Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2011 02:22

Happy New Year Everybody!

My hyacinth started blooming today in brilliant violet. It smells amazing. It's only about three inches tall, but it said "Screw it--I'm just going to flower now".

It's like 53 outside and pouring rain--it's ridiculously warm. By tomorrow night it's supposed to be frigid again and heavy snowfalls are coming soon, but for now it feels like SUMMER out there. It's January and I have the windows wide open and people are running around in t-shirts.

Some of us realists figure all this snowmelt and standing water will soon be all ice, so aren't prancing as joyously as some people, but hey, it's nice to have a night or two where you don't need five comforters to keep warm. Moose told me her son had a foot of snow come down in five hours out west where he lives in the mountains of Wyoming. That's headed here!

I got woke up this past day by gunshots again, now idiots keep whooping and setting off fireworks. SOME OF US HAVE TO WORK EARLY TOMORROW PEEPS. *GROWL*

Hotwheelz pissed me off three times in my first fifteen minutes on the clock, and almost got his butt sent home. First, he had a tantrum in front of a customer at me and having to bag groceries, combined with some inappropriate contact with my body, then knocked a cart into my elbow and told me I shouldn't have been standing there, and then tried to order me, his superior around. >:| >:| ~~>:| And Jabba2 called me over when I first got in and told me she thought she might be having a heart attack. That's just my first couple minutes of work. Some days I'm a kindergarten teacher, other days I'm running a disaster relief organization.

I bought my first bottle of wine ever. It was on sale Thursday, so I had to try the much raved about Choco-wine for a New Year's treat. Mead caught my eye as well, which I want to try, being the drink of medieval days and fabled tales, but that was pricier and I thought the chocolate stuff might be more to my taste. (I don't usually drink btw--from a combination of an ulcerative stomach, poorness, hatred of drunks, and not caring for the taste of most alcoholic beverages.)

I think I would have just rather had chocolate milk. This stuff seems really strong. I'm only having a third of a wine glass worth. That's plenty; my curiosity is satisfied. My mom called me and told me not to get drunk cause I have to work early. I think she mixed me up with someone else.

Though I really am iffy on how much it takes to get drunk. Once I did shots with the brother-in-law to make him happy, and after three he was flying, and I did seven and was wondering when it was supposed to get good. Was that the night it turned to 2000? I don't think so. *thinks* I think I did end up drinking finally that particular New Year's Eve, in a "Yay, we avoided a nuclear holocaust, thank GOD, and fine, I'll do a couple shots with you if it'll SHUT YOU UP" way.

The b-i-l with alcohol becomes a childishly giddy fellow who thinks everything is "The Best Thing EVA OMG". He showed me how to do tequila "manfully". That is nasty stuff, but when I got up totally unbuzzed, he was literally under the table, singing to the tequila bottle, wearing a battered sombrero and a tablecloth as a cape. :P LOL LOL LOL

Okay, should have been in bed hours ago. I'm still all wound up from work, and people are being so loud outside. Prepare for Zombie Jade at work :P
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