
Jul 11, 2011 19:11

This past week I've had some good progress. Like being able to wear my tight socks again--I haven't been able to get them on my swollen feet for three weeks there. This is big--they fit again. I like them cause I don't have to spend all day hiking them up when they wrinkle in my shoe. My heels are still so tender that the slightest sock wrinkle makes it near impossible to walk.

Also, somewhat TMI, my feet were so swollen from the infection I had that my toenails grew into the flesh instead of outward over the edge of the toe like they are supposed to. So like half a toenail was imbedded into my flesh on several toes. I wondered why they hurt so much!

Getting the toenails out was a very painful process, and bloody, but my toes seem to have healed now and the nails are growing normally, or cut down far enough they aren't bugging me at the moment, so crossing my fingers. Geez, no wonder I had so much pain....

My tongue is still cracked deeply and constantly painful. It's better that it was, but my mouth is determined to be the last to heal. It makes eating hard.

Last night at 6 am it was still 75 and muggy as can be. Last night I was on the computer with a fan on full blast and sweat was still trickling down my arms--grossness. I could not sleep. We had thunderstorms go through most of the afternoon and it cooled down enough that I could sleep. The parents lost power, but it's back on again.

Last night their water pump went out and they have no water now till Dad fixes it. The pump just will not shut off. And their tv died yesterday too. Like the song says, "If I didn't have bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all." So I'm not at the farm today for those reasons.

I'm making a crockpot pork roast, with a recipe I just made up, and I can't wait to eat it. *so hungry* It's got hours to go yet.

Last time I made a beef roast this way, I had a group of men outside sniffing. I could hear them saying, "It smells so good. I wish I was eating that." :D

I do like to cook. But it's so much more fun when you have someone to cook with or for.
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