So youtube suggestion page suggested me a video about asexuality (gee, I wonder why :D), and I figured that I would watch it for the hell of it (I was needle-felting and wanted some background discussion videos to listen to anyway). And then it of course escalated from there and I spent an hour or two watching Ace-videos. So, now I'm all inspired
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I've been revising my old fanfics (fixing grammar, sentence structures, typos, awkward wording, excessive epithets, etc. but not the actual content), because why not
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I just randomly watched a youtube video about someone's top ten Pokémon list, and felt like making my own. However, I think I'll make a list for each gen just for fairness' sake. And then a final list with only the ultimate top ten.
Awesomesauce test with 129 questions. I had bunch of fun doing it and didn't really see much cheating changes that one could easily use to just get the class they want. So I think it's quite legit. What Kind of Dungeons and Dragons Character Would You Be?
Decided to finally give Young Justice a shot today. I'm on the third episode now and I need to let a couple of things out before continuing the watching
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So, I'm currently sitting in my English class, though in my case that's in my home and in front of the computer. And I'm ignoring it because I can't participate
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