sooner or later.

AU, 1/8: Jack/Steve (Torchwood/Diagnosis Murder)

"I guess I don't need to teach you how to shoot, do I?" Jack asked his newest recruit.

"No. Ex-LAPD here," Steve said with a growl.

"Shame. I was hoping on a one on one session with you."


"So tell me why you left Los Angeles to come here."

"Well, bad memories."

"Oh, I know that feeling."

Threesome, 3/6/9: Ten/Ianto/Peter (Doctor Who/Torchwood/Blackpool)
"If Jack was here, he'd make some crack about being surrounded by identical males and then he'd go into one of his stories about the acrobatic twins," Ianto commented as he looked over at the Doctor and Peter, both wearing their glasses, as they pored over the files while munching on some doughnuts that Ianto had bought.

"Yes, well, Jack is Jack, isn't he?" the Doctor said with a sly smile as he licked the icing of his doughnut. He shared a grin with Peter.

"So, you think he had something to do with it?" Peter asked the Doctor, licking his fingers before taking the sheet of paper out of the Doctor's free hand. "Not Jack, him," he added, pointing to the picture. "What's the matter, Ianto? Aren't we cute enough for you?"

"I never said that."

Hurt/Comfort, 5/10: Starbuck/Donna (Original Battlestar Galactica/Doctor Who)

"Of all the crazy stunts!" Donna exclaimed as she leaned over the light haired man after he had stumbled out of his aircraft to land at a heap at her feet. "What were you thinking?"

"Fighting to save my people," the man replied testily, not opening his eyes. "Frack! Those Cylons are getting bolder. Hang on, you don't sound like you're from around here. Who are you?" he asked opening his eyes.

"Donna, Donna Noble," Donna answered, trying to remember her first aid training. "Who are you?"

"Starbuck, and may I say, it really is a pleasure meeting you."

Crack, 1: Jack (Torchwood)

Jack frowned as red eyes glowed in the semi-dim lighting of the Hub and he pulled out his gun before flicking the light switch only to come face to face with a thousand pink rabbits all with a sign around their neck saying 'Herman'. "Ianto!" he yelled, hoping Ianto hadn't left yet. "The Plotbunnies are back!"

Horror, 10: Donna (Doctor Who)

Donna wakes every night from dreams that have no meaning in the real world. Giant spiders, creatures with glowing red eyes and a disembodied brain were few of the dreams that plagued her at night. She found herself checking every shadow as she headed down to the kitchen for a glass of water and making sure she only had one.

By the time she got back upstairs, she forgot her dreams.

Baby!fic, 5/9: Starbuck/Peter (Original Battlestar Galactica/Blackpool)

Starbuck, to Peter's surprise, was a loving father to the orphaned child the two of them had found in the wreckage of a building. Surprisingly, the child had gained nothing but a broken arm out of the ordeal.

Starbuck had been the one pushing for them to adopt the child, citing the devastation that took place on his homeworld as the reason. "No child should grow up without a family," he had said, a rare slice of vulnerability showing on his face, replacing the usual cocky exterior. Sometimes, Peter had forgotten that Starbuck was from another world.

Peter had, however, vetoed the idea of calling the child Apollo after Starbuck's fallen friend, pointing out that that was a name that just called the child to get bullied but they agreed that that could be his middle name.

Dark, 2/8: Barty/Steve (Diagnosis Murder/Harry Potter)

Steve woke up and was hit by the sadness in the air. He didn't know why but he felt that he would never be happy again. Memories of his ex-girlfriends, both victims and murderers swam across his mind. "Where am I?" he croaked, not really expecting an answer. The lighting was dim and he was in a type of cell.

"Azkaban," a voice, rough with disuse, answered from the cell opposite Steve's.

"Where's that?"

"Everywhere and nowhere," the voice said cryptically.

"What's your name?"

"Barty, what's yours?"


"Well, Steve, welcome to Hell."

Romance, 4/7: Martha/Ben (Doctor Who/Midsomer Murders)

Martha had lied to the Doctor about her engagement. It wasn't the fact of the engagement that was the lie but who to. She had met DI Ben Jones when she was on a mission for UNIT in Badger's Drift.

She turned around to face Ben and pressed a finger to his lips. "Let's not talk about work tonight. I just want to forget."

"Let me take you out for dinner," Ben said with a smile, wrapping his arms around her. "Or would you prefer to stay in and I give you a foot massage?"

Death!fic, 2/3: Barty/Ten (Doctor Who/Harry Potter)

Barty didn't know what made him do it. If it was anyone else, he would just let them be killed. But the Doctor saved him from the endless pit of despair known as Azkaban. He felt he owed it to him to save him in return. He could now move on from the teenage mistake that ruined half his life.

He saw the blade before the Doctor did and moved in front of the Doctor, taking the fatal blow. He fell back in to the Doctor's arms.

His assailant smiled in satisfaction. "The debt has been paid."

"No," the Doctor said, looking up.

"Blood must be spilled. Debt paid." Before the Doctor could reply, Barty's assassin had vanished.

"Don't... worry," Barty said, shutting his eyes. "I..."

character: donna noble, fanfiction, character: jack harkness, character: martha jones, character: peter carlisle, character: barty jr, character: tenth doctor, character: steve sloan, character: starbuck, character: ianto jones, character: ds ben jones

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