dance around the rumor mill..

Feb 28, 2010 20:12

....If I were to collect all of the bible verses all of my cousins, Aunts and Grandmother post on facebook, fairly certain I'd have the whole damn book in a week. I'm not saying that because I don't believe in god, my family shouldn't either.... Everyone has their own beliefs and I respect that totally. It just gets a bit ridiculous when every time I log on, that's all I can read.

In other news, nothing much has changed. Just working, working and working. Feeling quite hermit like on the weekends I DON'T have catering... Think my friends get used to me never being free on those days and just kind of stopped trying. Or.. they just don't think of me, hah. Either way, my days just sort of meld together into one long stretch of reading and dissecting everything I do.

But! I AM quite excited. August 31st, I've got myself a smokin' hot date with Shane.. We're going to see Dave Matthews Band! She was equally as excited as I was when she learned they were coming. We even shelled out and got the upgraded tickets so we aren't stuck in the nosebleed section and this way we actually get to see the stage.
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