Sep 25, 2007 18:17
I'm about to do some serious ranting about few things. But before that I'd like to announce that I made Ace-style label pins for my stetson :D Yay!
Anyway, now the ranting...
People who feel the need to explain the amount of candy they’re buying
Guilt? Hell yes.
I mean, sometimes when I’m shopping for some reason and waiting for my turn to pay for things, there’s a person before me and s/he is about to buy some serious amount of candy or other things like that. Well, then s/he starts talking with the shop assistant about how the candy is for her/his children or is someones birthdaygift or how s/he normally doesn’t eat candy her/himself, but her/his sister is coming to town and likes candy or some other stuff like that. So in other words: they’re feeling guilty for buying such amount of candy and they feel the need to explain it. Why in the hell?
It’s not like the shop assistant is interested about how much they or their dogs eat candy. It’s not like s/he will automatically think something like “Pff, look at the amount of candy that person is gonna eat right after arriving home. S/he’s gonna be so fat if s/he keeps up like that, lol” or something like that. They probably will be thinking that that person is actually buying it for someone else or for someones party or something like that. The exact things the person is about to use as an excuse for buying them. So why do they bother?
They do it because they actually are about to eat them all by themselves. Or if they are actually telling the truth, they still feel insecure about their public image. They don’t want a random person to think about them as gonna-be-fatties so they try to make excuses. But what they don’t seem to know is that when they do their explainings, they actually make themselves look more guilty than they were. At least I automatically think something along the lines of “Yeah right! Make more excuses! Like someone’s gonna believe that crap, you’re probably just gonna eat them yourself, lol” when I hear someone babbling about their sister coming to visit. So all they do is to make themselves look like a liar.
So what did we learn from here? Just buy the damn candy silently and do whatever you want with it! No one cares! At least not some shop assistant you have never met before in your life and who is so not gonna remember your face after you leave. So it doesn’t matter what s/he thinks of you!
“I need at laest 10 reviews or I won’t contunie teh story!!1!”
Ok, I hate it!
There are three different species of those review-whiners:
1) First time writers who think too highly of themselves
2) Popular writers
3) Reasonable writers
The first one is probably the worst.
Here comes the first time writer, who either is a complete and utter failure in it too, or an average one. It doesn’t matter. But what matters is, that the first thing they write in their story is the words “If I don’t get *insert amount between 5-100* reviews, I will not continue the story!”
Well, what do we think about that? This is the first story you have ever written, so you’re a complete stranger to everyone in the site. Do you really think that you have any right to demand reviews like that? Shouldn’t you wait a bit and write some more and if you don’t get any reviews, then you could ask people if they don’t want to read the story or what is the matter with not reviewing. I mean, your story may be the suckiest ever made and you go like “I won’t continue it if you don’t show me respect!” That, my friend, only makes people laugh their asses off. Like anyone would want to read your sucky story.
Okay, if the story isn’t a sucky one, but an average one instead. The difference is, that people want to see some more of it before they decide whether they like it or not. And if you go about how you won’t continue if you don’t get a certain amount of reviews, then they may just decide that it isn’t worth it as they don’t know yet if they even like it.
Besides, it’s very rude to demand reviews like that. It just makes people angry.
Well, the second one: the popular writers. You know, the ones who get about 20-50 reviews per oneshot/chapter.
They hardly do the “I won’t continue if...”, but instead they go like “OMG! Last chapter got ONLY 19 reviews! Do you not like this story? Should I stop writing it? GIVE ME SOME DAMN REVIEWS!!1!”
So in the other words they think that they automatically should receive a certain amount of reviews. And if they don’t, they start whining about how little they got. And I think that is a bit unfair. I mean, there is the decent writer who has written 20 decent stories and still has about 20 reviews when combined all the reviews they have got. And then there are awesome writers, who just write about unpopular pairings and they too have only 1-3 reviews per story. And then the popular ones have nerve to whine about not getting enough reviews when their normal amount of them is fucking huge! They should be very grateful for getting those reviews, not whine about how they don’t get enough! Every review is precious, so treat them like that!
Okay, and the last one: reasonable writers. They write about three chapters of a story and then if they don’t get any reviews, they ask “Is there anyone reading this story? I shall stop writing it if there isn’t, so if you are reading this, please let me know you are, so I will continue.” This is how it should be. If you have to whine about reviews, then you should have a real reason for it!
Though it would be better if you wouldn’t whine at all, because a good writer is not writing the story for others, they’re writing it because they like doing it. But yes, reviews are nice, so I can’t blame people for wanting them.
Writers who promise to update “next Saturday” and won’t do so
It’s irritating.
It’s one thing to write a story and update it when feeling like it and not promising anyone anything. And it isn’t a bad thing if you lose the interest in the story and tell people that it’s discontinued. And it isn’t sin to say that you “probably will update next Saturday, but it may come later” or “I’m trying to update next Saturday, but we’ll see about that” and not get them done by then. Those things are ok.
But what irritates me to no end is people, who promise to update every Saturday, but won’t do it! They do update the next Saturday after the promise and maybe the next one too, but then they won’t do it anymore. I’ll wait a week and there’s no update. I’ll wait again and a week will go by and there’s still no update. Then, the next Thursday there comes the waited chapter and the author says “Sorry for the lack of update, it won’t happen again!” and then it will again happen the next Saturday! (And we don’t count that weeks Saturday, because we got chapter on Thursday). Again we wait for about three weeks and then we get the new chapter with another apologise and a promise that next Saturday we will get the chapter in time. And we won’t.
So if the author can’t keep the deadline, why does s/he continue telling us that s/he will?! Why can’t s/he admit that it’s too much for her/him and just say that s/he will update non-regularly now on? They just keep giving people false hopes and it isn’t nice.
“I haet this anime! This vid sux!!1!”
I’ve seen too much of that.
I watch an amv and then I go to see what other people have thought about it. And then I see a comment like that. It’s really sad and pathetic. I mean really. Somewhere is a person, who hates one anime and still wents to watch an amv which is made of that anime. Why in the hell does one do that?
Is there really some ultimate purpose in walking in the middle of a fandom and shouting out loud “This anime sucks! I hate you all for watching it!” ? What does one win by doing that? That person is sure to be flamed and hated among those people, so why are they still doing that? Do they like making fools out of themselves? Is that is? Or do they secretly love that anime but they can’t admit it and that’s why they need to hold up their image as a hater of it?
Well, whatever the reason is, those people are stupid.
But I think that they go a bit overboard when they say that that video sucks because of the anime that is used. It’s kinda unfair for the maker of the video. I mean, even if the anime isn’t good, the video can be meaningful and a masterpiece when you know what is going on.
So, if you have to make a fool out of yourself and get yourself flamed, leave the video itself out of it and concentrate on the anime.
“This is like the *insert numberth* episode of Foamy and still the animation style is almost the same! U suck!”
I read this kind of comment the other say while I was watching Neurotically Yours videos on Newgrounds. It made me think... about how stupid that person was.
If the animation style stays the same for about 4 years, what does it mean? Does it mean that the person can’t do it different way? OR does it mean that the person may, you know, be content with that style and actually like it? I really think it’s the latter.
Jonahtan Ian Mathers HAS improved somewhat, you’ll see that if you look at Germaine for example. Or if you look at the animation. But it still stays the same with Foamy having no mouth (normally), people “floating around” and Foamy having the same hand gestures in different order in every episode. And PEOPLE LIKE IT THAT WAY! The creator likes it that way. I like it that way. It’s just the way it is, and it’s fine. It’s not actually the best animation seen around, but it’s not bad either. And mostly the idea is on the things Foamy/Germaine/someone else says, not on the animation which is mostly just a decoration.
Get over it.
Watch the video for it’s message and ignore the “bad animation” or just fuck off if you can’t stand it. No one’s gonna miss you here.
Yeah, ranting is over.
no life,