Aug 20, 2008 03:39
Nothing's made sense in my life for any reason at all since Erik and I broke up. But the strange thing is that us breaking up doesn't really have anything to do with anything. It was just the same timing is all. At least, that's what I'm going with for right now until I have a deeper insight.
In June of 2006, I started at the Cartoys Distribution Warehouse in Auburn. I've worked there for about a year and three months, next week. Life at the warehouse is tedious and redundant. But sitting next to Tiffany and Dina gets me through the workday. There have been a lot of days where I've really felt like quitting this job, and a lot of days where I practically have, but I always come back on Monday with a pitiful sigh and "good morning..." face.
Recently, Jennifer quit. She was an awesome person who will be missed very much. But in regards to her job, she was unofficially the Nightshift Lead. Her role was to take on any project that the Nightshift Manager told her to do, or that she was asked to do by the Supervisor, and in her own time, verify all problems from Receivers and whatever need be. Well, now that she's gone, Alex and John have discussed a Nightshift Lead position opening again. Now of course, this hasn't been confirmed, but heard through the grapevine, as is anything that happens in Cartoys. Alex and John talk, John tells Danny because he's the Supe, Danny tells Dina because they're friends, Dina tells me because everyone knows I want the position.
Now I know that I know more about the processes on nightshift better than anyone in the warehouse aside from Danny and/or possibly Dina. Dina knows things that I don't, but I know things that Dina doesn't either, so we kind of balance each other in that aspect. I'm ok with losing the position to Dina, but I really don't think Dina wants it, and that's fine with me. Steve however, wants to take on the shift....we all had a good laugh at that. Steve has rarely ever done more than the "strongly requested" quota of phones due at the end of the night, which is at least 100, but typically 110-150. I average around the 120s, higher if I'm actually trying. Steve averages about 80, that's sub-par for anyone, and he's technically been here longer than I have. Only by a few months, I'm sure, but regardless, he doesn't have a good excuse, it's just his inability to do his job well. More often than not, he gets placed in Shipping or OTV because when he's alone (i.e.: not near Brandi or Dina), he has no distractions and actually gets his work done.
Interstingly enough, at work tonight, Steve sat in the back, along the West Wall, where no one sits anymore since Nightshift lost some people last year. He sat there alone, but interestingly enough, still only got 82, during the hours of 4:30-11:50pm. Minus lunch and two breaks, that's only 6½ hours that he actually spent working. 82 phones in a little over 6 hours. That averages out to 12.6 phones per hour, but we have to round down to the whole, so it's 12...... 12 phones prepped and entered into the computer every hour. Tonight, I prepped 7 boxes and about 25 phones for Tiffany in under 30 minutes. I did 151 phones tonight. Unfortunately, not getting around to the Partial Pallet or Diana's leftover RAs. Which really? She stresses over nothing. I've done more RAs than she could ever do in a night in half the time! My max is 205, which I've hit twice. She freaks out when she's got more than 30 warehouses. Psh.... Nobody will ever understand how much I'm needed here. I have innovation spilling out my ass, just waiting to be hatched into money (and tree)-saving ideas. I loathe this company, but rather than shunning it, I feel the strong compulsion to embrace it. Make it better. Make it what I want to be. I don't think that's the Cancer in me. I think that's the estrogen.
Anywho, Lead is a little less than 3 weeks away and if I don't get it, it's pretty much my resignation. Even if Dina or Brandi gets it. I'm just far more deserving. I am. And it's not a selfish bit. I really am more deserving. I do things that no one else ever thinks or cares to do because it doesn't immediately gratify them (i.e.: sorting the partials, completing single OTVs, finishing off the last godfuckingdamn RTV box). Really? I MEAN REALLY??!?!? Leaving ONE RTV box on the pallet at the end of the night? Why not just stab John in the back? It's less god damn insulting. For Christ's fucking sake. God damnit!!! *sigh* and out....
After I ended up getting off work tonight, Bonnie called me. This morning, a fuckbuddy of mine, Brian, called me to tell me he was diagnosed with Syphillis. Well, that's nice, I said. I can't be all too serious about it. It's far to stressful. Well, he actively has it and fucked me bareback, so that's great. Now I have to get tested and treated for it. I texted Bonnie about it today and when I was off work, she spent every moment she had on her break to tell me how it's my own goddamn fault and I shouldn't have been sleeping around and blahdy fucking blah. Like I don't know that. I wasn't looking for support or addaboys for Christ's sake, I just wanted to tell her because anytime I make ONE MINUTE STUPID FUCKING MEANINGLESS decision without her, she gets offended that I don't include her in my like..... WELL FUCKING DUH!!!! I don't want to include people in my life who are going to shoot me down when I'm already crawling on the fucking floor! I know I fucked up, you telling me about it and then repeating yourself when you're done isn't helping!
I'm becoming slowly but surely convinced that sometimes, she just really likes the sound of her own voice saying "I told you so". Not that this is one of those times, but I've come to understand that I will never, I repeat, NEVER meet anyone as vindictive as her. Ever. She has more anger than I do, and that's saying something.
I don't really even know what I want to bitch about anymore. I'm tired, it's going on 4am. I'm heading to bed. Today was a productive day, but not a good day. I'm tired of spending my life like I'm just preparing to die for the next 60 years. This paycheck is the 3rd paycheck of the month. According to most benefits plans (including ours), benefits dues are divvied up 50%. Half from each paycheck during the month. So whenever there's a 3rd paycheck in the month, it's benefits dues-free. So my paycheck will be about $150 more, plus at least 2 hours over time at $18.75/hr. So I'll start paying off some stuff and maybe that will put my ho-hum life back in perspective for a bit. Until then, stay black.