Oct 15, 2012 21:21

Miami U flier: 'Top ten ways to get away with rape'

A flier posted in the men's restroom at a Miami University freshman co-ed dorm offered pointers on the “Top Ten Ways to Get Away with Rape,” from slipping roofies into a girl’s drink to drug her to slitting her throat so she can’t identify her attacker.

Tip 10 read: “RAPE RAPE RAPE, its (sic) college boys live it up!!”

Discovery of the flier last weekend prompted Miami University officials to call a mandatory meeting for male students at McBride Hall. They launched a police investigation that could result in internal disciplinary action for the student responsible if found. Police presence at the dorm was increased.

But leaders in a student organization that works to prevent sexual assault is criticizing Miami’s response, say it didn’t go far enough on a campus where at least 27 sexual assaults were reported since 2009. It’s an allegation that university officials deny.

Junior Kate Van Fossen, vice present of Women Against Violence and Sexual Assault (WAVE), said the university should have notified the student body, told them the behavior was unacceptable and wouldn’t be tolerated at Miami.

“If I wasn’t involved with WAVE I wouldn’t have known about this incident,” Van Fossen said Friday. “The university is brushing this issue … under the rug.”

More at the Source

All I've been posting lately are news articles, but nothing big has been going on lately in my life that I feel like sharing at the moment. Stuff like this, though...I really feel like it's important to spread the news about social injustice and the horrible things that happen in the world that just get brushed under the rug. So even though I don't feel like posting about myself, I will take the time out to post a news article that I think should be read by as many people as possible.

What I really hate about this particular "joke" - because we all know that will be the defense the perpetrator will offer - is that it's so chilling in the casual way it encourages violence towards women. Not only does it encourage men to rape, there is also a point on the original flyer that tells men to "slit her throat" if "you're afraid the girl will identify you". What the fuck is that?

Not only is the writer of this piece of shit flyer encouraging rape, it is also encouraging murder. It doesn't matter if they meant it as a "joke" or not; there are men out there who honestly think of women as nothing more than holes to be fucked, to be used and discarded, and they do NOT need encouragement in the form of tasteless ass "jokes" that, to them, are entirely serious and validate their world view.

THIS is why rape jokes are not okay.


It's a terrible thing that happens to a LOT of people, and it's NOT SOMETHING TO BE JOKED ABOUT.

I honestly wonder about guys who do things like this, who make rape jokes, who think this is funny, or guys who actually go out and think this way, guys who rape women - don't they have women that matter to them? Don't they have mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, girlfriends? How the fuck can they go around saying these things, even in a "joking" matter, when, for the women in their lives, it's an honest possibility?

If men had to live even one day as a woman, knowing all the fears that women must experience, all the precautions and trepidations that are drilled into them from a young age - don't go out alone at night, don't leave your drink unattended, don't walk through a parking lot alone, always let someone know where you are, be wary of the people around you, make sure it's a crowded place, who is that guy at the bus stop, be hyper-vigilant about your surroundings, always be on guard - they would not be capable of something like this.

Fuck this douchebag and everyone who made him think it was okay to do something like this.

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rant, worst thing ever, wtf?, real life, in the news

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