watch out for them footballers

May 26, 2013 02:53

My brother in law got hurt seriously last Sunday. Thankfully he is home and going to be okay now.

I guess he was playing soccer (football) with his soccer hooligan buddies that my sister always complains play too rough. Anyway, she was in the shower and heard him calling her from the front door. He'd driven himself home, but knew something was really wrong inside him. He'd been smashed into and hit the ground really hard. He started having trouble breathing and they got scared. But he drove himself home. He kept saying maybe he just had the wind knocked out of him.

My sister took him to the ER. He has two broken ribs, which punctured a lung and partially collapsed it. They kept him in the hospital for a good three days, during which my sister never left his side, just tried to sleep in the chair next to him while the staff came in every hour. Finally the hole in his lung started to heal over, and his lung looked mostly normal on the x-rays, so he could go home.

Her staying with him all that time and not even going home to rest or change clothes seems out of character to me. This must have shaken her badly. I mean, this is her hubby, who almost never even gets a sniffle.

I relayed messages the whole time since she just texted me and my parents can't even check their voicemail. I actually was at my new friend GoodMom's house when I got a text. The one day I try to have a social life.....LOL And my sister never texts me, cause she doesn't have a plan. (I just recently got a better phone and deal, so texts don't cost me $3 each.)

GoodMom has NINE kids (mostly adopted, some horrifically abused former foster kids), but needed help getting the cover off her giant pool, so a bunch of boys from work and I caravanned over there Sunday after we closed the store. Flyboy (he's Airforce) kept threatening to jump in, and skinny dip. I'm not sure how old he is, but none of us wanted to see that. MMAboy showed up in workout clothes and holy crap, he was as buff as Jacob in that twilight crap. And younger. 0.o It was not attractive, more like, don't have some real pants to put on??? >and an older brother And Rayme of the giant grey eyes, who is apparently terrifed of bugs and sort of like my little brother, and Greekboy came, and HeyTony, whom none of us like but tagged along to see some pool shenanigans. The giant dead frogs and scummy water put a stop to that. And the giant huge cloud of unrelenting mosquitoes drove us inside.

I hung around long and talked with GoodMom and her daughter, who along with the guy downstairs (Mr. Dean is my spirit animal) have gotten me into Supernatural. Oh boy, I have tried to stay away from that fandom and now I've fallen hard. I have no life. I was just trying to get free of my Doctor Who obsession, though my parents were huge Whovians so I've been watching Who since before I was born. And now I have a new huge time eater. (Fic recs anyone?)

GoodMom's daughter started talking about the recent season finale (SPOILERS!)

comparing Cas's grace being taken like that to rape. And then her hands started shaking badly while she was talking, and I remembered that she was one of the horrifically sexually abused foster kids and I quickly tried to gracefully change the subject. Sam's actor is gorgeous, but Dean's eyes, and Dean himself--I think I'd be Dean, but Castiel is so, so ASDFGHJKL;.... I may be a huge Cas fangirl now. I always thought he was a sarcastic guy from the gifsets and such I've seen, so I was completely unprepared for the deadpan clueless straightman he is.

It's funny that last Sunday it was in the nineties, and the last two days we've had frost warnings at night. And no heat in here, so it was flipping freezing. Winter coat indoors freezing. I wore my coat, wrapped myself in a blanket like a cape, and basked in the warm glow of the computer monitor. :P And also made cranberry-orange scones which came out kinda awful.

Anyway, the whole debacle with my brother in law happened on their tenth wedding anniversary of all things. But hey, he's going to be fine once his ribs heal up. I mean, we should be grateful he's okay and still with us and not complain about missed holidays.

I was going to post this days ago, but forgot my password to like everything, my LJ and all my emails. I had to change everything cause someone was trying to hack into all my accounts everywhere.
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