Dec 09, 2003 01:04
Feanor stretches out on Jade's couch. "So when are you going to finish that story about my childhood?"
"Which one? I got like two in progress."
"Well, when? I'm just sitting here you know."
"I can't write till I get a job, when I can write without feeling guilty, and don't have to worry about having no insurance and medication that I can't afford without insurance and might die if I don't have. Then."
I then add, "Or maybe tomorrow if all the places I'm going to turn me down and I finish my Christmas shopping and stuff."
Feanor: Is it just me, or are you becoming less articulate since I got here?
"AHHHHHHHHH!! And my mother wonders why I have ulcers!"
Feanor sits up and akwardly pats her on the shoulder. "There, there. You can write something else. Like that Finrod story you were telling me about."
"He keeps messing it up by whispering all these idiotic campy phrases in my ears. 'Ooh, now I know you are called the Mighty.' 'Maedhros, you don't actually use that thing on others do you?'"
Teenage-Feanor twitches at his future-son's name. "Perhaps you should leave off the fic where my sons gang-bang the blond."
"Both of them?" I sniff.
Feanor, "Yes."
He then adds, "Or I could pound Ingoldo until he plays along I suppose. I'm not really sure how this muse thing works."
*Jade sniffs again* "You'd do that for me?"
"No, I'd do that for me.
*eg* Perhaps something new? That slash stuff you like? A pairing none have dared before!"
"Yes! what?"
"Who was that dark elf that was here? Ah, Meglin, Maeglin? You should slash him with someone. Like Tuor."
Jade *liking this idea*
"He spent so much time hating Tuor. Must have been denying some latent attraction."
"Oh yeahhh! But *after* I get a job!"
elf muse,